Our Oil and Gas White Paper, Part XXXV
We’ve discussed in this white paper the critical role our user community and their service provider organizations have in implementing People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specifications and most specifically the decentralized production models price maker strategy. They are how we convert all of the producers administrative and accounting costs to a variable, industry based capability, based on production, from the current fixed accounting and administrative costs of the producers. Enabling the flexibility necessary for producers to be profitable everywhere and all the time. The service providers enable a number of other attributes that we’ll be discussing as part of our solution in this section. These include how People, Ideas & Objects, our user community, service providers and coin holders provide the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas producer with full coverage of all aspects of the knowledge of administration and accounting in our service offering. And the independent nature of this offering.
We learned many things within the Preliminary Specification that are necessary for the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas producers. Capabilities and capacities in the earth science and engineering disciplines are what the producer should be focused on in order to increase their competitive advantage. Capabilities are as simply defined by Professor Carliss Baldwin as “Knowledge begets capabilities, and capabilities begets action.” Or Professor Richard Langlois in his book “The Dynamics of Industrial Capitalism: Schumpeter, Chandler and the New Economy” defined the producers role as...
Indeed, the job of the entrepreneur is precisely to introduce new knowledge. The “Circular Flow of Economic Life” is a state in which knowledge is not changing. Economic growth occurs at the hands of entrepreneurs, who bring into the system knowledge that is qualitatively new – knowledge not contained in the existing economic configuration. p. 27
Which Professor Langlois later went on to define capabilities as the “knowledge, skills and experience” of the firm. We would add ideas to that list as well. The question that is asked then is what is knowledge? Knowledge consists of two distinct types, explicit and tacit knowledge. Contained within the People, Ideas & Objects software will be the explicit knowledge of how and what an oil and gas producer needs in which to operate profitably. And absolutely none of the tacit knowledge. Tacit knowledge can’t be captured in any form. It is knowledge that is “learned by doing” and defined well in this businessdictionary.com definition.
Unwritten, unspoken, and hidden vast storehouse of knowledge held by practically every normal human being, based on his or her emotions, experiences, insights, intuition, observations and internalized information. Tacit knowledge is integral to the entirety of a person's consciousness, is acquired largely through association with other people, and requires joint or shared activities to be imparted from one to another. Like the submerged part of an iceberg it constitutes the bulk of what one knows, and forms the underlying framework that makes explicit knowledge possible. Concept of tacit knowledge was introduced by the Hungarian philosopher-chemist Michael Polanyi (1891-1976) in his 1966 book 'The Tacit Dimension.' Also called informal knowledge.
In Professor Richard Langlois’ paper entitled “Chandler in a Larger Frame: Markets, Transaction Costs, and Organization Form in History.” He defines tacit knowledge as.
Much knowledge - including, importantly, much knowledge about production - is tacit and can be acquired only through a time-consuming process of learning by doing. Moreover, knowledge about production is often essentially distributed knowledge: that is to say, knowledge that is only mobilized in the context of carrying out a multi-person productive task, that is not possessed by any single agent, and that normally requires some sort of qualitative coordination - for example, through direction and command - for its efficient use. p. 359
It is one thing to provide the industry with a quality solution from the point of view of explicit knowledge. It’s also easily assumed that industry has already acquired that knowledge to some extent. The need to have the tacit knowledge implemented in conjunction with the systems and procedures that People, Ideas & Objects user community and developers are defining is necessary to ensure a successful implementation. The service providers are People, Ideas & Objects implementation of that tacit knowledge. They will be the ones that are providing People, Ideas & Objects software, their services and process management to the industry. It will be in that way that producers will be able to rely on their industry based, variable, accounting and administrative capabilities to be completed in a timely and accurate manner.
The latest systems buzzword is Microsoft Azure and Artificial Intelligence to resolve the industries issues. We believe these are the incorrect directions for the industry to travel. They are technologies looking for a problem to solve. That is not the case in oil and gas. People, Ideas & Objects are using the business approach to solve the business issues being realized in oil and gas. Using technology to solve the issues we’ve identified is the most effective means in which to resolve them. What we are seeking to do is to establish a strong foundation for the industry in which they can build from. Today, most producers have not organized their data or accounting necessary to provide the profitability of any specific property. Many will argue that point with me. To which I would ask what was the actual overhead that was incurred at any specific property? Not one producer in the industry is aware of what the actual administrative and accounting costs to manage a property are in the industry. Giving people the latest phones, Artificial Intelligence or Cloud Computing is misdirection and a misunderstanding of the issues.
Service providers are independent and are not concerned if its Exxon or a startup that is the owner of the property that they’re billing for their services. Understanding that the service providers will be limited to the data elements that will be necessary for them to manage the process they’re responsible for, it is doubtful they’ll know which client it is they’re charging when they issue their billing to a Joint Operating Committee. Their concern is the efficient and effective management of the process that they’re exclusively responsible for. If a producer does have an issue with their service they’ll know who to contact, the user community member that heads up that service provider. That member of the user community will have the power and the tools necessary to deal with the issues and opportunities that the industry may have as a result of any changes or defects in the software or process the service provider manages. They are the sole point of contact for the industry to discuss the process’ management, and are the only people our software developers listen to. As we’ve always said in today’s current software environment, who do you go to see when your current software solution is not as it should be?
Consolidation within the oil and gas industry is a symptom of creative destruction. Startup oil and gas producers have been extinct for many years now. Another symptom. We see Anadarko throwing in the towel and many of their fellow intermediates believing, hoping, and anticipating, that they may be the next intermediate to be poached. Shell, BP, Exxon and Chevron will survive because that is what they do. That doesn’t make them efficient. If Exxon undertook the development of a system to provide the industry with ERP applications would Shell, BP or Chevron be interested? Of course not. And the same would go for any other producer. It is the independence of this sub-industry that People, Ideas & Objects are creating and their independent approach to the technical aspects of the accounting and administration of oil and gas that makes it useable by each and every producer no matter what their size or configuration. Startups won’t care that Exxon uses it and has, as a result of their production profile, paid the majority of the software development costs through our coin holders levy. They’re only concern will be that everyone pays the same fee for the same service. The independent nature of our “sub-industry” is an attribute that all producers, that is the ones that survive, will appreciate when our coin holders have funded the Preliminary Specification.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.