These Are Not the Earnings We're Looking For, Part LXXII
Elections for the U.S. House and Senate will be held in early November 2022. The premier issue will be the price of gasoline in the United States. OPEC+ seems to have learned the detrimental lessons behind the overproduction of commodities that follow the principles of price makers. They continue to supply the market with reasonable increases each month. A more moderate approach than what has been done before. North American producers may have learned the same lesson, although the financial devastation they’ve caused their producer firms, the “hilarious” comments from the Biden regime, or clean energy being bureaucrats true calling. The lack of response to the higher commodity prices is difficult to discern why their response is as muted as it is. There is one other possibility, the lack of capacities and capabilities in the service industry. And although producer bureaucrats did so much of the hard work and effort that was needed to turn the business around and to report their specious profits in the third quarter of 2021. The same kind of profits they’ve been reporting since as early as 1983. They seem to know and understand that they’ve authored their own demise to coincide with these escalating commodity prices, the democratic party vaporizing and gasoline prices revealing the fallacies of the green agenda. It’s a different quarter but with a new twist, hedges. Those current, non-cash items that don’t appear in their “non-gaap” earnings quoted in the markets.
It could be argued that I see the financial situation in oil and gas a bit differently than most. My bias arises as a result of opinions formed decades ago and the fact that I’ve banked everything I have on what I believed to be an existential issue that would eventually destroy the North American producers and everything, that is everything associated with it. As of a few years ago I believed we reached the point where the financial damage was so detrimental that nothing, that is absolutely nothing, could return North American producers under their current administration to prosperity, ever, and I mean for all time.
It is through the review of our sample of producers' third quarter financial reports that I see a trend where accounts payable are ballooning by 10.46% just from the third quarter of 2021. Which I realize now is its own 20.84% increase in accounts payable for just the second quarter! A 33% increase in 6 months. Why? We saw this a few years ago when producers sought to continue their capital programs by using the good will of the service industry. Paying for their capital expenditures programs on an extended 18 month payment cycle. Capital programs producers were unable to finance in any of the more “traditional” ways. Due to their financial current position and the volume of capital expenditures that are now being undertaken we know that’s not happening again. So what is causing this bloating of accounts payable? I believe it is the inter industry trade payables and receivables associated with the joint interest billing between producers. Accounts receivable in the third quarter of 2021 is up 6.56% in the third quarter. The second quarter was also up by 14%. One would not rise without the other if it wasn’t the joint interest billings. Operators who are in some cases incurring the operating costs on behalf of the joint account are also leveraging their gas and oil contracts for all of their working interest partners' production in the property. The more production they control on behalf of their partners the better terms they can negotiate with buyers. Therefore the joint interest billings represent the net operational proceeds of the production for the property. These payments are made monthly to their partners based on the prior production months accruals. People, Ideas & Objects suspicion is that these are the reasons why these a/c payables accounts are ballooning, and why the associated accounts receivable are doing the same, somewhat in concert. In terms of materiality, accounts payable have now ballooned beyond the amounts during the abuse producers exercised against the service industry. The question therefore is why would producers, if our suspicions were true, be holding the net proceeds of their partners? The counter argument of the consolidation of producers may not hold when it is realized that production of our sample is up 0.21% in the third, and 9.45% in the second quarter.
I have argued against the use of hedging before. With People, Ideas & Objects there would be no need to have such derivatives contracts when all production is produced profitably everywhere and always. The implied guarantee of the Preliminary Specification. I see that hedging is used by bureaucrats to instill the level of mediocrity that they seek. If the producers see that the outcome of the firm is predetermined to be x profit based on a hedged price of $60. Why would they seek to outperform or enhance the producer's performance? They wouldn’t because they knew they couldn’t. The only thing they risked was making mistakes that ended up costing them and they’d be responsible. The mindset that has spawned the “muddle through” strategy. When it was learned many decades ago that specious accounting enabled profits to be whatever “management” determined them to be, they knew they could call upon any performance criteria they needed to satisfy the demands upon them. Hence the industry's cultural degradation commenced. This led to the first overproduction related oil collapse in 1986.
Many of today’s futures contracts were entered into by the producers just after April 2020 when the price of oil dipped to negative $40.00. Spooked and looking for some solid ground the majority of the contracts are substantially below the current commodity prices. Placing the producers on the hook for paying a reasonably high differential in comparison to the current price of $82.50 for oil and $5.50 for natural gas to the hedged price. The value of these losses, both realized and unrealized, for our sample of producers in the third quarter increased from the second quarter's loss of $8.964 billion to $16.879 billion. Almost a doubling of the losses with the majority, about 80% being unrealized. Recall our sample of producers represent a diversity of the North American based producers that are responsible for 11.007 mmboe / day. Many of these contracts extend for many years, however continue almost unanimously through 2022. Causing an enhanced demand for cash, during a time when investors and bankers are not interested in helping out. Seeking financial assistance to cover the differential on these contracts is not going to draw either of those parties back to the table. The reason this is such a material issue is to the larger point of not being able to and having no capacity to increase production to meet resurgent demand. At the same time OPEC+ are slowly returning their production to market. Causing further upward pressure on prices throughout the next few years, and hence larger losses on these contracts.
As we’ll see when producers turn to cannibalizing their working interest partners we can only think it’s time. I could always be mistaken about my suspicions. However, I would put my record of accuracy in identifying issues and providing solutions such as the Preliminary Specification against the bureaucrats' lack of caring about the business and self aggrandizement over these past 30 years. Their renewed vision of clean energy and capitulation of North American oil and gas’ viability, including shale. These latter points are almost secondary or minor points in my argument.
Please note that Conoco is a member of our producer sample. They do not hold any of these contracts. Have therefore not incurred any of these losses and their working capital represents 109% of our samples total. Their cash is approximately $10 billion and are by far the healthiest position of all the producers we sample. Interestingly their accounts payable and receivable accounts also escalated in concert with the other producers. (13.45% in the second, and 28.21 in the third quarter. Concho’s acquisition was completed on January 15, 2021 causing Conoco’s a/c payable to increase 33.88% during the first quarter.) Showing this is an industry related, possibly trade payable / receivable issue associated with their joint accounts. I doubt Conoco would want to be the only one paying their bills in the industry. For three quarters our sample of producers had revenues of $195 billion and accounts payable were $76 billion. Representing 3.5 months of the producer's annual production or 255% of 2021 capital expenditures incurred to date. At a time when some commodity prices are healthier than they’ve been for a decade. Payables and receivables are ballooning uncontrollably, cash and working capital outside of Conoco are in decline. Cash and working capital deterioration have been a constant and systemic issue we’ve been arguing here at People, Ideas & Objects. If you don’t have “real” profitability you’re not building value and investors were used until 2015 to backfill the bureaucrats' personal take. I believe this current action is the bureaucrats reading the writing on the wall and attempting to shore up some cash by feeding off their own partners. No more excuses, no more blaming and no more viable scapegoats. It's a simple matter of eat, or be eaten.
On the other hand we have no shortage of work to do. Much needs to be done in the next few years. The Preliminary Specification needs to be built. The engineering and geological explicit knowledge needs to be captured as Intellectual Property and developed. New oil and gas firms need to be formed, capitalized and organized. Assets need to be transferred to these new producers in innovative, strategic and tactical ways. In this process we’ll all be helping the current producers to travel faster down their chosen journey to clean energy by disposing of dirty oil. This transition to the Preliminary Specification is something that must be done to deal with the financial difficulties the industry is plagued with from the current administration. This also needs to be done as preparation for the future. And to learn from the experience of this transition as we’ll be faced repeatedly with situations that share this same scope and scale of change in the near future of this business. We’ll therefore be somewhat prepared and experienced in challenges of this nature. Please review our Production Rights to see how everyone can participate in making this new oil and gas industry happen. An industry where it will be less important who you know, but what you know and what you're capable of delivering, what the value proposition is that you’re offering?
Those interested in joining our user community are People, Ideas & Objects priority and focus. The Preliminary Specification, our user community and their service provider organizations provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations, everywhere and always. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence, everywhere and always. In addition, our software organizes the Intellectual Property of the exploration and production processes owned by the engineers and geologists. Enabling them to monetize their IP for a new oil & gas industry to begin with a means to be dynamic, innovative and performance oriented. Providing a new investment opportunity for those who see a bright future in the industry. A place where their administrative, accounting, exploration and production can be handled for the 21st century. People, Ideas & Objects have joined GETTR and can be reached there. Anyone can contact me at 713-965-6720 in Houston or 587-735-2302 in Calgary, or email me here.