Watch the Director's on the Boards
Husky being owned by Li Ka-Shing of Hong Kong paid the full price of $2.6 U.S. billion for their acquisition of MEG Energy. In other news we hear of Shell et al’s LNG facilities proceeding in Canada. At $40 CDN billion it is the largest private project ever in the countries history. This is much needed news for the natural gas market. I wonder what conditions will be like in 2025 when these facilities become operational. Shell’s four partners in the LNG project are also national oil companies for China, Malaysia, Japan and South Korea. I wonder where they’ll be buying their gas from? This news stands in contrast to the differentials in Canada and the financial capacity of the producers. Holding on for another seven years will be difficult when I find it highly unlikely that most of the producers will be able to finish out this year. In a nutshell it’s great to have plans for the long term as Shell and Li Ka-Shing do for their oil and gas businesses. The majority of the industry has been involved in drilling operations exclusively for decades and have now run into the issue of limited takeaway capacity and regional markets in the case of Canada. The time to have considered these investments was unquestionably ten years ago or earlier. I don’t believe that the producers can bridge this gap between the short term and the long term when the short term and the midterm are financially untenable.
Over the past decade I’ve had some surprising discussions with individual members of boards of directors. That they’ve always shared the opinions and directions of their bureaucrats is probably not necessary for me to mention. How else would these producers have ended up in the situation that they’re in. The fish stinks from the head down. With such disjointed and irreconcilable differences between each of the short, mid and long terms you can tell that there was a strong hand at the helm. Shareholders vote for these people based on the recommendations and nominations of the firm. We have seen much dissatisfaction in the markets regarding the performance of boards of directors and officers of corporations. Resistance from these individuals has been strong in some industries. Although we have not seen much of this resistance in oil and gas, there was a heightened level of it in the annual general meetings of 2017. The question that needs to be asked by an individual board director, is do you let your nomination go forward for 2019 or announce your retirement? Being the fourth quarter, I think the self-centred, irresponsible and at risk directors will find a reason to bail within the next two months. The only question that will be asked is, will they be missed?
Insurance companies that provide directors with coverage for them to sit on the boards will be recommending to these people that the time to leave is now. And what better excuse than a recommendation from your insurer. The timing is probably not going to get any better. The price of oil is as high as its been in four years. I am not of the opinion that the third quarter reports are going to be good. I thought the second quarter reports were going to be a disaster and I was shocked at how bad they really were. Even if a miraculous quarter was to occur, the fourth quarter of 2018 is shaping up to be the tragedy that I’ve been talking about here for many years. Differentials will do that. Chronic over reporting of profitability due to ridiculous accounting, led to overinvestment in the industry, leading to over capacity in the form of overproduction for far too long to even remember now. A classic matching and timing issue that the accountants have wrong.
The problem is that there are no solutions other than the Preliminary Specification which prescribes radical surgery where all of the patients organs are reoriented in the body alphabetically. Take a moment to think about this problem and the fact that the accounting for overhead and properties is not detailed enough to determine the profitability of any property, anywhere with any accuracy. The importance of obtaining this accuracy is in order to shut-in the properties that are unprofitable. Which would ensure that the producers profitability was maximized due to any losses on properties would be shut-in and stop the dilution of their profitable operations. Ensuring that the commodity markets found the marginal price when the unprofitable production was removed from the market. Saving the reserves for a time when they could be produced profitably, but also not having to makeup for the monthly losses that they’re incurring by producing now. This remedy is only available through the radical surgery of the Preliminary Specification. If it could be done in today’s environment we wouldn’t be here. I’d have money and probably be happy. But then again who knows. The investors and bankers might come back and make some new donations to the lost cause that is oil and gas, and the directors can declare another Christmas bonus to help pay for their Hawaiian Christmas vacations.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.