These Are Not the Earnings We're Looking For, Part XXIX
Hope was the intangible that everyone was hanging onto through the past few years. If the oil price continued to improve then there was a chance that things would continue to get better and we would begin moving forward again. What if the price of oil continues downwards into territory that does not allow producers to just hang on by their fingernails. Losing control of the political framework by telling everyone their profitable at $40 convinced the politicians that $74 was not necessary, which led President Trump to pressure the Saudi’s to dump their production sharing agreement. Now that it’s done the Saudis have put themselves in a real pickle where they are wholly beholden to the United States for support. The killing of the Washington Post reporter will need a few years to be forgotten about and until that time the Saudis need the U.S. more than ever, in my opinion. Is this the time in which the North American producers tell the President that they need higher oil prices? As bad as the situation is for the Saudis with the Washington Post reporter, it’s nothing like the difficulties that the producers would face if they told the administration that they were lying when they said they made money at $40 / barrel.
Operationally we’ve seen a decline in the capabilities of the North American industry over the past decade. This is not the industry that portrays a strong future as a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable world. If you doubt me then talk to your investors and bankers again, I’m sure they’ll set you straight. As bad as the operational capabilities and capacities have diminished in a generalized manner. We are beginning to see the big events that no one would have thought of, or could consider would happen. Random events that are material in the outcome of the performance of the producers. Take for example that we were unable to see any profitable property sale. What producers believed to be a source of cash turned out to be an area that is exposing the highly bloated nature of the balance sheets. When the market value of the property is barely half of what these companies have them recorded at, I think the CPA’s will be interested in this dynamic during their audits. Does the ceiling test override the GAAP requirement of recording assets at the lower of cost or market value? Other anomalies are of course Cenovus “onerous contract provisions” of over $750 million on real estate they leased for the staff they laid off. These kinds of situations don’t happen in a healthy, prosperous industry. One with a future and energy instilled within it to prosper in that future.
Either producers believed fundamentally what it was they were saying about their financial performance. And as a result have been caught in a situation that is not their doing. Or, they were winking and nodding that this was ok to do until their pockets were full. As I’ve said I’ve been arguing these points for thirteen years on this blog. This blog has been connected to the Internet and widely distributed. I’ll leave it up to my individual readers to determine if the producers are just willing dupes or were the culprits that are truly responsible for this situation. I think my tone and attitude toward the bureaucrats in the industry is a clear indication of where I stand. If they were innocent why did they attempt to steal our Intellectual Property five times? Why did they run me out of the industry? And why all of the abuse? At no time through our 27 year existence have we received $0.01 from any producer. The Preliminary Specification disintermediates the bureaucrats out of their franchise, just as it’s doing in every other industry. All of this destruction was deliberate, or in an uncaring manner, so that these bureaucrats would gain financially. The writing was on the wall in the record store, they therefore knew this was coming.
Each quarter the situation only gets worse and the remedial actions become fewer. Who will take the keys away from these irresponsible people? I don’t know. But what more do you expect from them. Have they not proven that they do not deserve the benefit of the doubt?. Sure I’m biased, I’m selling a solution, which provides me with a good living. That good living is based on the tangible and material value the Preliminary Specification brings to oil and gas. That’s how you make money in the world you build something that has value.
Whatever happened to managing the business? Planning the future and executing it. Dealing with the issues and opportunities the producers and industry face and using those to advance the organization successfully. The last ten years has seen the full on destruction and I suggest it’s been deliberate. How else would you line your pockets so effectively. If left to these same people we’ll be sitting in this same spot in ten years lamenting the loss and further destruction of this industry. Why?
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.