Our Oil and Gas White Paper, Part VI
So far we’ve talked very little about the technologies. It’s not about any specific technology anymore it’s about the business and more specifically how the business and industry will be structured in order to be profitable. As many people as there are in the world without software we wouldn’t be able to function without it. We stand on the shoulders of many giants. And yet, at the same time it is estimated that the impact of Information Technologies on the productivity in the economy has been minimal. Which may be the case. However what we also know is that for the past few hundred years the only manner in which productivity has expanded is through the further specialization and division of labor. These are the principles that we’ve used to solve many of the issues in oil and gas. Specifically the service providers are derived from our user community members and focus on one administrative or accounting process and use the entire industry as their client base. Eliminating the need for each producer to build their individual unshared and unshareable administrative and accounting capabilities which are exactly the same as each and every other producer. This requires the full stack of Information Technologies that exist in the marketplace today, and will need to be done in innovative ways. Then we will begin to see the real productivity gains in terms of the application of Information Technology through higher profitability of the oil and gas industry, lower administrative and accounting costs and better and more timely information.
We note that People, Ideas & Objects Intellectual Property consists of the following categories. The research that was conducted in determining the Joint Operating Committee as the key organizational construct of the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas producer. The Preliminary Specification and its derivative works. The work of the user community, how this is acquired is discussed in the user community vision. The software code that is developed and of course the binaries that are used within the producer firms, the service providers and elsewhere. The licensing of the user community, service providers and the granting of the exclusive rights of access to the binaries on behalf of the producer firms by our coin holders. Yet you will notice I have not stated that we’re a software development firm. We have dropped that aspect of our organization as a result of the logistical difficulties and what we feel would be the unnecessary time consumed in developing a capability that we have budgeted for 600 developers. For us to grow from nothing to having all of the developers singing from the same hymn sheet, then mold them into the state of the art team that would be needed for this task would be too long in terms of the timeline that the industry has. Each year the value proposition of our software and services can be in the high triple digit billions of dollars. We feel it would be inefficient for us and the industry to pursue something that may take upwards of four to ten years to do.
It is my personal opinion that no one has the wherewithal to challenge Oracle in terms of the quality of their software offering. What Larry Ellison and his team have done has made all others pale in comparison. It all has to do with the database in my opinion and that is where Oracle most particularly excels. If the data is wrong or the database is unable to conduct the operation correctly it doesn’t matter about much else. Performance of the overall system is another attribute of the database. The demand on these applications at times can be heavy. Oracle is light years ahead of anyone else and to me it appears that no one is even trying to compete anymore. IBM has repackaged their database offering as IBM DB2 and is a cloud offering. It has to be number two in the marketplace with number three being any number of pretenders. Microsoft included. IBM had a large lead as the creator of relational theory and rode that to dominance for many decades. I believe Oracle now has at least a decade on IBM DB2.
We have always configured the Preliminary Specification on the basis of Oracle’s Database, Java, Oracle Fusion Middleware and Oracle Fusion Applications. These also have been packaged as cloud offerings which we’re very pleased with. And there are many more peripheral applications that are provided by Oracle included in the Preliminary Specification. In our initial budget we also had the assistance of Oracle Consulting providing their software development services in terms of accelerating our delivery times. We have now dropped the software development aspect of our firm, chosen our distinct competitive advantages and will be handing Oracle the work of the development of the Preliminary Specification and our user communities contribution.
Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning and other pie in the sky dreams of the producers can’t be implemented until they get the base of their systems operational. Flying to the moon in Orville and Wilbur Wright's plane is going to be difficult. Maybe it would be possible but why would you try? Some producers are crediting Artificial Intelligence with building substantial value for their firm. As we’ve seen most producers are profitable, but where’s the cash? The role of IT in the producer firm and industry are far beyond what we’ve seen in the past. Today is a time when a different approach to the future and the long term are necessary. Information Technologies make fundamental changes to the outcome and profitability of industries. Picking up the latest tool and waving it around doesn’t.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.