How Will People, Ideas & Objects Achieve Success, Part III
People, Ideas & Objects key value proposition is that we ensure that all production is produced profitably, everywhere and always. We achieve this by way of the user community and its service provider organizations. The configuration of the industries accounting and administrative resources have been organized in this manner for a number of reasons which are. First, the application of higher levels of specialization and division of labor. Organizational changes designed around these economic principles are the only source of incremental value that have been experienced over the past number of centuries. The configuration of our user community and service providers specialization and division of labor are enhanced through the mechanisms in which we’ve endowed the user community vision. The capability to change is an inherent part of our offering with the user community having the power to change the Intellectual Property underlying the People, Ideas & Objects software and services that the oil and gas industry uses. This ensures a never ending application of further specialization and division of labor will continue as the profitable production deliverability in North America increases from the same resource base. People, Ideas & Objects feel the monetary value here is material and unquantifiable. It therefore hasn’t been included in our value proposition.
The second reason for establishing the user community and service providers is to enable the producer firm to focus on their key competitive advantages of earth science and engineering capabilities, and its land and asset base. Removing the administrative and accounting resources from each of the producer firms ensures that profits will be maximized when producers stop incurring costs that are replicated within each producer firm. Costs that are unshared and unshareable in their current configuration. As we’ve noted, it is the redundant building of these non-competitive capabilities within each producer firm that is exhausting much of the industry's profitability. Overhead costs are material in nature in oil and gas. It is due to the excessive amounts of overhead that producer bureaucrats expertly conceal in their aggressive capitalization of overhead that no one is aware of what these costs total. People, Ideas & Objects have consistently argued that overhead and interest were heavily capitalized by all producers. Since then we’ve seen a change in producers reporting to detail the amounts of capitalized interest, whose interest capitalization percentages have declined markedly over the past few years. Yet to date we’ve seen nothing in terms of enhanced reporting on overhead. I find this fascinating, and representative of the guilt and culpability that bureaucrats have so rightly earned for their obtuse reporting of literally every possible cost as capital.
The critical reason for this reorganization of the accounting and administrative resources of the producers is to achieve what is called in the Preliminary Specification our decentralized production model’s price maker strategy. Where the fundamental issue of overproduction has been documented to exist since 1986 in oil and 2009 in natural gas. These overproduction scenarios would eventually self correct as is the basis of the “muddle through” strategy of the current industry. However shale destroys the old business model of scarcity and introduces a new industry dynamic based on abundance that demands new business models such as the Preliminary Specification to address the unique characteristics of shale based reservoirs. Characteristics that include the exposure of massive reserves through long laterals and multi-fracing. Prolific initial production with steep decline rates. These are enhanced by spectacular drilling and completion costs with significant re-work costs being undertaken within months instead of years. Under the existing business model, assigning these high costs of drilling and completion to the many, many decades of reserves that were exposed allowed bureaucrats to claim they were “commercial.” When in reality the capital markets have now deemed shale to be uncommercial, yet bureaucrats conveniently ignore that message. The current “muddle through” business model does not contain any production discipline. Everything is always produced. What is needed now is for the production discipline that would be instilled within the industry from the Preliminary Specifications price maker strategy. It ensures that only profitable production is produced everywhere and always. And therefore producers are, or at least should be, motivated to ensure that their profitability is the highest that can be attained.
What our price maker strategy provides is the following. Due to the separation of the accounting and administrative resources from the producers into the service providers. And the ERP systems of People, Ideas & Objects being prepared by the user community members who are the principles within each of the service providers. Each service provider is managing one process of the many processes that a Joint Operating Committee conducts. These individual processes are therefore conducted on an objective basis across the industry where the service provider applies the same standard accounting and management to all of the producers. Therefore the accounting will be conducted on a standard and objective basis across the North American continent. Focused on each of the Joint Operating Committees, each producer will know that if a property has been reported to be unprofitable, they’ll know it received the same accounting treatment as all other Joint Operating Committees in North America. So in order to maximize that producer's profitability, they’ll decide with their working interest owners in the Joint Operating Committee to shut-in any and all unprofitable properties and move them to an inventory of shut-in production. Once there these properties will be subject to further innovations in order to return them to profitable production as soon as possible. The standard and objective accounting will provide them with the assurance that their property is either profitable or unprofitable and accept that finding. In addition, the same criteria can be applied to wells within a unit or similar grouping. If one or two wells are unprofitable, by shutting in those individual wells the properties profitability would be enhanced in addition to the producers.
It is at this point the service provider's value to industry kicks into high gear and delivers the $5.7 trillion in incremental value from our value proposition over the next 25 years. What the Preliminary Specification does through these changes is move the producers fixed cost administrative and accounting capabilities into the industries variable cost administrative and accounting capabilities. When a property is shut-in there is no activity occurring and hence no operational data being produced that would be transmitted through People, Ideas & Objects task and transfer network to the service providers. Therefore none of the processes for production, revenue or royalty accounting etc, as examples, are conducted and hence no billing from the service providers will be produced or rendered to that Joint Operating Committee for the administrative or accounting costs during any of the time the property is shut-in. The property incurs a null operation, no profit, but also no loss. Enabling the producer to attain their highest level of profitability when unprofitable properties losses no longer dilute other profitable properties profits. Turning the producers overhead costs variable, and indirectly controllable. Motivating them to maintain their production discipline of only producing profitable production everywhere and always in order to realize the highest level of corporate profitability. Whether that is at 500 thousand boe / day or at 100 thousand boe / day. They would always be proportionally profitable. Keeping their oil and gas reserves for a time when they can be produced profitably. Not having those reserves having to carry the incremental losses as a result of continued unprofitable operations. Those reserves can be seen as stored volumes with no storage costs associated with them. And the most important point of all, removing the unprofitable production from the commodity markets allows these markets to find their marginal price.
Bureaucrats have argued this is collusion and fail to understand that managing inventories is a necessary part of every business. On many occasions in natural gas, and in April of 2020 producers substantially overproduced and drew down commodity prices into negative price territory. Which proves three things, oil and gas commodities are subject to the economic laws of price makers, bureaucrats believe down to their bones that to employ People, Ideas & Objects price maker strategy would be collusion and they’re good at feigning this naivety. Making independent business decisions at each Joint Operating Committee to produce or not based on actual, factual, objective and standard accounting information that determines profitability does not in any way involve collusion. It’s good business sense. We are adopting the market price theory and using it. That is, all the information that is necessary for anyone to know about a market is contained within its price. If the price is adequate to earn a profit, producers will produce. Instead bureaucrats have invented extensive Rube Goldberg devices employing redundant individuals in each producer firm to analyze through satellite imagery, employing Artificial Intelligence to determine what the shadows on the oil storage tanks were and therefore imputing what level of storage was available in each area of the world. Yet continued to produce at 100% all of the time. This information was then compiled and analyzed extensively to the point where oil prices hit negative $40 in April 2020. The only question that should be asked of the bureaucrats is at what point did they know the price was going negative $40? Whereas I can look at the price of negative $40 for oil and say unequivocally, that not one producer earned a profit at that price. And I do not have a satellite dish.
People, Ideas & Objects have mentioned the user communities service provider organizations will not be competing on the basis of price. We find the use of price competition by the oil and gas bureaucrats these past decades has done more harm than good. The license that will be provided to the service providers will give them a monopoly on their assigned processes jurisdiction. (Please review the service providers definition for details on how that assignment is determined.) What we need to be conducting is profitable production everywhere and always in North America and commercializing shale. This is not going to be achieved when everyone is being attacked on their flank by competitors that use price as their sole competitive advantage. We need to be rebuilding the industry infrastructure, capacity and capabilities and only that is what we should be focused on. That includes everyone with their shoulder to the wheel. We have substantial work ahead of us in terms of what oil and gas needs to achieve in order to provide the consumers of our products over the next 25 years, at a minimum. Otherwise the state of affairs in the industry will not be there for them when it’s most expected of us.
It is therefore all of these reasons that we have settled on the following criteria that the service providers will form as their competitive advantages. The first and probably most important of all criteria is leadership. These will all apply to both the user community and those within the service provider organizations who work for the user community member. Leadership has been defined in a number of ways, all poorly as it's a difficult topic to qualify. Readiness, Willingness and Ability. “Fixers and troubleshooters rather than production (wo)men.” Joseph Schumpeter. Four kinds of behavior account for 89% of leadership effectiveness. 1) Be supportive, 2) Operate with a strong results orientation, 3) Seek different perspectives, 4) Solve problems effectively. They must have forgotten about price competition. The other competitive advantages I mentioned in my previous post were automation, innovation and quality. What I would like to do is add to that list with what I feel will be some of the other competitive advantages of the user community members and their service provider organizations. And at the same time I would not want to define the list as definitive and absolute, they are subject to change within that community at their discretion. Issue identification, creativity, collaboration, research, ideas, design, planning, thinking, negotiating, compromising, financing and resolving issues. These with whatever are added are what stand in stark contrast to what price competition provides, in my opinion. We can also contrast these to what computers are capable of, which amounts to storage and processing, which is little of the tools we need for where we need to be headed.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations, everywhere and always. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects have published a white paper “Profitable, North American Energy Independence -- Through the Commercialization of Shale.” that captures the vision of the Preliminary Specification and our actions. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. Anyone can contact me at 713-965-6720 in Houston or 587-735-2302 in Calgary, or email me here.