Somewhat of a Disjointed Conversation
With the expansion of the industries throughput the approach that is taken today to deal with the industry issues and opportunities is clearly not working. It is reasonable to state that an industry with a balance of property, plant and equipment of $1.7 trillion will find it difficult to retire that balance in the current industry configuration and business model. Even using the Preliminary Specification we noted it would take 5.63 years of dedicated effort to retire that balance. However that balance would be quickly replenished during the 5.63 years of the producers capital expenditures that were ignored during the time these current balances were drawn down. Bloated balances of property, plant and equipment are a difficult issue to resolve. Resolve in the sense of bringing them within reason of what the industry requires and to capture the cash that is represented in these balances, back into the business. By recognizing that $1.7 trillion in capital costs as depletion on the income statement, in a “truly” profitable industry, this action would return the cash that is necessary to compensate the investors and bankers for the abuse they’ve taken and support the industries capital programs for decades to come. Think of it, not having to dilute your investors every year and actually returning “real” money to them that has been actually earned, not cash that was borrowed from the bank!
Or we can continue with the plans and strategies that are currently in place. “The issue of the unrecognized capital costs of past production that is represented in property, plant and equipment is a non issue. In fact its an accounting issue, and that is all. It’s all in the past and is in fact a sunk cost that should not influence the producers current thinking.” States the oil and gas bureaucrat. I have heard this argument, and continue to hear this argument, so often that I just glaze over and walk away. Too much time has been wasted attempting to educate these people that they’re right from a pure business point of view. After all it is something that they learned in MBA school. What producers fail to understand and appreciate is that the money that was spent and represented in the $1.7 trillion balance. Which is the money that is suggested that should be forgotten. Was sourced from the investors you’re trying to source new capital from. What it comes down to is oil and gas producers refuse to account for the performance of their past spending. They would rather ignore it than deal with it. After all wouldn’t you? Instead the issue these investors hear from the producer is that the commodity prices can’t go much higher before the consumer will get angry. What the producer doesn’t realize is that the investor understands that the unrecognized capital costs of past production are in reality also representative of the amount of the discount the consumer has received for their energy consumption. They’ve only paid for the operating costs of the energy they consumed. The capital costs of the energy they consumed is being cherished on the well built balance sheets of the producers. This consumers energy discount financed by the producers investors. “After all, as far as the producer is concerned there really is no particular reason why an oil and gas producer shouldn’t be able to raise capital. Look at the reserves they’ve developed in these shale fields!”
And that is how this conversation continues. The producers failing to appreciate the point of view of the investors and why their withholding funds. The question that I guess should be asked is, are the producers really that unaware of the situation? Consider the difficulties that I’ve had trying to move the industry forward. As I’ve indicated, I’m not subject to the beatings with the baseball bats out by the dumpster anymore. It’s safe to say that, with the Internet, producers are well aware of what’s been discussed on this blog for the past thirteen years and the contents of the Preliminary Specification. Then why the difficulty? What is holding the producers up from moving forward, dealing with these issues and opportunities. Rebuilding the industry and doing constructive, profitable operations on a go forward basis? Just don’t ask me.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.