Professor Richard Langlois on Innovation
I was talking about trying to think about how innovation works. That’s what a lot of my work has been, looking at the history of the various, especially high technology industries and thinking about what are the causes of innovation and how does the process of innovation work and I talked about that in this talk today and I talked about how it’s very important when you think about innovation, to realise that innovation doesn’t occur in isolation, that once you change one part of a system, when you innovate in one part of the system, that’s going to have effects that ramify throughout the system and if you can’t adjust the other parts of the system to go along with what you’re changing in your part of the system, then the innovation may not work.The first two items that come to mind are that innovation is hard which maybe why our good friends the bureaucrats are mute about any aspect of their current business failures. Secondly the role that People, Ideas & Objects user community, service providers, and Oracle as our contracted software developers provide in terms of a dynamic change capability to the producer firm and industry. We noted recently that we’re reorganizing the oil and gas industry by establishing the service providers as a sub-industry and populating these independent organizations with the administrative and accounting resources of the producers. Once we have that structure in place we have the beginnings of what is necessary for innovation. Reading the Preliminary Specification shows the dynamic nature of how the producer and industry will be able to develop the sciences of geology and applied sciences of engineering in terms of the these capabilities for their producer firm. There will never be and could never be any superstar producer firms coming out of an industry that is desolate of any capability or capacity to innovate. In contrast to today, these structures, foundations and capabilities are all dynamically facilitated in the modules of the Preliminary Specification.
Where the producer firm is constrained in today’s marketplace is through concepts such as “operator,” and the collaboration of detailed proprietary technical information. A renewed focus on the producers competitive advantages of their earth science and engineering capabilities, and their land and asset base are what’s required. If they desire to lock themselves in a room with all the textbooks regarding engineering and geology and develop their own capabilities to be deployed only by themselves then they are certainly welcome to do so. It is a commercial marketplace in a free market system. Just as everyone realizes the reliance on a small handful of individuals limited understanding does not an innovative producer make. An innovative producer will only be attained when the industry is providing the resources and capabilities to facilitate innovation in every producer within that industry. Therefore the need to expand the producers earth science and engineering capabilities is the source of greatest value that the producer can attain in terms of maximizing the profitability of their land and asset base. Participation, and that means full, unconstrained participation in the industry to push the sciences forward will be the only way that the producers will be able to move their innovations forward. This can only be done by expanding and exploiting their earth science and engineering capabilities.
What Professor Langlois captures in his quotation is of course that innovation and its necessary mindset is never fixed. However in addition, the deployment of innovations are not as easy as they sound. They may not work or function in the market if there is no supporting cast to provide for the innovation. Working intimately with the service industry is part of the Preliminary Specifications Resource Marketplace and Research & Capabilities Modules for that reason. A key point of the Research & Capabilities and Knowledge & Learning Modules is that innovation is not a free-for-all either. Having the ability to experiment and develop the innovations away from the mainstream operations of the producer are critical until such time as they are proven and as such can then be deployed efficiently and effectively to the larger population of properties. Otherwise you’ll have uncontrolled chaos and nothing happens in terms of the innovations development. All of these are processes that are managed within the Preliminary Specification.
As I’ve mentioned before the process of innovations development and deployment are not happenstance. Currently the service industry develops significant product and service innovations that the producer firms ignore for a decade or more. These timelines will be inadequate for the future consumers of energy. If today’s bureaucrats feel, as we mentioned before, that they’ll stumble upon the appropriate methods of innovation throughout their producer firms and industry, as well as become spontaneously highly profitable in this the third quarter of 2018. Then they’re kidding themselves as much as they’ve been kidding themselves about their profitability these past four decades. In this technically sophisticated environment, with the complexity of the work that needs to be done in this the second most difficult and complex industry. Hoping that the millions of people that work in oil and gas and related industries will suddenly and spontaneously understand what is expected of them is obviously what are friends the bureaucrats are waiting for. I just don’t think I’ve ever seen the sense of hope and change.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.