Ouch! That's a Big Boo Boo
But that’s the point isn’t. Funding People, Ideas & Objects budget is the equivalent of bureaucratic suicide. We have no room, tolerance or understanding for bureaucrats in the environment we’re creating with the Preliminary Specification. If you look at the losses detailed above those are just the current losses being incurred by the producers. If we look at the societal costs over the past decade of this downturn we see the people who have either lost their employment in oil and gas. Have had their careers stalled in a mind numbing nothingness decayed (or decade) that only bureaucrats have thrived in. Governments have forgone their taxes on all these losses and royalty holders are having to share their meals with the dog. Or is it the other way around? But worst of all is the service industry who’ve had their activity levels slashed, producers knowing that the situation they created was particularly dire for the service industry began to pressure these vendors for large discounts. And then, if they were ever granted any work, would have to sit on the accounts receivable for upto 18 months before the bureaucrat decided to pay them. I’m just trying to remember the times when, and if, the love and support of the bureaucrats was sent to those noted above when they were suffering. Can’t remember at the moment, maybe it didn’t happen that way. Bureaucrats haven’t been known to give a damn about anyone else. Don’t get me wrong we all love and support the oil and gas bureaucrats. We just don’t understand the reason why the chronic, systemic and cultural overproduction has to continue when the People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification resolves all of the issues that we’ve noted here. To put a positive spin on it, we also provide a permanent tropical vacation for the bureaucrats! Maybe that will express the love and support that they feel is missing.
We’ve had many reasons and excuses from the producers this past decade. Prayers for a cold winter, waiting for markets to rebalance, building strong balance sheets or is that bigger, but how many remember those days when innovation was all the rampage in the industry. Where costs were collapsing at tremendous speeds due to the “producers” innovations. Yes we had a good laugh then too. Producers don’t innovate, its the service industry. The cost reductions were a result of beating up the service industry on price, and the accounting wizardry of Madoff, Madoff & Madoff. Extending the depletion from ten years to fifteen years has the effect of miraculous cost reductions in a capital intensive industry, as one could understand. Maybe the best tale told by the producers is that their profitable. Unfortunately the investors learned that profitable doesn’t mean profits in the traditional sense. Then the banks learned the new classification of that term. That didn’t stop the producers though, they told everyone that $40 was all they needed for “profitable” operations. Heck even the President of the United States believed them. I’m not suggesting that all these excuses or stories that’ve been told over the past decade aren’t true. It’s just that no one believes these bureaucrats about anything anymore. So crying that they have no love or support is probably the last humiliating act they’ll have to face before they exit out the back door in shame. And I say that with all the love and support I can muster.
Now not only are governments taking over sectors of the oil and gas industry as Canada’s Federal government is buying the TransMountain pipeline expansion. They are actively being asked to take the responsibility for the big boo boo that bureaucrats made in terms of overproduction. Don’t worry kids the government fixes everything. Investors are thinking to themselves “thank god we didn’t put anymore money in the industry for the past three years. Too bad we still hold stock!” Seems to be a bit of a run on Canadian oil and gas producers since the government was asked to clean up the boo boo. The motto for Canadian oil and gas is “invest in oil and gas we need your love and support.” I’ve been consistently critical of the manner in which the industry has been operated for the past decade. Filling one’s pockets at the expense of others is not how you run an industry. My sarcasm is mostly a result of the best I can do in terms of restraining my disrespect for these bureaucrats. My frustration is conflicted with what can only be the heydays of all heydays and the last few minutes of these bureaucrats administration. They’ve now proven incapable of seeing the issues and acting in the interests of their business. There’s no one left to cry too about their boo boo's. Move along.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.