How Our ICO Will be a Success
One of the key attributes that I see of the ICO is the ability of the coin holder to have liquidity from the beginning. With the current model, in the instance of a private company investment, the entrepreneur is forced to sell in order to compensate their investors with a big payday. What happens therefore is the technology industry comes to be dominated by a handful of tech companies that reap the long term upside from the entrepreneur. For example the owners of YouTube sold out for $1.65 billion in 2006. A preemptive and valuable acquisition by Google. How much of Google current $800 billion market capitalization is represented in their YouTube product? Let's say it’s only $100 billion for our purposes, the $98 billion is what the founders and their investors have missed out on in the past thirteen years. If they would have kept the product for themselves they may not have realized that, there could have been competitors such as Google video which was the number 2 product in the market, etc. The point regarding the ICO is the liquidity offered is much earlier and far superior to the private company with the potential to capture some of that long term value that the founders may have missed.
When it comes to identifying who would be interested in People, Ideas & Objects ICO I think our model provides a good example for our coin holders. Those who would be interested would of course be those that are part of the larger community of people and firms that are associated with the upstream oil and gas industry. Starting with our user community members, their service provider organizations, producers, their employees, service industry representatives and anyone else that falls within those categories. Why would they participate? They know and understand the oil and gas business and are involved in it every day. Through their coin ownership they would be participating directly in the production of oil and gas. This is a result of the rights that are granted to the coin holders for exclusive access to the software and services of People, Ideas & Objects and the service providers that we’re creating. For all intents and purposes the current producers are exhausting the value they hold until such time there will be nothing of interest for anyone in those companies. Then they fall apart. We are putting the industry back together in the vision of the Preliminary Specification and making it profitable and innovative. The exclusive rights the coin holder gains is a share of the extrinsic value, as we call it, of the difference between today’s base case and the environment that is created through the deployment of our Preliminary Specifications decentralized production models price maker strategy. This overall upstream oil and gas community knows and understands the business and would therefore have a direct representative value in the output of the industry.
Essentially the coin holders will be levying a tax on the production of the industry. How this will be done is through our free money strategy. Everyone likes free money. Let’s assume the coin holders negotiate a one third levy on the extrinsic value of the industry. Therefore two thirds of the extrinsic value is being realized by the producer themselves, and based on the price maker strategy, the levy of the coin holder will become a cost of production that is passed onto the consumer. Therefore any producer who doesn’t want to participate due to the optics of the levy or for whatever reason would have to answer two critical question to their shareholders and investors as to why they were not gaining this incremental, extrinsic and free value. A) Why were they not participating in the free money strategy? B) How were they managing their business without access to the necessary software and services? Software and services that the producers incurred no time, effort or money in developing? Except for paying the levy.
What is that elephant doing standing on that 800 lbs gorilla in the middle of the room for? Yes, that unanswered, difficult question. Funding our $8 billion budget through an ICO is well beyond the capabilities of the ICO marketplace. Funding $8 billion from anywhere is well beyond the capacity and capabilities of any marketplace. Making this an almost impossible task, just like the producers are facing today. Yet we were able to come up with the Preliminary Specification on a timely basis. An additional complication is that we will not have the critical support of the user community until such time as they can be assured that they will not be left out of the industry as a result of a funding shortfall. We need to have secured the necessary funding to complete the task and that includes the safety and security of the user community. This however does not preclude those potential user community members from participating in the ICO.
The way this gets done is for the coin holder to be representative of the upstream oil and gas industry we’ve discussed above. People involved will need to assess the viability of the producer firms in their current form, the effect that creative destruction will have on the industry and where we’re headed with respect to these. All I can do is point them to the record store for a vision of how others dealt with similar issues. They will then need to assess the viability of the Preliminary Specification, its user community and service providers as an overall solution to what ails the industry. Does it also provide the means in which to establish oil and gas as a profitable and innovative industry? I don’t believe that these assessments can be made by individuals in the greater investment community. The need for intimate knowledge regarding the issues and opportunities around oil and gas are too significant for them to appreciate. We are deep in the weeds here on this one and are delving deeply into the nuance of accounting and administration of the industry and where it needs to go. These are not the attributes that investors assess. They look to the financial performance. This also shows a key personal strategy for me. You don't have to be crazy to do this kind of work, it's just that I find it to be a distinct competitive advantage.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.