Who Will Prosper Now?
If we take the situation being represented by the producer bureaucrats. That all is well and prosperity abounds. We should ask what brought about this environment, what did they do to bring this about? What behaviors can we expect to see from our good friends the bureaucrats now that they have the alleged well oiled machine operating so well? With respect to People, Ideas & Objects vision of profitable energy independence for the remainder of the century, are we ready to drive the North American economy forward in that possible and probable overall vision. What are producers' plans beyond last year's xeroxed capital budget and drilling plans? How will they address their issues, and begin to provide some profitable stability into the industry by proving, not declaring, they’ve eliminated the boom / bust cycle? Rebuilt the service industry and repopulated the university faculties? Cash flow is nothing more than the return of previously invested capital. What value was created, where are those “real” profits?
Throughout their administration, and particularly since 2015, we’ve heard nothing regarding their positions other than they’d “muddle through.” Recognition of the fact there are material, existential issues in play, damage and destruction has been realized under their management yet nothing has been done to accept there’s even a problem. With the increase in commodity prices they’re feeling justified in their management and assume that now, things will resume as before. To engage People, Ideas & Objects as the irritant that we are, required nothing more than the effort to stop a mosquito from drawing more blood. Outside of this I see no desire for them to engage in their business in any manner that could be seen or interpreted as a commitment to that business. It was last year there were wholesale declarations that oil and gas would not be profitable and they were moving to clean energy. I fail to see how under their administration the industry would continue in any positive direction. I fail to see under these circumstances why they would be given another opportunity on top of all the other chances they’ve wasted before. So let’s look at this from the perspective of the people who’ve invested all they have in terms of time, energy, money and careers in the greater oil and gas economy.
There is no greater signal to management than when your investors no longer support the firm. This only happened recently this century and therefore given time the message may yet still arrive. Cash flow in a capital intensive, primary industry is more than adequate to meet the bureaucrats' needs. What good are petroleum reserves if they’ve never, are or will be able to produce real profitability? The net present value of the firm is therefore zero and this is the protest message investors are sending. People from outside of the industry are looking at these bureaucrats with disbelief at their inability to grasp what it is that's wrong.
Recall last year, actually just last month, bureaucrats discovered and declared “production discipline.” Now, EOG is saying increased production is the way to go…
The company has yet to resume pre-pandemic levels of production, but that could change this year under certain macroeconomic conditions, EOG Chief Executive Officer Ezra Yacob said in a virtual energy conference hosted by Goldman Sachs Group Inc. The driller is monitoring global oil demand, inventory levels and unused production capacity within OPEC+, Yacob said.
Culture is unchangeable. Only a rebuilding upon a different culture will be accepted by investors. That’s the message that I’m reading.
There is a backdrop of a scenario where interest rates may be rising in the future. Some say that government interests are counter to them raising rates. That has nothing to do with rates. It is the market that determines rates and the Fed plays along like it has a role. If the market feels the Fed isn’t representing the market, the market will do what it thinks is best for itself and why the 10 yr Treasury Yield is up 61% in 2021. This has put a chill into the market in 2022 and could be highly detrimental to the producer firms who are extensively leveraged. Back when petroleum reserves were everything, banks bought the story. Loaning money to producers on the basis of the proven reserves. As we know, these led to the “ability” of the producer to include as property, plant and equipment any cost they incurred including overhead, interest etc. Inflating the balance sheet and attempting to emulate the value of the reserves. Conversely with higher asset values the proportionately larger, specious profits and cash flow of a capital intensive, primary industry gave the appearance of viability. What the banks have now learned is that without a steady flow of new capital to spend, producer firms are houses of cards in a hurricane.
The concept of a commercial operation, of a business or enterprise with the purpose of money being made and value created has not been the culture in the industry. The point of the exercise or activity is to acquire land, gain production at whatever cost and expand reserves. These, in addition to being fully focused on the latest trend such as shale, are what drive the “successful” oil and gas producer for the past number of decades. The past decade saw the majority of their primary capital sources, investors and bankers, withdraw and time has shown the desperate search for alternative sources subsequently travelled through decapitalizing the service industry, collapsing the commodity prices and now we believe cannibalizing their partners.
This is the point where bureaucrats feel there's an opportunity for banks and investors to get back in. After they’ve done nothing to resolve, address or even recognize their issues. Just send cash.
The service industry
The service industry is wholly dependent on producers for revenue. There are no other customers of drilling rigs or frac operations. These are capital intensive operations, geographically diverse, highly skilled and labor intensive. Nonetheless, when there is a willing acceptance of the boom / bust cycle by bureaucrats the consequences are fully and completely felt by the service industry. The oil and gas producer generates the revenues that fuels the service industry as well as the bureaucrats. A healthy, prosperous and competitive service industry that is constantly expanding its innovation, capabilities and capacities is a concern of the producer firms.
Except for now. The consequences of the actions taken over the past 40 years have created a culture that is known and understood throughout the service industry. We can discuss all the conceptual aspects of trust, faith, integrity and goodwill and know that none of these exist. The question that needs to be asked is who’s going to rebuild these field capacities and capabilities when their costs to the producer have now achieved record prices with only 25% of the prior capacity utilization? The second question is who would benefit from a rebuilt service industry and why?
The best indicator of the status of the oil and gas industry's employment are Houston and Calgary office vacancy rates. Houston’s has a 23.5% vacancy from a total of 220 msf or 51.7 msf of available space. Calgary has a vacancy rate of 29.9% of a total vacancy of 46.5 msf or 13.9 msf of available space. Houston's vacancies are larger than Calgary's entire market. In terms of the reason why there is that vacancy my assumption is that 100% is attributable to the downturn in the industry since 2015 and nothing from the lockdowns. This assumption is on the basis that leases are long term and subject to the lessee’s long term requirements, not short term trends. Vacancy percentages are not largely changed from 2019. Though there are many firms who have chosen to now work from home permanently, the volume of real estate released as a result would be immaterial at this time, and unknown how much real estate that’s vacant, yet still being paid for.
In the service industry people have moved on to other more stable industries that enable an individual to raise a family and take on a mortgage. In oil and gas those that remain are not far behind in the renouncement of their pledge of allegiance to the corporate logo. It makes me nauseous to think in terms of the scope and scale of difficulties in just identifying the problems here. This may be the hardest of all the issues to resolve. A highly technical industry will regress in its capacities and capabilities for that there is no doubt. This was not necessary.
Tertiary industries.
The betrayal of those that worked indirectly in the areas of operations and major cities where oil and gas exists were affected detrimentally by this downturn. I would leave the bureaucrats with the question of what it is they plan to do to address these areas. Granted oil prices are up but what have oil prices provided, and for whom, in the past? What’s the plan, how are they going to fix it? Another question that’s pertinent is why will they be doing it?
In contrast, the Preliminary Specification, our user community and their service provider organizations set down a foundation of five organizational constructs in which to begin rebuilding the oil and gas industry into the dynamic, innovative, accountable, profitable, productive and prosperous producer and industries they always should have been.
- The Joint Operating Committee
From an administrative and accounting perspective this is the long lost soul of the oil and gas producer. In its place there has become a focus on the corporation. There is a divide in producers that is very evident. On one side you have accounting and administration, on the other is geology and engineering. They have no understanding of one another, no communication and otherwise go about their business. When the SEC, Tax, Royalty, environmental, governmental compliance and accountability is needed it is demanded of the corporation. This is what occupies accounting and administration. Note I did not list performance, a key role of accounting. Partners and operations are handled elsewhere.
The Preliminary Specification identifies and supports the Joint Operating Committee as the key organization construct. It is the legal, financial, operational decision making, cultural, communication, innovation and strategic framework of the industry. Providing the producer with speed, accountability and profitability in their operations. Identifying and supporting this construct with its frameworks will integrate the accounting and administration under its natural culture.
- Specialization and division of labor.
To organize work within oil and gas demands bringing people from many different geographies together. With the Internet this is enabled and it is the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems such as People, Ideas & Objects that provide the ability to organize these resources. What we have found is that the existing ERP systems are structured to support and define organizations in the hierarchy. There are many issues with this and People, Ideas & Objects have designed our ERP systems and support to deal with the elimination of them.
The main issues here are.
- Bureaucrats benefit from existing systems when they are unchanging and therefore keep the organization locked in proverbial cement.
- No growth or upside in organizational performance is attainable without additional resources. Bureaucratic nirvana.
- Locking producers and industry into the Preliminary Specifications definition only repeats these known existential errors.
What we’ve done is disintermediated the producer firms and used the Internet to establish specialization and division of labor as criteria to increase the productivity and performance of the producer. There has been no other means in which organizational performance has increased since 1776 than through specialization and division of labor. To enhance this through the implementation of the Preliminary Specification would be productive however, through our user community, their service providers and our revenue model we have adopted change as the means in which to avoid the return of today’s issues. Therefore producing greater organizational performance consistently from the producers same resource base.
- Intellectual Property
Copyright was written in the U.S. Constitution On September 17, 1787 in Article 1, Section 8. It is one of the reasons that the Americans are what Americans are, their intellectual pursuits are protected. But please don’t tell any of this to our good friends, the producer bureaucrats. They have circumvented the IP of all their vendors and the service industry and distributed it through those industries in an effort to create excess competition and lower prices. With this they’ve created a situation where a) little innovation is now undertaken when it is distributed and given to everyone, b) duplicate efforts learned repeatedly throughout the industry, only to start all over again in the following years. This is unlawful, disrespectful, unproductive and a massive cost of relearning what we knew before but forgot, or someone new took over.
By adopting the appropriate respect for IP in oil and gas we unleash the resources of those with the ideas to try and develop them. There are facilities in the Research & Capabilities, Knowledge & Learning and Resource Marketplace modules of the Preliminary Specification for these. By doing so we have adopted a self monitoring system where the copyright laws are protecting those with the ideas and therefore unnecessary duplication is eliminated. If we intend to solve the complex technical and scientific issues that exist in oil and gas for the remainder of this century, which model of treatment of IP is the appropriate one? Which one has proven effective in the past? In addition we’ve thrown the cat amongst the pigeons when we state that the application of engineering and geological IP of the producers was never subject to copyright laws either. It remains open and available for anyone to use. These are now being documented by those individuals in the industry who were involved in the process and have additional ideas beyond publishing to establish products and services in the future.
- Markets and the price system
There are few things in life that are predictable. However bureaucrats build redundant empires. This is best represented by their elaborate oil storage inventory systems that tell them what the world inventory of oil is at. Through satellite imagery they see the oil tanks floating roof shadow and therefore know the volume of oil in that tank. Then they have the global aggregate showing them an inventory number where each team can analyze, possibly in real time, the “situation.” No doubt this is what occupied their time when oil prices were negative $40. If they do this for the world inventory of oil, what else keeps them up at night and gets them out of bed in the morning?
People, Ideas & Objects, our user community and their service providers will be using markets and the price system. In order to determine whether to produce or shut-in a property. If the commodity price is adequate to earn a profit the Joint Operating Committee will produce, if not it will be shut-in ensuring that the corporate profits are maximized when losing properties are no longer diluting profitable ones.
- Information Technology
IT for IT’s sake is not what People, Ideas & Objects are doing. We are using IT to solve the business issues in oil and gas. Cloud computing is appreciated for its shared and shareable cost model that eliminates the cost and effort of maintaining non-competitive, technically difficult capacities and capabilities. We are expanding the shared and shareable cloud paradigm to include accounting and administration as a cloud like service to oil and gas, bringing about the same capabilities, capacities, features, variable costs and benefits of cloud computing. We believe that the secondary reason for chronic non-profitability in oil and gas is due to the excessive overhead incurred. Our cloud accounting and administration shares these overhead costs, eliminating the need to redundantly build the same fixed accounting and administrative costs, capacities and capabilities in-house. Capabilities that replicate exactly each and every other producer's functions and costs.
It is with these five foundational constructs and their frameworks that we are using to support, identify and extend the software and services that we’re building for the dynamic, innovative, accountable, profitable, productive and prosperous oil and gas producers and industry. None of these constructs are used in any area of oil and gas ERP today. As a result these systems are deficient and therefore depend on the bureaucracy in order to function. Which is redundant in a world where the Internet exists and the only thing stopping the transition from today to People, Ideas & Objects et al is the obstinance, arguments and self interest of the bureaucrats themselves.
On the other hand we have no shortage of work to do. Much needs to be done in the next few years. The Preliminary Specification needs to be built. The engineering and geological explicit knowledge needs to be captured as Intellectual Property and developed. New oil and gas firms need to be formed, capitalized and organized. Assets need to be transferred to these new producers in innovative, strategic and tactical ways. In this process we’ll all be helping the current producers to travel faster down their chosen journey to clean energy by disposing of dirty oil. This transition to the Preliminary Specification is something that must be done to deal with the financial difficulties the industry is plagued with from the current administration. This also needs to be done as preparation for the future. And to learn from the experience of this transition as we’ll be faced repeatedly with situations that share this same scope and scale of change in the near future of this business. We’ll therefore be somewhat prepared and experienced in challenges of this nature. Please review our Production Rights to see how everyone can participate in making this new oil and gas industry happen. An industry where it will be less important who you know, but what you know and what you're capable of delivering, what the value proposition is that you’re offering? We know we can, and we know how to make money in this business.
Those interested in joining our user community are People, Ideas & Objects priority and focus. The Preliminary Specification, our user community and their service provider organizations provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations, everywhere and always. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence, everywhere and always. In addition, our software organizes the Intellectual Property of the exploration and production processes owned by the engineers and geologists. Enabling them to monetize their IP for a new oil & gas industry to begin with a means to be dynamic, innovative and performance oriented. Providing a new investment opportunity for those who see a bright future in the industry. A place where their administrative, accounting, exploration and production can be handled for the 21st century. People, Ideas & Objects have joined gettr and can be reached there. Anyone can contact me at 713-965-6720 in Houston or 587-735-2302 in Calgary, or email me here.