What's the Plan, Part IV
The relief that I sense in no longer having to create a sense of urgency to act. That we hold the solution no longer implies to me that we hold the responsibility to solve it anymore. We are changing our perspective from an overall concern and sense of urgency to one where the primary focus and concern of the larger community involved here of People, Ideas & Objects, our user community, the service providers and our coin holders is on the quality of our offerings we ultimately deliver. That will be the manner in which we can approach a task that has the scope and scale of difficulty that we are collectively undertaking. We now have the time, and will have the money in order to make this transition successful. We continue to permeate more and more minds each day throughout the oil and gas industry and it is this slow and time consuming process of having people evaluate our offering, assessing the difficulties of the current administration and making their own decisions that will grow to the point where the impossible things we are attempting will become the inevitable.
Of the past 33 years 28 have been financial disasters, all of those as a result of the overproduction that is chronic throughout the industry. Therefore we can be assured that this will not be going away as I see the producers behaviours and actions continuing. The dull blunt instrument of reducing capital expenditures in the face of these issues is now being done for the 28th time in these past 33 years. Anyone see a correlation? There is also handsome profitability being reported by the majority of the producers so each of them know intuitively that they are not the ones that are responsible for any overproduction. And so it will be if their administration is in control of the industry in 2045, who knows, they may be able to muddle through and do nothing to survive that long.
The other characteristic we see through this situation is that the cyclical nature of the commodity prices. When this is married to the phenomenal capability of the industry to suddenly produce oil for $40.00, in a capital intensive industry, where the historical costs of production was I assumed fixed, if the price of oil should happen to drop to $49.00, is the other reason why the producers have the upper hand today. Although more layoffs are still being reported there is a calm in the market that all will be well soon. Which is the same calm that arises almost annually since the natural gas prices collapsed in 2008. The fourth quarter reports show that cash continues to be the area that bureaucrats are unable to resolve. Oddly this has been the case since investors and bankers abandoned the industry. The point being the behaviors have been evident in the industry for decades. These behaviours were overlooked when investors were backfilling the producers with their cash each year. The industry has developed under these behaviours, sees nothing at issue today and these have now formulated into the culture of the industry.
In terms of how I see the situation this frog’s legs are well done, the body is only cooked rare at this point but the brain is still functioning. Therefore the frog still believes it has a future. And we can see through the actions of the bureaucrats that the frog has never been happier. It may be unreasonable to compare the industries leadership to the mind of a frog slowly cooking, however I find it quite appropriate. It is the producers responsibility for the demise of the industry. We went well beyond the call of duty in attempting to deal with them. Sure I had some fun in the process, but they needed to see the other side of the issue and my criticism provided that. Now we need to move forward and do our thing. We have 3.5 years before the financial resources will be raised through our Initial Coin Offering. People who wish to participate in any aspect of our offering will need to be able to use this time productively. Please review the user community vision to determine what it is that you can and could be doing during this time. The most important thing about this plan is that people need to understand that there is a plan in place. It is these people that are the most important aspect of that plan and the solution we are providing for the future of the oil and gas industry. Their role is critical. Taking a moment away from the noise at this point to think about the Preliminary Specification and the role you could take in the future is what you should be thinking about as the opportunities in my opinion are amazing. Now is the time to leverage what we have and begin to bring it all together.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.