These Are Not the Earnings We're Looking For, Part XXXVIII
In 2020 we have the benefit of knowledge that People, Ideas & Objects have been in this marketplace since 2003 arguing these specific points. That nothing has been done to consider these or any arguments, or take any action to remediate the damage producers were so obviously causing to themselves and the greater oil and gas complex. The only efforts made by the producer bureaucrats was to shoot the messenger in a series of attacks that have rendered our organization a skeleton of what it needs to be. Proving two critical points in our argument. That the issues we’re discussing are well known and understood by the producer bureaucrats, who we identify as the C suite executives and their immediate charges. In addition to knowing the issue and the consequences of further inaction they did nothing whatsoever to mitigate the risks, or avoid the situation. These points are clearly evident to all in the silence and stupefying inaction that we’ve seen today and over the last few years when it has been clear that they needed to institute action. Theirs is an expression of unconcern. They don’t give a damn, they’ve got their pound of flesh and they’re going to do what they’re going to do. What more evidence do we need than the wholesale destruction of the natural gas market over the past decade?
Modern life is comprehensively complex. Issues are the result of many more factors and players than what there used to be in the past. It is the nature of the speed and sophistication of our economies that issues have become this way. People are also disoriented by change and resist it. The ability therefore to make the appropriate changes in the market are difficult to execute with cause and effect seemingly unconnected. Nonetheless People, Ideas & Objects have identified that these producer bureaucrats are the responsible parties and have held them to account from the beginning. Disintermediation is a trend that is affecting all aspects of all industries and oil and gas is not immune. People, Ideas & Objects are disintermediating oil and gas and it is the natural and cultural experience of all industries for the bureaucracies to fight back against what they know to be an existential threat to their existence. This is the source of inaction and chronic identification of scapegoats that we’ve experienced over the past number of years.
People, Ideas & Objects believe we need to step back and ask ourselves why would anyone accept that we would produce a single molecule of oil or gas unprofitably anywhere or ever? The thought of doing so is counter to all of our best interests, yet the majority of all of North American production has been unprofitably produced for the past four decades. Loading up balance sheets with “assets” that are really nothing more than the deferral of every possible cost imaginable. Keeping them on that balance sheet for as long as the reserves they represent exist. Leaves them in a state where they are as we’ve described them to be as the unrecognized capital costs of past production. Conversely the investors were drained and diluted annually for another round of loading the bureaucratic spending machine. The key and only competitive advantage of the oil and gas producer. The consumers were treated to what we call the investors discount by only paying for the operating costs when the investors were paying for the capital in this manner. Yet bureaucrats assume that investors will return once they’ve seen the brilliance of their “muddle along” and “do nothing” strategy and operating procedure continue to perform miracles. The industry currently has no residual value as it takes capital just to keep operating. It didn’t get this way by producing the profits that these producers reported. If those profits were real we would be in a much different environment than the one we find ourselves in today. Our recommendation in order to gain an understanding of the damage that has been caused is to take 65% of the property, plant and equipment account and move it to depletion to gain a sense of the scope and scale of the damage, but also the level of deception these producers have presented. A deception that they’ve been able to personally prosper from and continue to do so today. I am at a loss to determine how and who else could be responsible for this situation. I believe the most damning thing I can say about these people is that they accuse everyone else, pipelines, governments, OPEC+ and others for the lack of upside in their revenues. Which makes me believe that others are responsible for the establishment of the revenues that the producers currently enjoy. They are not responsible for, nor are they willing to take responsibility for their business.
That covers the overstatement of earnings and assets. The issue with a business pursuing the type of overstatement that the producers have conducted is the drainage of cash they experience. Which wasn’t an issue as long as investors were willing to support that business model. As we see they’re no longer doing so. The overstatement of cash flow is much more subtle and complex in terms of how the bureaucrats achieve it. We believe that changes need to be made to the way in which oil and gas is capitalized. A segregation of tangible and intangible assets needs to be clarified as almost all oil and gas assets are intangible in nature. The inherent rapid decline of shale reserves that we see, which is in contrast to the mammoth reserves that are discovered, will always be subject to incremental capital costs that are necessary to drill new laterals and fracs. Operations are also more comprehensive today than what they used to be. The classification of what is a normal operation needs to be revised so that what is treated as capital today can be recognized as operations. And finally the capitalization of interest and overhead are inhibiting the producers from creating a 60 to 90 day float of these costs. Where interest and overhead are costed into the price of the commodity and hence returned within that time frame. Producers are spending money, capitalizing these costs and then, in their normal or past business model, commence the search for new monies. This is the reason for the vaporizing cash and working capital that is occurring at all of today’s producers. And most importantly, all four of these elements have a tendency to over report the cash flow of the producer, which even today is handsomely reported, yet cash and working capital are being consumed at horrendous and untenable rates. Interestingly it is traditionally six times annual cash flow that defines the market capitalization of the oil and gas producer. And I am not implying that this would form the motivation for the bureaucrats in any way to overstate cash flow! I’m stating it clearly.
In Monday’s Wall Street Journal producer bureaucrats raised a new reason that they’re not responsible for their business. This excuse is quite elaborate and reflects to me a level of creativity and thinking we’ve not seen from these people before. The quote from the WSJ is as follows.
The global gas glut will persist through at least 2021,” said Francisco Blanch, an analyst at Bank of America Corp., which in January reduced its 2020 price estimate to $1.99 from $2.35. “In order to escape the current low natural gas price environment, production must decline, or at least stop growing, in order to allow demand to catch up.
Though producers can run into trouble if they don’t drill enough to keep their reserves—and thus their bank financing—stable, some have relented.
Ergo they will continue to drill and produce, unprofitably, to ensure that their banks don’t “destabilize” their bank financing. So it’s now the banks fault, they’re the ones that are forcing the producers to do all the things that are not in their best interests.
The current downdraft that we’ve been looking at in the markets has been mostly attributable to the corona virus which makes for another great excuse for the “do nothing” operating procedure of the producers. Oil and gas has been particularly hard hit and even the major integrateds took their fair share of beating this time. Chevron being one of the first to announce layoffs. No one is immune now from the punishment this industry deserves. Chesapeake who’s low is now $0.20 has been downgraded by many brokerages to $0.00. Not bad for what was a $67.00 stock during its leadership of shale in natural gas. That was the time when shale could do no wrong. When producers were able to execute their operating plans with the assistance of buckets of shareholder money. Now left to their own devices not only Chesapeake but all of the producers are showing the capacity to execute is no longer an attribute in oil and gas. They believe that Chesapeake is headed for bankruptcy which means there’s nothing in it for anyone until they pull that lever. Then the shareholders will be wiped out and eliminated. Setting the example for all those other producers shareholders.
There we have the plans of the bureaucrats spelled out to us in their subtle and sophisticated ways. Shareholders be damned. Employees be damned. The bankruptcy Judges are going to need the bureaucrats more than ever now. Maybe they were right when they said profits don’t matter! Or was it power is nothing without control.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects have published a white paper “Profitable, North American Energy Independence -- Through the Commercialization of Shale.” that captures the vision of the Preliminary Specification and our actions. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.