Deck Chairs on the Titanic
Blockchain technology is a catalyst for reimagining the way we do business and this consortium represents a collaborative effort to explore the technology’s potential and leverage learning to drive industry adoption.
World Oil announced that the Oil & Gas Blockchain Consortium has selected its first vendor to implement blockchain in the Bakken shale on a pilot basis. Data Gumbo is a startup initiated by “major global energy companies, including Equinor’s venture subsidiary Equinor Technology Fund and Saudi Aramco Energy Ventures.” Data Gumbo being a startup has secured $9.3 million, terms of their contract with the Oil & Gas Blockchain Consortium were not released. My one recommendation to Andrew Bruce, CEO of Data Gumbo is to be sure to have the consortium, or the producers themselves, pay up front. Please review why this is necessary in this blogs September 4, 2019 post and why we demand such notions in our Revenue Model.
Where do I begin in detailing the issues that I have with this initiative. Although Data Gumbo suggest that producers could save 30% of their costs, I’m assuming that’s only in the administration of water hauling, etc. Which in comparison to the untold costs of this initiative to date, may not be material, I don’t know. To me it sounds as if the producers are attempting to retrofit a new technology into their existing business. Did their Artificial Intelligence initiatives not work out? Which shows a systemic behavior of these bureaucrats, waving around the latest and greatest technology to show that they’re “on the edge.” Another behavior they’re famous for is to pass a 200 page Service Level Agreement (SLA) onto Data Gumbo that details all the ways in which they’ll be held responsible and accountable for any failure. That indeed, expecting any support or participation from any of these producers will be a result of Data Gumbo’s fantastic, determined and skilled efforts at herding cats. The SLA will define that all decisions be made by the producers, all the responsibility and accountability with Data Gumbo, none of the authority and of course there will be no entitlement to what it is Data Gumbo has or will have done. What I mean by that is the Service Level Agreement will dictate that the Intellectual Property for this initiative will reside with the Offshore Operators Committee and once Data Gumbo have the solution implementable, then their competitors will be fully brought up to speed on how to implement the technology just as effectively as Data Gumbo. Producers may even sponsor Data Gumbo’s employees to launch their own enterprise in direct price competition.
On to the other Issues I see as a result of this.
- People, Ideas & Objects stops this foolish game by having the producers paying, in the form of the coin holders levy, prior to the solution being built. Motivating them to participate and collaborate with our user community, but most importantly to act and take responsibility for the success of the Preliminary Specifications development. Writing agreements to ensure that the responsible culprits are identified prior to signing is not effective when seeking successful initiatives.
- When Encana, which is the only specific case we’ve discussed on our blog, doesn’t pay their bills to those who’ve provided services in prior periods. Doing this so that they can manipulate their stock and then shred the share certificates (stock buy-backs), soon the oil and gas industry will have the poor credit and reputation that demands they pay everyone in advance. This will be the long term consequences of not paying the bills!
- It’s 2019, using a methodology of establishing committees and initiatives within the industry seems so 1965 to me. How soon will this be available, what about the other 99.99% of the software and services required for administration and accounting? Who’s leading this initiative? What’s the vision?
- Who’s going to participate in this technology once it’s proven? One of the key advantages of using People, Ideas & Objects is that we’re agnostic, just as Data Gumbo claims. We are providing a standardized and objective software and service based solution. Exxon could use the solution but ours will be built collaboratively by our user community. Not Exxon, Chevron or Shell et al which may seem agnostic to Data Gumbo but I wonder how the intermediates feel about their definition of agnostic?
- Ownership of the Intellectual Property is critical in a development such as ours. Our user community are in complete control of all of the IP and benefit by leveraging it in their own service provider organizations that will have earned exclusive licenses that ensure they are able to focus on their key competitive advantages. Not the producers ability to abuse the price of their service.
- I can’t discern, outside of the fact that this is a technological solution, if Data Gumbo et al is a practical or a political solution? It certainly isn’t a business solution, one that only defers 30% of the administrative costs of water hauling in an industry facing existential threats.
- Again what is the vision, how will this technology drive the industry forward in the most dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable manner. Which is of course People, Ideas & Objects claim to fame through the use of the Joint Operating Committee, three marketplace modules and a comprehensive business model that defines and supports an innovative and profitable producer and industry based organizations..
- Nonetheless it does show the industry is “active,” more so for the sake of being seen to be active, and on the bleeding edge of technology. They’ll ultimately get a solution for their invested $9.3 million. What I personally think is that we have typically large companies with big existential issues applying their small minds somewhat in the necessary general direction.
People, Ideas & Objects addresses the flow of ownership of Intellectual Property and the subsequent flow of cash. If you don’t address these aspects then the producers will assume that everything defaults to them. In the 21st century, people are not motivated by work for the sake of work. They need to know they’re successfully contributing to something much larger than themselves, but also earning something exceptional for themselves. After all, it won’t be long before anyone can earn $15 / hr at McDonalds. People, Ideas & Objects provide our user community and their service provider organizations with that role and ability to remake the industry, and realize some sustainable financial benefit in the long run. If producers believe that resolving an existential threat with $9.3 million in a circa 1965 committee structure, motivating people by the altruistic joy of work, is that what’s expected to be the solution here? To me it’s more representative of how misguided and confused the management of the oil and gas industry is.
Producers can coble this and the other 2,999 software products together from different vendors to make one cohesive, functioning application. Each producer spending the same time, energy, expertise and money that will be consumed by coordinating these 2,999 software and service providers. To ensure that each of their administrative and accounting overhead costs remain unshared and unshareable within each silo’d producer. As we indicated in our White Paper this is a secondary reason for the chronic unprofitability that is achieved by the industry. Speaking of the White Paper we have a section entitled “A History of ERP Systems Development and Integration in Oil and Gas.” Which documents why there is not a coordinated, integrated product or products on offer to the producers. Generally you get what you pay for. It’s here that producers have paid for mostly nothing and have the market leader P2 Systems issuing their own publication that describes their offering. Recall in our White Paper P2 Systems purchased Qbyte from IBM after it was unable to source any financial support from industry for a much needed rewrite of the application. Review of P2’s document shows how well managed the clerical aspects of oil and gas accounting are handled.
Producers can’t, won’t and will not ever provide People, Ideas & Objects with any resources for the development of the Preliminary Specification. Their approach must continue with misdirection and poor issue identification that has brought them to the point of their demise. Our attempts to work with them for what is twenty eight years at the beginning of 2019, has now diverted our approach to resolving these issues without them. Their future is terminal. If that isn’t clear, or if you think that they’ll rally from here, all I can say is just wait. If a $9.3 million blockchain initiative for water hauling is the first tangible signs of action from the 2010 collapse of natural gas prices, just wait, you’ll need to be patient. In the meantime you may enjoy our White Paper that details our perspective. How the hollowing out of value has been done quietly by these producers bureaucrats over these past four decades.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects have published a white paper “Profitable, North American Energy Independence -- Through the Commercialization of Shale.” that captures the vision of the Preliminary Specification and our actions. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.