Issue Mitigated, Nothing Litigated
The need for the Preliminary Specification is unquestionable. The industry must change and do so within the time frame that it has left for itself. It’s financial position is untenable and demands that action be taken quickly to stop the further escalation of the destruction of its and the service industries capacities and capabilities. These are critical issues as of this moment, which are generating further momentum, sending the trajectory of the producers performance into an irreversible velocity. Let us all be clear about the insipid and ridiculous nature of the “muddle through” and “do nothing” strategy and operating procedure. They are the deliberate, permanent destruction of the productive capacity of the North American production profile. This fact makes up the bureaucrats foundation of “muddle through.” That by doing nothing the productive capacity will remain as it is or decline while consumption of the commodities increases. Therefore prices will eventually rise. This has provided for what we believe to be five profitable years in the industry out of the past thirty five. In the shale era this has proven to be toxic. Our White Paper “Profitable North American Energy Independence -- Through the Commercialization of Shale” addresses how the Preliminary Specification deals specifically with these difficulties in the oil and gas industry.
The past few years has seen People, Ideas & Objects escalate our budget costs on the basis of the methods that we’ve discovered to increase our organizational throughput and cut our development and implementation time. For each year that we’ve been able to reduce our timeline we were able to save the industry well in excess of a quarter of one trillion dollars in additional opportunity costs being irretrievably lost. Therefore these efforts of ours to reduce our timeline have brought about material benefits. The number of these methods are significant and form the plans we have in place. We can’t define what time frame we can complete our task as there are too many variables that we can’t control. Variables such as how long will industry take to raise the money from all of the producers in industry? As I’ve discussed before, I do not herd cats. It will be far easier for industry to organize themselves than what I can do in this regard. Besides, I prefer to eat. How long will it take for us to recruit the full complement of user community members? Will having skin in the game motivate producer bureaucrats to do the necessary work that we need from them? This includes the motivation to solve their issues, the commitment, dedication and resolve to follow through. These alone could take many years and we still would not have started our softwares development. All that we have is the history of the bureaucrats and their mosquito-like attention spans. Commitment, dedication and fortitude are not their game. Theirs is blaming, excuses and viable scapegoats. Taking the revenues of a primary industry and using them for their own personal benefit and power tripping. I challenge the bureaucrats to put up an argument about my budget. What will they argue, that it’s too much money? After all the damage and the trillions of dollars they’ve wasted? The financial jeopardy they’ve placed everyone and everything in the greater oil and gas economic structure? When these producer bureaucrats don’t invest in their own organizations profitability then why are they asking others to invest in them? If they don’t like these comments that I'm making then stop arguing with me and start establishing new precedents. They should look around, outside of their own little world and ask themselves why no one is coming to their aid anymore. Their reputation isn’t much worse than what I’ve described here.
People, Ideas & Objects budget provides our developers and user community with the resources necessary to begin the development of the software and complete it successfully. We understand that there will be little to no opportunity for us to go back and raise additional financial resources. Therefore the need to convert these initial development funds into a revenue generating organization, or to have completed the development of the Preliminary Specification in its first commercial iteration as a necessary requirement to a) ensure that the development is not open ended and therefore never completed and b) attain the independence we need from the bureaucrats. Meaning we can never become “blind sleepwalking agents of whomever will feed us.” To break from the culture of the industry demands our complete financial independence and that is what is designed and delivered in our budget. I believe that what President Donald Trump has proven is that you can not change the culture of an organization from within. The amount of energy needed doesn’t exist and the bureaucratic inertia will consume anyone who tries.
What has become evident to me in the past six months is the depth of the myopic focus of the bureaucrats. It is only concerned with their personal compensation at the expense of everything else. To be candid as far as they’re concerned there is nothing else. After decades of screaming at the top of my lungs about the looming, and now, actual damages being done to the industry, and all those associated with it in the greater oil and gas economic structure. It didn’t matter to the bureaucrats. Only when I struck proverbial gold last summer in my June 2, 2020 blog post and set off the panic about the liability bureaucrats were individually exposed to as a result of their chronic inactivity. There was never any concern before then. And since then, the only action taken has been to increase their officers and directors liability insurance by, at that time 70%, who knows how much they’ve increased their coverage since. The risk they’ve incurred has the potential to devastate them in terms of their personal asset value and only at that time did they perk up and start paying attention, but only to their personal risk. Then I noted the timing of the overproduction and oversupply issue had been in the oil market since at least July 1986. Nothing at all has been done about this issue for 35 years. I published the Preliminary Specification after completing ten years of the necessary research in December 2013. Again nothing has been done about it. Other than the fact that the chronic overproduction and oversupply issue, in both oil and natural gas commodities, have become the most prominent issue the industry has faced, ever. Going on 35 years of avoiding the biggest issue ever. And seven years of ignoring the solution, in fact the only solution in the market after their abuse of all the ERP vendors. Is it any wonder that the insurance coverage needed to be increased? I also questioned, if the fact that coverage was raised but only after these facts were raised, does that make these insurance changes a fraud?
In a court of law this is what is called evidence. Evidence that they were not doing their job and only working for themselves. But why sue the producers when there's no value left? That’s a good question, however I hear the insurance coverage is spectacular! This enhances one’s motivation doesn’t it. From what I’ve known and experienced over these past decades, I would find it difficult to accept that bureaucrats were working for anyone but themselves. I wonder if I could find a career as an expert witness?
First of all let me clarify that I’ve never seen the oil and gas bureaucrats as my clients. On the contrary when I started this it was with the expressed purpose of removing them. They are redundant in any economy and certainly in the 21st century. People, Ideas & Objects are disintermediating the oil and gas industry. Late last year I asked who would be the bigger fool ten years from now. Would that be the bureaucrats for their actions in creating such a mess. Or would it be us for allowing ourselves to believe, one more time, that they had it all in hand. We’ve been deceived, are we willing to be deceived again? I’m not of the belief that either side in this transaction has to bear any shame over these next 10 years. If we hold the feet of these bureaucrats to the fire today and have them provide the financial resources for our budget, we’ll take it from there. By providing our budget bureaucrats can redeem themselves in the eyes of everyone who is currently looking at them in disbelief. The important people that I want to point out here are the Judges that bureaucrats may face if the losses that shareholders, banks and others continue to experience and therefore choose to litigate. As an alternative they could say “However, your Honor, we took steps in early 2021 to make the changes to turn the industry around, remediate the losses and make oil and gas great again.” If a bureaucrat uttered that to the judge then there would be no reason for the bureaucrat to be in front of the judge. As they would have launched the development of the Preliminary Specification and set in place the resolution to their issues. Issue mitigated, nothing litigated. Their fiduciary duty has been met.
Action therefore involves the following. Producers will share the burden of our budget on an equitable basis. As noted they can organize themselves in one thousands of the time that I can herd cats. Each barrel of oil produced by the producer as of December 31, 2019 is assessed the $315 per boe necessary to fully fund People, Ideas & Objects budget. This is based on the North American production reported of 38.09 mm boe at the end of 2019. I’m finding “issue mitigated, nothing litigated” to be rather catchy and as a result will be using it extensively from now on. Bureaucrats should know now what it is they need to do to save their souls. You see I’ve discovered their motivation and their drive, I’ve always just assumed, wrongly, that they were concerned about the business as we are. I guess my naivety over the past decades of thinking the bureaucrats were morally motivated is now its own form of evidence too.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations, everywhere and always. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects have published a white paper “Profitable, North American Energy Independence -- Through the Commercialization of Shale.” that captures the vision of the Preliminary Specification and our actions. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Parler @piobiz, anyone can contact me at 713-965-6720 in Houston or 587-735-2302 in Calgary, or email me here.