Apparently, It's Their Best Plan
What are the producers offering investors today? Share prices consistently record 52 week highs and their performance since the third quarter has been solid. Has all the commodity price rise been realized? Or do producers expect more? What would be the cost in terms of hedging losses if prices were higher? Producers need to pay the royalty share on the full price of the commodity. Leaving them with the commodity price, less the hedging offset, less the royalty obligation on the full price. Effectively doubling their royalty obligations. Prior 2020 asset write downs are being reversed and the recording of minimal depletion appears to be the order of the day. All on the pretense that petroleum reserves are more valuable when their commodity prices are higher. If they can report high levels of profitability by deferring their capital costs, then that justifies? Having minimal depletion recorded in 2021 in order to have the higher commodity price report the highest specious profitability possible is necessary in order to create the facade of performance and offset what they know to be the bad news. Being the deficiency of, or as I call it, the oil and gas bureaucratic oxymoronic “cash management.” The question that people should be asking themselves about the price of the producer's shares is… If, as People, Ideas & Objects have suggested, the petroleum reserves are useless if they can’t produce “real profitability.” Is the producer's stock price a valid commodity price proxy?
For the record People, Ideas & Objects believe a high performing producer would never participate in hedging. We believe hedges establish a set level of performance at which the producer will achieve in any scenario of the commodity price outcome. Therefore the message throughout the organization is to sit on its hands, don’t do anything as the only detriment to performance are mistakes. And therefore the organization does nothing. Not what is needed from a high performing, innovative industry. What is needed is the ability to build value outside of the changes in commodity prices. Secondly, high commodity prices offer an excellent opportunity to expire greater volumes of property, plant and equipment. Extinguishing the account as soon as possible provides the organization with opportunities in the future that are highly competitive and able to increase its options. By turning over its capital investments back into cash quickly, and then having that cash available and able to be redeployed back into new opportunities and capital investment on a rapid, iterative cycle gives them a performance that is hard to compete against. Leveraging their capital structure, not annually fleecing and diluting their investors. Having the investment capital deployed over the course of many decades, as today’s producers have done, and with this depletion policy for 2021, only instills the lack of a poor performing or bureaucratic administration. One that is dependent on outside sources of cash to fund their future spending to continue “building balance sheets” and “putting cash in the ground.” People, Ideas & Objects believe that a capital intensive, primary industry should have realized that large amounts of capital costs would be passed on to the consumer in the sales price. Therefore, storing capital on the balance sheet, as has been done for the past four decades, has subsidized consumers’ the capital costs of their energy consumption at the cost of the producers' investors.
This is the point of where the industry finds itself today. When we began writing in 2005 we felt the industry was on a terminal trajectory. One in which the proverbial domino effect was in play. Difficulties had manifest themselves to the point where they were not being resolved by the organizations creating them. The consequences of one bad act were causing subsequent symptoms to be treated with the same remedies which caused further dominoes to fall with cascading consequences. If the industry didn’t begin correct action at that time then the difficulties would become too complex to resolve and terminal to the health of those organizations. We’ve now arrived at a time of healthy oil prices. 22 months after the darkest days ever witnessed in the industry. Triggered by the inability to address the existential and detrimental fact their capital structure has lost all support. Provided a lifeline in the form of large cash flows from prior investment in a capital intensive, primary industry that has been, continues to be and is easily diverted to support those in power. Abuse could never be better defined.
The point I’m making is that we’re traveling downhill on a one way road with failing brakes. Every moment that passes gives the passengers a new thrill when they discover the road ahead. There are flat sections that give the appearance of safety, only to realize they’re too short to resolve the full momentum and the steepness resumes. The driver blames the brakes and the mechanic who serviced them. It’s therefore obvious to everyone else he’s out of control and panicking. Few options are available and no time to consider them. Their demise is possible and if not, how could they ever get back to the top of the hill where they started?
This is possibly a bad analogy however I find it to be exact. Shale gas is prolific with formations that quickly overwhelm the markets they deliver into. This winter's cold season answers last decades producers' prayers for a cold winter. Prices have been healthy and increased takeaway capacity has helped producers remove the excess production from the Permian where prices last week reached $4.11. The Marcellus is benefiting from a cold North East where prices are also “high” for that region at $4.30. And deliveries into Boston were priced at $18.96 with Canadians getting in on the action at $18.75. The difficulties with these handsome prices is that they’re providing the Chicago Mercantile Exchange with profits they could never have dreamed of when they bought the hedges that producers were selling. Oil prices have maintained an average price of $75 over the past three months which brings about the same difficulties for producers. Not all production is hedged. After the scare of negative $40 oil prices were over, producer bureaucrats panicked and were quick to grab the first piece of solid ground which to them were hedging contracts priced in the $40 to $45 region. Natural Gas hedging contracts are averaging around $2.50 to $2.80. Hence the next destination on the speeding cars speedometer is the fact these hedges are consuming large amounts of producer cash. Cash that hasn’t been seen in the industry since investors began leaving in 2015.
When producers operate as non-commercial enterprises they qualify as what I call unreformed spendaholics. Since they don’t generate value, value needs to be sourced from others which was easily obtained through the facade of their financial reporting. Investors and bankers eventually caught on to this. Having no support for the organization's capital structure is the end of that organizations' usable life, except in oil and gas, where cash flow is strong enough to support the bureaucracy in its lifestyle of the rich and famous. Bureaucrats are, as they claim to be, innovative in their search for cash and therefore quickly duped the service industry into funding their capital programs through accounts payable over the course of 18 months. They said they’d be paid as they always had been, it just didn’t turn out that way. And when that didn’t work anymore production was the source of the much needed cash to fund the “overhead.” Negative commodity prices unfortunately are real. Therefore the only possible way to ensure the future was to hedge production and secure that income and the bureaucrats continued existence. Except now the revenue less the royalty less the hedge are costing more than they realized. What we’re seeing here are the cascading consequences of the dominoes. To deal with these problems they just shifted over to clean energy. And now, the last resort of all the bureaucrats in their search to now pay their hedging contracts is to cannibalize one another. In the producers second and third quarter financial statements of 2021 People, Ideas & Objects believe that producer bureaucrats are withholding payment of their working interest partners shares of their cash flow from their properties. Betraying the trust between the partnerships that are a foundation of the industry. For those who are still with me, this is the rock wall in the car's path coming into clear focus.
OPEC+ have done a remarkably good job in keeping the market well fed and the oil price stable since they intervened to remove production as a result of COVID. What is critical to understand about their actions is. They see the state of the North American oil and gas producers as represented in this car analogy. OPEC+ remains at the top of the hill and can see the dust trail from the vehicle and its trajectory. If by some miracle the car's occupants survive, OPEC+ knows they won’t be back soon to cause harm to the oil markets as they have since 1986. And they know there's nothing that they could or could have done to help. Whether they precipitated the North American producer's decline is not at issue. They, as have everyone else in the industry, have been negatively affected by the (in)actions and activities of these bureaucrats for the past four decades. They found themselves unable to deal with the obstinate and pious officers and directors of these producers. Something that OPEC+ could probably share their notes on with the North American producers disgruntled investors and bankers.
It was a good car once. One of those spacious, luxurious, expensive, foreign models. Thankfully only other officers and directors were in the vehicle at the time, our good friends the bureaucrats. Therefore what is it that needs to be done with the remains of the producing assets of the industry. Those that are demanding capital just to produce. And all those good people who are still committed to the industry. People, Ideas & Objects have a solution in the form of the Preliminary Specification that proves that we can, and we know how to make money in this business.
On the other hand we have no shortage of work to do. Much needs to be done in the next few years. The Preliminary Specification needs to be built. The engineering and geological explicit knowledge needs to be captured as Intellectual Property and developed. New oil and gas firms need to be formed, capitalized and organized. Assets need to be transferred to these new producers in innovative, strategic and tactical ways. In this process we’ll all be helping the current producers to travel faster down their chosen journey to clean energy by disposing of dirty oil. This transition to the Preliminary Specification is something that must be done to deal with the financial difficulties the industry is plagued with from the current administration. This also needs to be done as preparation for the future. And to learn from the experience of this transition as we’ll be faced repeatedly with situations that share this same scope and scale of change in the near future of this business. We’ll therefore be somewhat prepared and experienced in challenges of this nature. Please review our Production Rights to see how everyone can participate in making this new oil and gas industry happen. An industry where it will be less important who you know, but what you know and what you're capable of delivering, what the value proposition is that you’re offering? We know we can, and we know how to make money in this business.
Those interested in joining our user community are People, Ideas & Objects priority and focus. The Preliminary Specification, our user community and their service provider organizations provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations, everywhere and always. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence, everywhere and always. In addition, our software organizes the Intellectual Property of the exploration and production processes owned by the engineers and geologists. Enabling them to monetize their IP for a new oil & gas industry to begin with a means to be dynamic, innovative and performance oriented. Providing a new investment opportunity for those who see a bright future in the industry. A place where their administrative, accounting, exploration and production can be handled for the 21st century. People, Ideas & Objects have joined gettr and can be reached there. Anyone can contact me at 713-965-6720 in Houston or 587-735-2302 in Calgary, or email me here.