These Are Not the Earnings That We're Looking For, Part XLII
Our Preliminary Specification is best described in our White Paper “Profitable, North American Energy Independence -- Through the Commercialization of Shale” which reflects the business approach we have taken to resolving the issues in oil and gas and laying a solid dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable foundation for the future. I take full responsibility for the deterioration of the relationship between ourselves and the bureaucrats. I also submit that the bureaucratic inaction, the systemic deception in everything that was done these past four decades and the chronic blaming of others would make anyone hesitant to want to work with them. That is why we have identified them as the source of the problem and will refuse to work with them during our development or at any other time. I do not trust those that have sat back and been the authors of such destruction at their own hands while continuing to line their pockets and deceptively distract people’s attention from their actions. Was it deliberate or were they naive? Either way disqualifies them from further involvement.
The reputation of existing producers could not be lower in the eyes of those that are associated with the industry, the sub-industries and the general economy that supports the industry, I know I’m not alone in this thinking. Cleaning house is the first order of business and providing these people with another chance is beyond the tolerance of even the most progressive amongst us. And to be fair, these bureaucrats had made their choice not to work with People, Ideas & Objects many years ago and that is only reasonable that we respect that now.
What we have in front of us is nothing less than the complete and comprehensive rebuilding of the oil and gas industry from stem to stern. That is the vision of the Preliminary Specification. The bureaucrats would seek to compromise between their model and ours if we allowed them to participate and we foolishly trusted them. Compromise is their method of management. We would never be able to deal with the compromises of a comprehensively failed system. Our tasks will be the further analysis of the conflict and contradictions that we’ll face in dealing with the implementation of the model’s and markets contained within the Preliminary Specification. It is here that we are taching much closer to the way in which the industry has operated since its inception. Using the Joint Operating Committee which is the legal, financial, operational decision making, cultural, communication, innovation and strategic framework of the industry. These frameworks have been ignored so that the corporate compliance of SEC, tax and other regulations can guide the governance of the organization. This inherent disjointedness between the business and the organization is a result, I believe, of the introduction of computers and the logical processing that they initially undertook. The business of the business has disappeared from the mindset, culture, knowledge and understanding of the bureaucracy.
Bureaucrats have consistently lied and pushed the agenda that “all would be ok, we’d been through this before.” Only to find 5 and 10 years later that we find ourselves knowing that none of that was true. As a result of these deceptions people were willing to concede to the bureaucrats what was necessary for the industry to get through the downturn, knowing that ultimately, as they were told, things would be better. In the five stages of grief this is the first stage which is denial. People were led to believe and in turn wanted to believe that things would get better. Now, as we learn of the oil price collapse, no one is in denial and we’ve quickly moved into the second stage of grief, that being anger. I repeat, the only group that has benefited from the past four decades in oil and gas are the bureaucrats themselves. Until recently they were able to explore new forms of their personal compensation as the only true innovations they were responsible for. Although limited now to outsized paychecks and benefits, their prior accumulation of wealth only requires maintenance which can be provided through those otherwise “measly” sums.
If we continue to believe that all will get better then we are only fooling ourselves and wasting time. This has not just been a deception it is a fundamental betrayal. The current desire to “build balance sheets” is foreign to me. I started in accounting in oil and gas, and had my own auditing firm prior to this software adventure. Is this an objective, a strategy and how exactly do they go about building a balance sheet. The balance sheet is a consequence of the actions of management. If it is to distort the size of the assets then they’ve been successful. If it’s to leverage up debt then they’re wildly successful. Or is it to recognize even greater amounts of retained losses; then there are few who can touch the quality and volume of balance sheet builders in oil and gas. Plumbing the depths of working capital deficiencies could be another part of the exercise of building, and listing the short term liabilities of those that they’ve refused to pay for the past few quarters is also a building process. If I was responsible for the damage and destruction that has occurred in oil and gas then I would involve myself in the process of building balance sheets too, whatever that means. It does look like they don’t know what they're talking about and people would be sympathetic. To address the issue specifically would only open themselves to criminal prosecution.
It’s time to take a sober assessment of where we stand. Are these the organizations that will be able to rehabilitate themselves financially and culturally? Is there anything to rehabilitate? What would be the cost of this rehabilitation, and if we spent that money what would be different? How much time and effort will be needed in order to conduct this rehabilitation? Who’s got the plan for this, and what will the strategy be? It just seems to me that the Preliminary Specification is the easier, cheaper and more effective way to proceed towards a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects have published a white paper “Profitable, North American Energy Independence -- Through the Commercialization of Shale.” that captures the vision of the Preliminary Specification and our actions. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network onTwitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.