Our Oil and Gas White Paper, Part XXXI
People, Ideas & Objects plan contrasts with the oil and gas producers plan simply through its existence. The lack of a plan, or to “muddle through” is a feature, not a bug of the North American producer. Active management of the industry at any point, and in any form, is inconsistent with the industries culture developed over the past four decades as a result of the SEC implementing its Full Cost and Ceiling Test regulations for capital assets. These regulations have extinguished the producers initiative to act. If everything that you spend becomes an asset that increases the value of the firm, if everything that you produce is almost pure profit, you are disincentivized to see the situation as anything but wildly successful. “What could be wrong?” Planning, strategy and active management have been ineffective in this environment and as such grew to be unnecessary and therefore not undertaken. How else could you describe the past ten years in the natural gas business in which nothing has been done. If the business should ever have difficulties, as it has always done before, “it will work itself out.” People, Ideas & Objects have been in the oil and gas market promoting elements of the Preliminary Specification since 2005. The full specification since 2013 and nothing was done by the producers other than to abuse us and attempt to circumvent our Intellectual Property on five separate occasions. The threat that we present to the bureaucracy through disintermediation has been the only issue that has been of concern to our very good friends the producer bureaucrats.
What we have now, upon critical review, are obscene financial statements being produced by all of the oil and gas producers. Disproportionately large property, plant and equipment accounts are contrasted by minimal to negative working capital. Shareholders equity that has in many cases retained and current losses rapidly eating away at the money that investors provided to the producers over the course of decades of annual shareholder issuances. Revenues that pale in comparison to the capitalization of the firm, yet produce fantastical profits due to the lack of any substantial recognition of the capital costs of exploration and production in a capital intensive industry. Profitability was not the religion of the industry. Profitability was irrelevant, or we were told the thousands of times when we claimed that we provided oil and gas producers with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. “Who cares” we were told. Today that profitability is such an issue in oil and gas that the investors and bankers have left as a result of the lack of it, the cash continues to erode from the industry, the service industry and the broader economies are now suffering as a result of a depression era downturn in oil and gas.
Profitability is the purpose behind the Preliminary Specification. Addressing the issue of producing unprofitable production all the time, and everywhere has been resolved by People, Ideas & Objects. Ours is a trillion dollar value proposition. Yet no movement from the producers. If they can’t be motivated by incremental value and real profitability in their organizations, based on their investment in the Preliminary Specification, why would investors and bankers be motivated to return and invest now that they understand the producers culture and history as just described. How is it then that the credibility in oil and gas regarding profitability will come about? The answer is the producers can’t, won’t and will not ever change. The cultural differences are too significant for them to bridge. The damage they’ve incurred to date is also too substantial for them to recover from. Rebuilding in the style of creative destruction will be faster, more effective, more productive and most importantly of all, more profitable. The acquisition of credibility regarding profitability by the existing producers has passed. They could have proceeded with the Preliminary Specification at any point in the past decade. They didn’t, I can’t help them now. They’re too far gone for me or anyone to rehabilitate, if we attempted to implement the Preliminary Specification I think it might end up being, as a result of the damage that has been realized, a failure. And then what?
That therefore is our plan, we are proceeding with our Initial Coin Offering (ICO) described below in order to raise the funds needed for the development of the Preliminary Specification and associated communities and capabilities. We expect that the ICO can be issued in three years time and provide us with the means in which we can move forward in the industry. Review of the “History of ERP Systems and Integration in Oil and Gas” section below will show the reasons that this is the only opportunity open to us. At which point we can then begin the development / integration of the technologies within whatever configuration the industry may be in. Key among these is the price maker strategy to ensure that all production is profitable and the structures that support innovation throughout oil and gas and the associated sub-industries are put into place. Innovation that ensures the consumers are provided with the lowest cost for their energy needs. Profitability has been an issue that we have argued for decades here at People, Ideas & Objects. It is in our DNA, the Preliminary Specification, and makes up our old time religion. As one can also see with the tone of this white paper, the history between us and the producer bureaucrats, the uncompromising manner in our approach, we will not compromise on these fundamental needs of the industry. Those within the oil and gas industry should now be able to look around and see clearly why profitability is so critically necessary, everywhere and always. The damage that I see is comprehensive and the expectation that investors will return to make everything all right again is only evidence that they’ve learned nothing and maybe never will. Expecting that investors will clean up the mess is frightening on two fronts. There isn’t enough investor cash anywhere to even begin solving the industries problems, the consumer is the only source of cash large enough. And when the investors are expected by everyone to make a difference today, you scare the living daylights out of the investors with such over the top, unreasonable requests.
Once we’ve established the capability for all production to be profitable everywhere and always, our plan will begin the process of increasing specialization and expanding the division of labor. This will be necessary in order to achieve a greater throughput from the same resource base. If we are to expand our productive capacity by another 8 million boepd to be truly energy independent, we will need to either expand the resources or figure out a way in which to work more efficiently. We have issues with the supply of earth scientists and engineers, and with the downturn pushing the capabilities of each producer beyond what is sustainable in the long term, this issue needs to be addressed before we can expand our deliverability. Specialization and the division of labor are the toolset in which the industry can achieve these objectives.
Once the profitability and throughput potential are addressed then the industry can set upon the objective of energy independence on the continent. Shale makes this a viable and worthwhile objective, however the manner in which its being done today provides benefit for no one other than the bureaucrats running the producer firms. Energy independence without profitability everywhere and always is unsustainable. With the state of affairs throughout the oil and gas economy we see clearly that today is inadequate for everyone's purposes. In addition to the increased throughput that is required there is a substantial amount of work that is needed on new infrastructure and repairs on existing infrastructure that we’ve relied on for many decades. These costs are not going to be undertaken by investors that are duped by specious accounting. They’ve now learned the lessons that oil and gas accounting is fraudulent and therefore these investments need to be undertaken on a different basis, I nominate the consumer. These costs will have to be borne by the consumer who pays the full cost, capital, operating, overhead and royalty of each boe they consume. That way producers can cycle their capital through their organization on a reasonable 30 month basis which will provide them with the cash necessary to reinvest and achieve the energy independence that is more than possible.
This is our plan, one that we feel deals with the realities of a critical industry that is necessary in ensuring our way of life in our advanced economy. What we do know as a result of the (in)action of the past decade is that the producer bureaucrats aren’t interested. They don’t have a plan and if history teaches us anything, when the situation becomes untenable that’s when management finds greener pastures in other industries. We’re not aware of any of these plans, it's just history tells us of these events that have happened before.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.