The Ugly Facts
What is the probability that producer bureaucrats would be compelled or could now be motivated to act to develop the systems necessary to better manage the industry? They’ll be on their best behavior for as long as the threat of People, Ideas & Objects and its Preliminary Specification looms in the market. Don’t get me wrong, at sixty three years of age I’m as committed as ever and will see this through, yet… My age alone shows they have little time left to wait out their inevitable return to a permanent state of their glory years. This fact may also be the motivating cause that investors and bankers see that the bureaucrats have indeed won the war. If that would be a pro or con to the bureaucracy is unknown at this time? Would finance capitulate to the bureaucrats or permanently stay out of oil and gas? There is significant difficulty throughout the greater oil and gas economy. If the aged and committed have to endure and persevere thirty one years of hardship as I have in order to have these consequences play out then I can assure you that I'll not be a trendsetter. They say the struggle is the prize and I can state unequivocally that is how I see my case. The obstinance and do nothingness of the bureaucracy has been defined and is present in these efforts. Who will step up to finance the next drilling rig, expand industries fracing capacity, propose a necessary but controversial pipeline or make the industry profitable? When bureaucrats no longer need to be on their best behavior they'll be provided with the real and substantial personal riches they've been so desperately fighting for. I can at least claim that I tried everything within my power to avoid the inevitable consequences of their actions. Actions that were as predictable as this evening's sunset and tomorrow’s sunrise, assuming the person was concerned and watching their business. Now that the damage is realized we’ll see what their fortitude looks like, what their resources are in terms of their willingness to persevere.
Intellectual Property is a valuable asset that I’ve earned in the process of my endeavors. This struggle of mine is not without significant value being attained. What, how and why the industry, service industry and producer organizations could operate as the most profitable means of oil and gas operations does mean something. This business model is a viable, theoretical model which is a necessary and general qualification that it will work in real life. It took a brain busting effort on my behalf, one that I have the medical records (five seizures between 2009 and 2011) to prove it almost killed me a number of times. I can’t imagine what someone else is going to have to do to bring a viable, workable model to the industry to solve the bureaucrats' difficulties? Who will spend the necessary ten years or more of research to figure out the “how” the “what” and “why” that a new solution needs to operate? A solution that excludes what is contained in the Intellectual Property of the Preliminary Specification. The difficulty that IP presents today’s bureaucrats is not so much legal as it is political. Investors have demanded they see a tier 1 ERP solution used by producer firms. Therefore what tier 1 ERP provider would allow their IP to be contaminated by an oil and gas solution containing pirated IP? And what director or officer of an oil and gas producer can accept an ERP solution from a vendor who does not have all of the underlying rights to the IP in which it uses? Either way, through the constructive development of appropriate systems to solve oil and gas issues or as an IP troll, my efforts will be compensated. I find it best to keep my options open.
Nonetheless I am finding it’s becoming difficult to sustain interest in People, Ideas & Objects when there's a market of $90 oil. I wasn’t doing this to be popular, I was doing it to solve problems and to earn the IP. I do have to question whether the diminishing interest in People, Ideas & Objects is a result of $90 oil or is it a diminishing interest as a result of the fact that nothing ever gets done? We’ve seen the most opportune times for action during negative $40 oil. People within the industry can see the issues as plainly as anyone else. Where the fault lies and what the solution to it is. They too are powerless when the financial resources are never devoted to resolving these problems. Therefore what should these people do? I started in 1991 and no one’s going to go through this difficult process for the high probability that nothing gets done. I can say that I’m losing momentum in the market, which may be fatal to the initiative no matter how hard I try. If nothing ever gets done it won’t be anyone but the bureaucrats fault.
I published the Preliminary Specification in August 2012, almost a decade ago. The basis of value that we attach to People, Ideas & Objects, our user community and their service providers is the differential between the base case the bureaucrats accept. Versus what the industry needs to generate in terms of profitability everywhere and always. This profitability is calculated as $5.7 trillion over the course of the next 25 years. For example the minimum may be the $130 price differential between today’s price and that which was accepted in April 2020. Making oil and gas into what is commonly referred to as a business. In addition, we replace the expectation by the bureaucrats that investors will fund the capital costs over these next 25 years. Compared to our ability in the Preliminary Specification to pass these capital costs on to the consumer and cycle them through the producer firms as the means to finance the expected $20 to $40 trillion in anticipated capital expenditures over that same 25 year period. Determining our value proposition falls within the range of $25.7 to $45.7 trillion. If this was valid since the time we published the Preliminary Specification in August 2012 then there may have been an incremental amount of $10.3 to $18.3 trillion earned by North American producers. The question therefore is, does this quantify the level of financial damage experienced throughout the industry as represented by the producers, the service industry, those who chose careers in either of those industries, the preparedness in terms of approaching what is unquestionably the most difficult and technically challenging period the industry faces during these next 25 years? Needless to say I think it does. A profitable industry is dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable for all concerned. When shareholders are satisfied through appropriate and accountable profitability that does not preclude the rest, it’s on the contrary. We’ve had an unprofitable industry for many decades, outside the bureaucrats, who has prospered? We mentioned the other day that Houston earlier this century was considered the center of the global oil and gas industry. I wonder what it cost in terms of effort to have earned that? I can certainly say, I don’t see where anyone earned anything for having given it away.
These are just the facts as I see them today. Our momentum is fading in relevance in the market at this time, and doing so for whatever reason. I’ve always maintained that people would remain focused on this project as long as they knew the financial resources were there and available for them to complete their work. They now know the answer to that question and the probability it will ever be available to them. I’ve also maintained that putting Humpty Dumpty back together again after people concluded that it was over would be just that. After the level of destruction that has occurred in the service industry, where Keystone XL was abandoned after $15 billion in investment and over a decade of work. None of these time and financial losses were incurred by producers themselves. People may now see that the grass may be permanently greener on the bureaucratic side and People, Ideas & Objects wisely never exposed them to any career risk by exposing them or their affiliation with us. These are the facts of the situation that I’m facing. Bureaucrats have always had complete control over the budget process and therefore what does and doesn’t happen. Throughout our thirty one years I can attest that our cumulative revenues are $0.00. We should note too the bureaucrats' satisfaction with the industry over the past four decades and the wealth of personal financial resources they’ve obtained. Times in oil and gas may never have been more promising for these bureaucrats. It’s just too bad about the rest of us.
On the other hand we have no shortage of work to do. Much needs to be done in the next few years. The Preliminary Specification needs to be built. The engineering and geological explicit knowledge needs to be captured as Intellectual Property and developed. New oil and gas firms need to be formed, capitalized and organized. Assets need to be transferred to these new producers in innovative, strategic and tactical ways. In this process we’ll all be helping the current producers to travel faster down their chosen journey to clean energy by disposing of dirty oil. This transition to the Preliminary Specification is something that must be done to deal with the financial difficulties the industry is plagued with from the current administration. This also needs to be done as preparation for the future. And to learn from the experience of this transition as we’ll be faced repeatedly with situations that share this same scope and scale of change in the near future of this business. We’ll therefore be somewhat prepared and experienced in challenges of this nature. Please review our Production Rights to see how everyone can participate in making this new oil and gas industry happen. An industry where it will be less important who you know, but what you know and what you're capable of delivering, what the value proposition is that you’re offering? We know we can, and we know how to make money in this business.
Those interested in joining our user community are People, Ideas & Objects priority and focus. The Preliminary Specification, our user community and their service provider organizations provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations, everywhere and always. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence, everywhere and always. In addition, our software organizes the Intellectual Property of the exploration and production processes owned by the engineers and geologists. Enabling them to monetize their IP for a new oil & gas industry to begin with a means to be dynamic, innovative and performance oriented. Providing a new investment opportunity for those who see a bright future in the industry. A place where their administrative, accounting, exploration and production can be handled for the 21st century. People, Ideas & Objects have joined TBD and can be reached there. Anyone can contact me at 713-965-6720 in Houston or 587-735-2302 in Calgary, or email me here.