Another DIsjointed Conversation
The point of the article however was the differentials in crude oil on some grades in Canada were now over $73 CDN. The price realized for some grades is just $19. I see his point about fitting in those B.C. Carbon Taxes being difficult. I guess the point of the article was to shift attention away from the topic of differentials in Canada. (Don’t mention the differentials, I did, but I think I got away with it. To paraphrase Faulty Towers.) What difference does it make to the oil and gas investor that you’re having difficulties with the regulatory environment? They’re not interested. What the producers have done for four decades now is spend money to drill wells and expect that the world would align with their needs. It doesn’t work that way. Producers have to be involved in all aspects of their business. You might want to start by working with the pipeline companies. The first rule you should understand about pipeline companies is they’re utilities. They’re therefore not the dynamic, innovative, entrepreneurial organizations that you think they are. If they were they’d be profitable. Just as profitable as they are today by sitting on their thumbs and waiting for the producers to show them the money and commitments they need to build pipelines. Profits are guaranteed to utilities by the government each and every year. 10% or thereabouts on everything they spend. A cost plus business model. The government says there rates needs to be x in order to earn that profit. If they make a mistake, they’ll make it up next year. That is how their business works. They will not provide a service to you in a market economy when they’re a quasi-government agency.
Secondly, focus on your business. Producers are unwilling and incapable of making the changes necessary to deal with their business. Look at the number of years I’ve been writing here. Since December 2005 and I wrote many papers that were published in the industry before then. There is also the Preliminary Specification. All specifically dealing with the need for the changes in the producer firms and industry to avoid the armageddon that we are unquestionably heading toward. What I see consistently through the logs of my blog is that when commodity prices rise the viewership goes down, temporarily. Everything is ok in the industry, prices are going up and we’ll be ok, no need to read anymore about the Preliminary Specification. But they come back. Over and over again. It's the same cycle that’s present in the market. One day you’re as high as crack junkie the next day you struggle to stay upright. Over and over again. So yes when the producers are able to show consistent real profitability, deal with their own issues and do so for a sustained period of time, say eighteen months, the investors will come roaring back. Until then you can cycle through your emotions as many times as you want. The problem is inherent in the industry and will not be exorcised without the Preliminary Specification.
The producers issue right now is ever present in the evidence that’s coming off the printer in draft form at some point this past week. The financial statements for the third quarter. Oil prices were actually down $0.69 from the second quarter. A stark contrast to the prior quarters that were lifted by the OPEC + production sharing agreement. I wonder if those two have any correlation? Bank on it. Global prices will be declining as will the continental prices we discussed yesterday and regional prices as noted above. Differentials being the point of the question in the article. Which maybe is the point that we should all learn from this. That all of these Canadian producers will be wildly profitable in the fourth quarter while earning a net oil price of $36.19. As we have said here many times the accounting is not just suspect, it’s outright fraudulent. To view the third quarter in the proper context take any and all producers that are based in North America and move 60 - 70% of their property, plant and equipment to the income statement as depletion. That is your true accounting situation. For the second quarter of 2018, taking that 70% leaves the amount of shareholder equity of our 23 producers in negative territory, meaning they lost all the earnings and investments they’ve ever received and an extra $61.285 billion. Losing $61 billion above and beyond everything you ever had is a skill, a talent and requires very sharp pencils for the accountants to hide. Note too that our sample of 23 producers only represent about ⅓ of the production profile of North America.
If we make our proforma 70% property, plant and equipment correction to Encana then we have negative equity of $25.8 million. However, we should also include the calculation for Cenovus who were the “oil” half of Encana’s “gas.” Cenovus’ negative equity equals $4.16 billion for a combined negative equity of $4.18 billion. What is interesting about this is the heritage of the original Encana Corporation. It was derived from the firms PanCanadian Petroleum and Alberta Energy. PanCanadian is the company that was established to manage the oil and gas rights that were granted from the Federal Government to build the railroad across Canada. The owners of the railroad were given all of the oil and gas rights for 100 miles on either side of the tracks. What PanCanadian couldn’t fulfill in terms of drilling they farmed out and attached a freehold royalty to any of the other producers production. Alberta Energy was a firm that was established by the Conservative Government in Alberta during a war they were having with the then Prime Minister Trudeau, our current junkies father. It’s interesting to me that the value that has been built up in these firms, based on my opinion and calculation, are not just worthless, but beyond description in terms of how bad off they are.
And this is why a few accounting adjustments and a couple of quarters application of some serious effort will not be anywhere near enough to approach the seriousness of this issue. This has carried on for four decades and was allowed to continue based on an accounting that everyone knows is wrong. The hollowing out of value took place transparently while no one was looking and the investors were being fleeced for successive rounds of next years capital budget. The industry wasn’t just losing value each and every day for four decades, it was a black hole that drew additional capital in and consumed that as well. To the point where today all that there is, and all that can be claimed as valuable in the industry, is the “well built” balance sheets. Whatever that means.
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