"Can I Hear $14"
The light oil that is produced in the Permian is now creating bottlenecks further down the supply chain. Initially all of the production could be handled by the takeaway capacity and facilities in the area. However as producers began drilling more and more, bottlenecks began to show in the takeaway capacity. Differentials are now depressing the value producers are seeing for their production. These differentials are all the rage in North America. Whether it’s gas or oil it doesn’t matter. The highest differentials are showing up in the most prolific shale areas. Marcellus has a particularly tragic history in terms of the prices they recieve. People, Ideas & Objects have asserted that once the takeaway capacity in these regions is enhanced these regional price pressures will be released into the larger continental market in the case of natural gas, and the global market in the case of oil. But that isn’t the worst news. That would be that today shows the amount of light oil in the world is beginning to overwhelm the refining capacity of that grade of crude. Oriented to the heavier crudes the refining capacity would either need to be reworked to accept the lighter grades, or producers change the mix of what is produced. Therefore any release of the higher production volumes out of the light oil areas will also overwhelm the light oil refining capabilities of the refineries. These price differentials would have a negative impact on the global price of oil, and now with refineries unable to process that grade of crude, shortages of refined product. Bad for the intermediate producers and those that are smaller. Good for the integrated operations. What they lose on the upstream side of the business will be more than made up for on the downstream side. Enter the highly motivated refiners who are wanting to spend money so desperately on upgrading their refineries to handle lighter crudes! Of course they are.
It also appears that the momentum of bloated balance sheets is starting to work against the current producers. That is they are now incurring more and more capital costs each quarter as a result of the size of property, plant and equipment. Don’t get me wrong, still nowhere near enough to recognize the cost of exploration and production. Just as a startup is profitable because of the deferral of most of their costs, they appear highly profitable for the first decade, and this carries on into the second and third decade of the producer to the point where the build up of unrecognized capital costs of past production that should have been recognized eventually comes home to roost and takes on a larger than life issue within the financial statements. The excessive profits of prior years eventually meets the excessive costs of future years. This legacy of bloated balance sheets is why I think everyone is running around saying they’re building their balance sheet. The equivalent of putting lipstick on a pig. It’s also why Ms. Kardashian became the world's youngest billionaire with her makeup business. She sells a lot of lipstick online.
The producers legacy of bloated balance sheets is the problem that can’t be fixed with accounting wizardry or bureaucratic denials. These balances represent many different elements of the oil and gas producers difficulties. The balance of property, plant and equipment is equal to the amount of the discount that the producers investors have had to subsidize the consumers for their energy consumption. The subsidy being the fact that the account is not an “asset” but the unrecognized capital costs of prior production. It therefore also represents the opportunity for the current investors to have their investments recaptured by recognizing those costs after the Preliminary Specifications decentralized production models price maker strategy is implemented. That way the commodity prices would be adequate to cover the appropriate past and current capital costs of oil and gas exploration and production. These costs may be lost in the termination of the producers as they stand today. More and more this becomes a reality. Finally the amount recorded in property, plant and equipment also represents the cash resources that have been stuffed in the cupboard and forgotten about. Building balance sheets must of been discussed during one of the accounting classes that I missed. I also can’t find it through google. Primarily because it’s a ridiculous notion. Producers need to recycle their capital in a competitive manner against the standards set in the capital markets.
Lastly I’ll leave the following quotation that accurately reflects the commodities of oil and gas are subject to the price maker principles. If the commodities were price takers the following would not have happened. And to suggest that managing the producer operation in a profitable manner is collusion is more of a reflection, five years after the publication of the Preliminary Specification, of the obstinance and turf-protection by the producers bureaucrats. Either that or they’re completely idiotic. From the March 14, 2019 EIA Natural Gas Weekly Update.
Pacific Northwest sees highest-recorded natural gas spot prices in the United States since 2014
Natural gas spot prices at the Sumas trading point on the Canada-Washington border averaged $161.33 per million British thermal units (MMBtu) on Friday, March 1, the highest daily spot price recorded by Natural Gas Intelligence anywhere in the United States in at least five years. The price spike comes amid supply constraints and unseasonably cold temperatures, which drove up demand.
Limited supply deliverability coincided with unusually high demand when part of the polar vortex moved into the Northwest and Midwest during the beginning of March. Temperatures in Washington averaged 33 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) from March 1–4, 10°F lower than normal. These temperatures led to high heating demand in the Pacific Northwest and in the regions from which the Pacific Northwest imports its natural gas (the Rockies and Western Canada). Combined with supply constraints, the widespread cold weather led to the $161.33/MMBtu spot price going into the weekend.
Last October’s explosion on Westcoast Energy’s BC Pipeline—which transports natural gas through British Columbia, Canada, and into the United States at Sumas—has led to reduced flows and higher prices at Sumas all winter. From November—the beginning of the winter storage season—to the end of February, Genscape data shows daily flows through Sumas onto the BC Pipeline averaged about 610 million cubic feet per day (MMcf/d), compared to 940 MMcf/d during the same period a year ago. Sumas prices averaged $10.56 per million British thermal units (MMBtu) during that time period compared to $2.62/MMBtu a year earlier.The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.