These Are Not the Earnings We're Looking For, Part XXXIII
What we see in the first quarter of 2019 is a continuing deterioration of the industries and producers financial health. What we also see is a substantial acceleration in the trajectory of that decline. Particularly in the area of cash and most specifically working capital. We’re now in a situation in terms of working capital that I’m having a hard time visualizing what it’s like to manage an oil and gas producer. You have in our sample of 23 producers property, plant and equipment of $487.3 billion, debt of $146.6 billion and current liabilities of $70.5 billion. Working capital is only $4.8 billion down $6.7 billion from December 31, 2018. We have watched these numbers for several years now and they’re deteriorating far more quickly. In 2018 we saw dividends, stock buybacks and debt payments total $45 billion which contributed to the decline we’re seeing in working capital. Much of this was fueled by asset sales that were generating large losses in addition to the cash that was raised. In the first quarter of 2019 stock buybacks, dividends and debt payments totalled only $3.2 billion as it appears this is the area that producers have determined as unsustainable. Cutting dividends and harboring as much cash as possible. Nonetheless the consumption of cash was $3.8 billion vs. $5.2 billion for all of 2018. Some pundits state that the cash balances of the producers are very healthy. Which some are, they’re however the exception to the rule and the healthy balances of cash have all been spent with current liabilities wiping out current assets and leaving minimal working capital. It's great to have large bank balances but if you’ve already spent that money, you can’t spend it again.
Go ask an investor to shore up your working capital. You may never see another potential investor again. No one is going to provide you with working capital. Banks will get spooked and start calling their loans. Working capital deficiencies are a serious warning to anyone that the problems in the business are comprehensive and unresolved. Throwing more money at it is only incinerating it. The business must address the underlying issue and the discussion in the industry isn’t satisfying anyone who sees that the issue consists of chronic, systemic overproduction everywhere and always. Businesses manage their production so that their inventory levels do not bloat to the point where they depress the price of the product they’re selling. It’s common business sense not to do so. Producers believe they have the right to produce whatever they want from whatever area at whatever cost and the “market will rebalance.” Which is the most foolish thing that any business could consider or think is a valid point. Markets produce one thing, and only one thing. That is the price that the market is willing to pay. If a producer can make a profit at that price, then the producer should produce. Otherwise stay out of the market and ensure that only profitable operations are achieved everywhere and always. People, Ideas & Objects have been screaming this logic for over a decade now and the response from the industry continues to be they will not interfere with the markets. And therefore continue to produce at 100% production capacity.
Of course our sample of producers recorded a profit of $6.1 billion for the first quarter of 2019. Which would be some of the highest profitability recorded in the past number of years. So the point of my argument about only producing profitable production is misunderstood. These profits that are recorded by the producers of course contain very little of the actual capital costs incurred to produce them. Deferral of any and all capital costs, which as we know consist of only the royalties and operations being excluded, is the science and art that producers are most proud of. “Building balance sheets” is the name of the game. The business is a spending discipline pure and simple. People, Ideas & Objects believe that a capital intensive industry would recognize their capital costs as quickly as possible in order to retrieve the cash resources that had been invested in the business. By recognizing the capital costs, and assuming they were capturing adequate prices for their product, these capital investments would be returned to them in the form of cash for reinvestment without having to go to the investors for more cash and dilute last years investors. The business would be self funding as it turned over its capital in a competitive fashion with other industries that compete for the investors attention and dollars. In addition to being a self funding operation producers would generate enough cash to pay down debt and provide adequate dividends to their shareholders. Instead, oil and gas is the place where money goes to die.
This argument has been put to the producers by People, Ideas & Objects for many years now. Isn’t it odd that the producers have such large balances of property, plant and equipment. Are "wildly" profitable in their minds but cash starved and becoming more so as each day passes. Analysis of the issue and proposed solution can’t make it past the “muddle along” strategy and “do nothing” operating procedure that are unanimously applied in each producer. They know too much about the business to impart their sophisticated analysis and explain themselves. Even though the “good times” have occurred for a total of 5 of the past 34 years, investors and bankers don’t understand and can’t see the “healthy” lives that the bureaucrats live. So what exactly is the issue. People, Ideas & Objects have determined that this has gone on for too long and has carried on to the point where there is no value in the industry anywhere anymore. We don’t believe we can remediate the problems within the constraints of the current organizations. We therefore have looked to other methods in which to achieve our funding and proceed with our software developments. These are captured in our Initial Coin Offering and we’ll be using creative destruction to rebuild the industry in the vision of a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas producer and industry.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.