No One Seem's Immune
With that in mind let's take a look at Shells property, plant and equipment account dynamics. They have property, plant and equipment of $223 billion at the end of 2018, depletion of $22.1 billion and capital expenditures of $23.0 billion. In terms of building balance sheets they score an A+ as the amount of cash locked up in property, plant and equipment, due to the increase of $0.9 billion in 2018, will last to eternity. There is no sense anywhere in the industry to free these resources and reuse or redeploy them, dividend the subsequent resources to investors or pay off debt. The question we continually ask is, are these assets or are they the unrecognized capital costs of past production? As with all producers there is a desire to build the balance sheet in the property, plant and equipment account. Which is admirable that they seek to build the asset side of the balance sheet. There are those that seek to build the liabilities. There are however a myriad of different asset accounts other than property, plant and equipment. Some are even classified as current assets like cash and other short term assets used in the calculation of working capital. Why not realize the capital costs of exploration and production, pass those costs on to the end user of the product and in turn boost the balance of those current asset accounts that contribute to increases in working capital? The only thing that big balances of property, plant and equipment provides is the ability for the CEO to strut around town in a vain attempt to prove they have the biggest and best balance sheet, when in reality these balances only reflect the amount that the investors have had to subsidize the consumers for their consumption of oil and gas, and how much Shell has invested in excess of the cash flow that has been generated.
In order to generate value, real tangible value producers will need to stop swapping investors cash around and begin generating value from the activities they perform. No one is buying what these financial statements are selling throughout the industry anymore. Investors stopped participating in the annual petroleum beggars banquet many years ago. Creating the producers cash shortage that exists throughout the industry. Providing further proof that there was never any value being generated from producers activities. Investors had the opportunity to have invested into the oil and gas companies, which they did, or Apple, FaceBook, Google or many others. Companies that have generated value for their investors. As a result they are now demanding the producers begin the process of paying back a more than reasonable return in order to compensate for the oil and gas investments they made, the dilution that occurred and the value that should have been gained. If the investors weren’t able to earn it in the past then they’ll take it out of the producers today and tomorrow. Dividends, buybacks and payments to the banks have been substantially increased throughout oil and gas in 2018. Even Shell has not been immune to these demands. In 2018 they paid out $15.5 billion in debt reductions and $20.2 billion to shareholders for a total of $35.7 billion. These payments were made on operational cash flow of $53.0 billion or 67% of that cash flow. In contrast, during 2013 Shell had cash flow of $40.4 billion, debt increases of $5.4 billion and $12.45 billion in payments to shareholders in one form or another, for a total of $7.0 billion or 17.3% of cash flow. No one is immune from these demands of shareholders and banks in the oil and gas industry. The trend isn’t going to stop either. Investors will continue to demand the value that will far exceed what producers feel they should have earned. With that in mind, Shell’s 2018 shareholder equity was $202.5 billion generating a 17.6% return vs. 2013’s shareholders equity of $181.1 billion providing a 3.87% return. A 454% differential between these two eras and proof as to who’s upset with who’s performance. Shell is one of the best managed companies. If they are being forced into this situation then I can’t imagine what kind of pressure is being put on bureaucrats throughout the industry.
In comparison the investors alternative investment would have created a disastrous tax liability due to the capital gains earned by the shareholders who invested in Apple Inc. Nonetheless, during 2015 - 2018 Shell issued dividends of $46.9 billion on $202.5 billion in shareholders equity or 23%. Whereas apple has paid $50.2 billion in dividends for 2015 - 2018 on shareholders equity of $117.8 billion or 43%. The point of this exercise is to prove that the average investor is not that enamoured with oil and gas performance. Shell’s most recent dividend performance is being boosted as a result of strong investor influences and therefore appear much better than they otherwise would be. It is necessary to consider that there are other, better performing industries in which to put one’s money. It's time for oil and gas to compete beyond the mindset of they’re better than a bank.
Oil and gas producers performances are not better than a bank which is what the bureaucrats believe they are. Invest your money and we’ll return a handsome 4% coupon each and every year, the oil and gas bureaucrat will state. Banks don’t invest their money to make a return. They take deposits. If I deposit $1,000 in Canada the bank will provide me with $20 each year that I do so, and the U.S. is no different, the bank can then take that money as part of their reserves and loan out $10,000 at 6% for a revenue stream of $600. This is on the back of zero investor dollars. If the oil and gas producers want to compete with the performance of a bank then understand that under the banks charter they are authorized to create money. I’d like to see producers earn a net $580 / year on investments of nothing. Time to start dealing with the oil and gas business as a business that competes against all other industries, including banks, and not some fairytale of what other industries are providing their shareholders.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.