Production Rights Announcement
People, Ideas & Objects have been busy these past few months transitioning our initiative to a more sustainable foundation. One that will be more viable as a business concern and not dependent on the existing producers' good faith. We began this transition in late June 2021 with a series we carried until the end of July that documented how we would respond to an RFP (Request for Proposal) if we were ever asked for one. We of course never were expecting to receive one, however this exercise sought to differentiate our solution from the competition in the identification and support of the five primary Organizational Constructs inherent in the Preliminary Specification. In summary these consisted of the Joint Operating Committee, Markets, Intellectual Property, Information Technology and the support and expansion of Specialization and the Division of Labor. To name just the highlights. I directed the RFP at the producers Boards of Directors as they’re the ones that ultimately make such material decisions such as which ERP system the firm will use. I then placed tight deadlines on the producers knowing full well they would never comply with the logic and common sense of our RFP or the Preliminary Specification and we would then be able to disengage from them in terms of any obligation of having to work with them. Our legacy has been the thirty years of trying to do exactly that to resolve the issues that have fundamentally destroyed the financial, operational and political foundations of the industry during their watch. Issues that have been evident and present on the global stage since 1986, with our Preliminary Specification addressing them specifically and itself being published December 2013. We did not see placing strict timelines on these boards as unreasonable. In our opinion they’ve had many decades to contemplate such decisions.
Our writings then moved on to expressing the consequences of not moving forward with the Preliminary Specification from the perspective of People, Ideas & Objects. It was this perspective of mine, born of frustration and disbelief at the cumulative damage and destruction that has been caused, that possibly jaded the marketing aspect of what I was selling in those August 2021 blog posts. I then detailed our new plan, which is not fundamentally different from the old plan except for the one critical difference that was identified. It still consisted of our user community driven software development, conducting the industry wide structural changes of moving from the producers fixed cost accounting and administrative capability and capacity, to an industry based, variable cost, accounting and administrative capability and capacity. Managed by the user communities service providers through the 13 modules the Preliminary Specification.
The change in our plan is the method these developments are funded and what those who were funding them gained in return. We first documented the beginning of the idea of “Permission Rights” in our Initial Coin Offering in an appropriately named blog post on September 11 of 2017. What the Coin was designed to do was to enable its holders the exclusive right to access the Preliminary Specification of People, Ideas & Objects and the services of the service providers to have their accounting and administration managed by the systems they were financing. The advantages of doing so were comprehensive and built value for the prospective coin holders in the following manner. The commodity price differentials between what the status quo producers have accepted throughout the past 35 years they’ve been operating their firms and what the real costs of oil and gas production are, is well documented in their published financial statements. They’re past acceptance of these is the precursor to future behaviors. Therefore we can establish a base case of what was and would be accepted by them vs. what the market prices for oil and gas will be as a result of the operational Preliminary Specifications decentralized production models price maker strategy would provide. That commodity price differential is also called People, Ideas & Objects et al value proposition that would have in turn financed a fee paid to the coin holder by the producers to access our software and services. We were attempting to monetize our value proposition through access rights to our solution. The coin holders would be granted the rights to produce x boe / day. Therefore the existing producers would need to aggregate the necessary “Processing Rights” to have access to the system and services which made them profitable. The assumption at the time was producers would not want to be asked by their shareholders why they were not profitable.
This went over like a lead balloon in the producer firms. And for reasons other than the coins viability we pulled it in March 2020 due to the crypto currency market and covid induced collapse of the producers. There is a nugget of logic contained within the basic idea that could be used to finance not only the much needed development of the software and user community. It would also enable those who acquired what we are now calling “Production Rights'' the ability to process their accounting and administration through the software and services they funded, but also manage their production and exploration processes in a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable way, everywhere and always. In turn earning the Production Rights holder, not just a fee from the differential, as with the former Permission Right, but the entire differential from the price of the accepted status quo producers behavior and the market price under the Preliminary Specifications price maker strategy. This may be achieved through the leverage provided by the Production Rights to exercise the movement of the existing producers' poorly performing assets to their own ownership, under substantially different financial conditions. Theirs being profitable where in essence the entire $25.7 to $45.7 trillion People, Ideas & Objects value proposition over the next 25 year period of operation would be earned by these new asset owners, the Production Rights holders that evolved into the new oil and gas producers.
The behavior of past producers is evident today in their giddy approach to the news of their staunch efforts and the hard work they’ve undertaken to better manage their firms, or is it just the market conditions temporarily raising the price of oil and gas again. Soon we’ll also see their response, which may miraculously look much like their response was in the past. Is consolidation the workable solution for them to strengthen their self interest and enable their hold on power, or will we see something else? Nonetheless it’s on to clean energy all the time now and Shell has proven that by selling the one premium asset that drove the industry off the cliff last time. The Permian. We discussed a number of new and innovative possibilities as to how the “Production Rights” holders could begin these asset transfers in the discussion of our blog series “Oddly Enough, That’s Not Much Different Than the Old Plan” this September. Starting with non-operated participation in Joint Operating Committees. Understanding how banks are so pleased with their loans performance, what motivation would induce them to move the assets to a more profitable ownership. The sky’s the limit in terms of what’s possible to transfer these assets in my opinion.
In terms of adding exploration and production aspects of a producer firm to the list of administrative and accounting, this isn’t anything new to anyone who may have read the Preliminary Specification in detail. There was only one change made in that blog post series that was not in the specification and that was detailed and identified. The E in ERP stands for enterprise and if you're only handling a part of a firm you’re not ERP in my opinion. The problem we discussed in that series was none other than the looming shortage of engineers and geologists that is well known and discussed throughout the industry. The only solution to this is what People, Ideas & Objects have proposed in the Preliminary Specification and is resolved through the use of the Intellectual Property construct of developing the explicit science and technological knowledge of the industry. A knowledge base that has been ignored and left to atrophy for reasons that are documented there. One in which is open to the engineers and geologists to acquire themselves and establish their own producer firms, IP operations and service organizations to deliver the tacit knowledge associated with the explicit knowledge they’ve documented that forms their IP. People, Ideas & Objects hopes to have motivated the further breakdown in the technical resource base of the existing producers. Both from the point of view of the Intellectual Property and as the motivation and commitment of the engineers and geologists to conduct these IP related activities. And therefore would form the science and technological resources of the new oil and gas industry we’re constructing.
I believe that People, Ideas & Objects, our user community and their service provider organizations have taken a balanced approach to the industry to ensure the industry is provided with the most dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas operations everywhere and always. Profits are what make the industry prosperous and healthy, and profitability from a reasonable, timely and accurate accounting basis. Without these profits the greater oil and gas economy suffers unnecessarily and that only leads to greater issues. There would be no one outside of the self interested bureaucrats that would argue that “real” profitability is what has been missing and must be restored immediately. Profits are the only source of funding the industry will have to resurrect itself. The credibility, ethical nature and trust that has been destroyed over the past decades will take at least a decade of prudent management by our good friends to prove otherwise. They’ve chosen not to be concerned with profitability and they’ve not responded in any way to the demand for more accountability from their shareholders. What is it that we’re expecting? Or are we to play the fool again in two years by giving them one more chance today?
At the same time People, Ideas & Objects plays in a number of critical dialectic activities. To ensure the consumers are provided with an abundance of energy at affordable prices. Oil and gas is the reason that the mechanical leverage we prosper from is possible. It will be the most powerful economy in the world that will also be the largest consumer of energy. Therefore our obligation to ensure profitable energy independence needs to be considered as part of what we’re undertaking. This demands that innovation on the science and technology of engineering and geology be at the forefront of the activities of those involved. Structured innovation within the industry and structuring it within the firm are the critical means in which innovation comes about. To suggest that it just springs out of air is foolhardy in the extreme. Controlling and guiding it, ensuring that it isn’t pursued over and over again with the associated redundancies and cost drain. Where those that work the hardest for the biggest developments are rewarded and recognized for their achievements. Not robbed and castigated as they are by today’s bureaucrats. These are how People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers are undertaking to solve the difficult issues of oil and gas. Please review our Production Rights to see how everyone can participate in making this new oil and gas industry happen. An industry where it will be less important who you know, but what you know and what you're capable of delivering, what the value proposition is that you’re offering?
People, Ideas & Objects have determined that these Production Rights are sold on the basis of our revenue. The value earned is in the differential and the leverage provided. We’ve identified that the target market for those that could participate are all of those that fall outside of the current producers bureaucratic clique. Outside of these points we have not decided on anything and would need to know what it is that others see as possible. As soon as we’re able to generate revenue the quicker we’ll begin these developments. Please contact me through the means that are provided below.
Those interested in joining our user community are People, Ideas & Objects priority and focus. The Preliminary Specification, our user community and their service provider organizations provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations, everywhere and always. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence, everywhere and always. In addition, our software organizes the Intellectual Property of the exploration and production processes owned by the engineers and geologists. Enabling them to monetize their IP for a new oil & gas industry to begin with a means to be dynamic, innovative and performance oriented. Providing a new investment opportunity for those who see a bright future in the industry. A place where their administrative, accounting, exploration and production can be handled for the 21st century. People, Ideas & Objects have joined GETTR and can be reached there. Anyone can contact me at 713-965-6720 in Houston or 587-735-2302 in Calgary, or email me here.