It's a Capital Intensive Industry
The desire to “build” the assets ever higher in the industry is enabled through what I consider to be a poor interpretation of the industry by the Securities and Exchange Commission. The interpretation from industry is also distorted in that the SEC states what the maximum allowable values of property, plant and equipment can be, also known as the ceiling test, nowhere is there a minimum value. If you speak to the knowledgeable investor and why they’re now avoiding the industry it’s as they say “a rapidly depleting resource.” Which is exactly correct. Money spent today will bring about flush production that will meet the inevitable decline curve. Which subsequently meets the inevitable mind of the engineers at the firm who figure out how to spend more money to maintain a higher throughput. All of this money is spent in order to produce the oil and gas and all of the spending is recognized as capital in property, plant and equipment. People, Ideas & Objects believe this spending to be the capital costs associated with current production. However, the industry has deferred the recognition of the capital costs for so many years, and even decades, that property, plant and equipment consists of what we now call the unrecognized capital costs of past production. They are certainly not assets from the point of view of assets that you buy and sell on the oil and gas marketplace. The historical costs have nothing to do with market value.
If we take an overall look at the oil and gas marketplace this is what we see in what I would call the generic oil and gas producer. A producer spends one million dollars in the year. They recognize one half of one million dollars as depletion that year. And the production profile of the producer throughout the year is highly variable, however, year over year for the past three years our sample of 23 producers have averaged 0.8364% increases in annual production. What we see, in this generic example, is the tendency for producers to continually increase the amount of property, plant and equipment each and every year. This is an academic accounting exercise that will be debated by the CPA firms for the rest of the century and otherwise keep them occupied and out of the way. No one outside of a CPA firm should be concerned one way or another. What we should be and are concerned with from an industry point of view is how to perform competitively in the public marketplace for capital. Right now with depletion schedules never allowing, in my opinion, the capital costs of production to be recognized, the actual cost of oil and gas is not being calculated correctly and the consumer is therefore not paying for these costs. The capital costs are being paid for by the investors and the amount sitting in property, plant and equipment can be, and should be, seen as the amount that the consumer has been subsidized. The ideal situation would see the most competitive producer with a zero balance in property, plant and equipment.
Here is the point that the industry is missing. If we recognize the capital costs of oil and gas exploration and production in the competitive environment for capital. Producers would change their capitalization policies to recognize their capital on a much faster basis. Meaning each barrel of oil equivalent is going to carry a much larger freight in terms of the capital costs for each barrel of oil that it’s producing. The only reason we are doing this is to compete in the marketplace for capital. Something that the investors and bankers are stating that we are not doing. Or in other words, convert the amounts sitting in property, plant and equipment into cash by recognizing the actual capital costs of oil and gas exploration and production. Of course this assumes that the price maker strategy is operational in the industry and the commodity prices realized cover all of these costs.
The consequences of doing this in the current environment are disastrous and the investors can do these calculations on a pro-forma basis themselves. They are not, and have not been fooled by the deception of the financial statements published by producers for many years. The first consequence of course is that the asset mix is going to shift from long term assets into cash. Well maybe not that disastrous, yet. The second major consequence is the producer is going to reports significant financial losses based on the spending that they’ve conducted. That is unless and until they can begin to capture the full value of their costs in the price they sell their oil and gas for. The only method in which they can sell their product for the cost is through the development of the Preliminary Specification and its decentralized production models price maker strategy.
Here is the problem, the bureaucrats within those producers have chosen not to take this route. One in which other industries have learned to manage their business. People, Ideas & Objects, our user community, the service providers and our coin holders hold the various rights that a producer would need in order to operate in this fashion. The producers of today have proven two things that we’ve documented here. They are unable to operate in the manner that the Preliminary Specification specifies as evidenced by the continuation of the same failed state. If they could have made the change they would have made it by now, one would conclude. And the second is that they have no desire to change as the structure of the industry is directed to the health and welfare of the bureaucrats themselves. And as such what change would be required?
The Preliminary Specification, our user community, service providers and coin holders provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.