Our Oil and Gas White Paper, Part XXVII
Secondly the concern that is expressed by producers is that if their products become too costly to the consumer, alternatives will become viable and replace the carbon industry. Therefore I guess it’s permissible to fleece the investors, have them pay for the capital costs and only charge the consumers for the operating costs of their energy consumption. For fear that the alternative energy boogeyman will otherwise deny them health and happiness. These masters of the universe who run the oil and gas companies are all powerful and can deem the configuration of the economy and its energy output in their own minds. Bureaucratic control is their forte and they will not bow to any challenge. Market economies provide choices to consumers. Alternative energy sources are not viable today, and as we will read later will never be viable. Consumers will choose to use less carbon based energy if they have to pay more for it. Consuming it more prudently is the choice they’ll have to make. Nonetheless at 23,200 man hours of equivalent labor in each barrel of oil we believe that the most powerful economy will be the largest consumer of energy. In whatever form the consumers choose.
With the inherent value contained within each barrel of oil. With the supply possibly limited to the next half dozen generations. Why would we ever produce any oil or gas that was unprofitable? What would be the purpose of doing so? Would we not just be robbing future generations of the resources they’ll need to expand their quality of life? On the one hand the costs of oil and gas exploration and production continue to escalate with each barrel of oil produced. This is due to the increased difficulty and science necessary to extract the resource. Therefore a more accurate accounting is necessary than what has been provided to the industry in the past decades. People, Ideas & Objects provides a more accurate accounting of the costs of exploration and production as part of the Preliminary Specification, our user community and their service provider operations. When only profitable production is produced it is implied that we are accurately capturing the costs and passing these costs on to the consumer. Profits and innovation will be used to ensure an abundant, affordable supply is provided for the long term. Conversely, consumers paying the full cost of their energy will ensure that they’ll choose the most efficient and effective use of the resource.
We see that the Democratic Parties indoctrination of the youth into the communist way of thinking is almost complete. The fear is that the world will meet with environmental Armageddon if we don’t stop burning carbon based energy sources. The bureaucrats within the oil and gas producers have bought into the party message too. They are more focused on their role in eliminating carbon then they are with their own business. In Canada we have the producers who need pipelines more desperately than sunshine; are mute, invisible and leaderless on the topic of pipelines. They’ve experienced hundreds of billions of dollars in revenue losses which they point out are the governments fault, the pipelines fault or soon to be Santa’s fault once again. If it’s not their responsibility to safeguard the upside of their revenue streams, then I would state that it’s difficult for me to understand how they can claim to be the responsible party for their existing revenues. Meanwhile they gladly cut another check to Greenpeace and all manner of environmental organizations so that those organizations can fund the next pipeline protest against what the producers need most. This is masters of the universe thinking once again. If they can save the planet as well as make alternative energy sources viable, all the time benefiting from the carbon economy then they’ll be seen as the hero’s that they know they are. We all understand that actions speak louder than words, and we have neither actions or words to indicate this thinking is not what they’re doing. These decisions are best left in the consumers hands. Let them make the choice in terms of their behaviors and their consumption. I would also challenge anyone to suggest that one individual has truly changed their energy consumption in any material way in the past twenty years as a result of the imminent, environmental Armageddon. Intuitively and deeply I don’t think people outside of the environmental echo chamber believe in any of it. They pick out the good ideas and use them, but just tolerate the noise otherwise. And as for the producers maybe they should get busy managing their business with the first step being to secure the upside of their revenue streams. This will require the Preliminary Specification however.
Producers have a job to do. None of which they are doing today. Providing affordable and profitable oil and gas across the North American continent has been compromised. Energy self sufficiency is a political objective that does not suit an industry that is in an advanced state of destruction and on life support. The introduction of shale reservoirs has accelerated the destruction over the past fifteen years. There is no net value reflected in the industry today. It demands cash in order to function, implying that it is worthless. The past 34 years has seen 5 years that would be classified as good years retrospectively. The oil and gas industries current destruction has extended to the service industry which is now affecting the tertiary industries and the broader economy in significant and detrimental ways. The responsibility for this societal damage has to be placed at the feet of the oil and gas bureaucrats. They, who piously bark out orders towards these “lesser” industries have done nothing to safeguard their revenue streams when they sell their products for less than half of what they’re worth. Something as price makers they have complete control over. They are deluded by myths that have no basis to be considered in the oil and gas business. Myths such as alternative energies as a competitive alternative. Yet the business principles that have been proven over the past several decades are not considered or implemented within the industry. They are all knowing and all powerful, yet haven’t a clue.
The investors and bankers have suspended all of their activity in the industry over the past three years. This has had no effect on the behaviors or actions of the producers. People, Ideas & Objects have been discussing these points on this blog since 2005 and have received no support from the producers whatsoever. On the contrary, we have received the full force of their negative attention. We have determined that the state of affairs in the industry are terminal. There is little that we can do to remediate the industry from the current financial catastrophe that exists. We suspect that given our best efforts the implementation of the Preliminary Specification would be a failure. And therefore we have chosen to use the toolset provided to us in the form of creative destruction, spontaneous order and Initial Coin Offerings. The production of this paper is the beginning of this renewal process.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.