These Are Not the Earnings We're Looking For, Part XXVIII
What compelling reason is there for anyone, anywhere and at anytime to produce oil and gas unprofitably. There isn’t in my opinion. Yet the industry considers the issue moot, not what concerns them and that they don’t need any Preliminary Specification. We owe it to future generations to use the oil and gas resources, that are finite and extremely valuable to society, to be produced based on an accurate accounting of their profitability. To do otherwise is wasteful. Take a look around the oil and gas industry and see if you can spot any waste. All I see is a wasteland of oil and gas companies, service industry representatives and most importantly the most valuable resource in the industry, the people. We are laying waste to the future of the industry by destroying any good will that the industry had in attracting good talent for a profitable future. I’m sure that’s not an issue that concerns the producers either, the question on their minds is should they lay people off before or after Christmas. Can anyone answer me if this is the 21st century because it doesn’t feel like it.
Lately differentials in Canada are the most spectacular part of the business and therefore some producers are leaning toward the prescribed solution in the Preliminary Specification. WRONG. Let me stop both Cenovus and Canadian Natural right here and say that they’re going down the wrong rabbit hole. They’ve both announced production cuts in an effort to minimize the losses on their properties. Which undoubtedly they would, except their WRONG. Production cuts at facilities will not remedy the situation. Item number one that will make this a far greater financial disaster than what they’re currently experiencing is… Falling on their sword in an attempt to show the way by removing production in the market will be too limited and the impact will only be to their overall rapid downward profitability. Without a systemic change in the behaviour of the industry, where all production is produced profitably everywhere and always based on an actual detailed accounting there will be cheating. Remember we learned this from OPEC in the 1980’s when they tried to impose limits. Never worked until North American producers trashed the oil price to $29.
Secondly curtailing a facility by x production isn’t going to do it either. Properties have to be shut-in. If it’s unprofitable at 100% of it’s production profile, guess what it will be at 50% of its production profile. Massively unprofitable. If you shut-in the production of these facilities today they would even be more massively unprofitable. The reason that the Preliminary Specification promotes the shutting-in of production is that we do two things by implementing our technology throughout the industry. One is we convert all of the producers costs to variable costs. You can read about that here. Second we provide detailed accounting based on the Joint Operating Committee. Not the corporation. The overhead which is currently fixed and is charged in one lump sum to property, plant and equipment will be variable through our reorganization and charged directly to the Joint Operating Committee. No production, no costs. In the current environment if you have half or no production you still have all of your fixed costs. Which if you look at this seriously enough, is the reason your cash has rocket boosters to help break your grasp. Consider, by paying those involved in your overhead and then capitalizing those costs. The cash that was used to pay those overhead items will now sit in property, plant and equipment and will be released in tiny, tiny bits each year over the next dozen decades or so. If you expensed overhead, as we do in the Preliminary Specification at the Joint Operating Committee. And the assumption is that you’re producing only profitable production, then the cash incurred for those overhead items is returned to you the following month, all of the cash. By shutting in production now by half or all only hurts your one source of cash that is demanded by your organization in a chronic and systemic, somewhat ridiculous fashion.
In May 2019 I’ll have spent 28 years of my life more or less screaming about these points. At Christmas this year this blog will have involved thirteen years of that. There is nothing in this blog but the oil and gas accounting systems that are captured in the Preliminary Specification. I don’t know what makes me do these things. One of the key things for me was getting kicked out of the industry for these ideas in August of 2003. As a result this has been very liberating in terms of what and how I say what I say. Being able to say things like the following… What this involves, the implementation of the Preliminary Specification, is very basic business sense. What it also demonstrates is the lack of sense that the industry is applying today. Leading to a protracted suicide that we all have to experience due to the fact that these bureaucrats won’t listen and won’t act. There are two issues for this. “Accountants are scum that pay the bills, so shut up and pay the bills.” That is the engineering and geological attitude towards accountants. Secondly, what’s an accountant to do in a situation such as this? Well apparently the thing to do, and it's been done throughout the industry for the past four decades, is they established the accounting firm of Madoff, Madoff & Madoff. Do you think the types of creative accounting we documented in yesterday’s post about Cenovus would stand in any other industry? Never. Were these creative aspects developed overnight? Nope, and that’s what makes this the most creative accounting world around. The former CFO of Cenovus was a Fellow Chartered Accountant (FCA)! The accountants have to pay the bills and come up with new ways to represent the financial statements. Feigning that their too busy to consider what some blogger might have to say.
My argument has been made for a number of decades that the situation was untenable. And the individual who made that argument was run out of the industry and deemed crazy so that the party could continue in peace. It’s not that they didn’t know, their actions over the past number of decades have proven their knowledge of what I was doing. And now that everything has become a disaster they continue to pretend they’re naive and unknowing in the face of what is absolute common sense. It’s not that my argument is harsh against the people responsible in the industry. It's that the situation is harsh no matter how I relate it. It’s as surreal and ridiculous as it sounds.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.