The Rain in Spain...
You’re considering the purchase of a pizza restaurant and have been able to determine that the previous owner has over 100,000 pizza boxes and his ovens have a remaining capacity to cook 100,000 pizzas over the next seven years. The prices charged for pizzas are on average $9.99 and the cost of cheese, tomato sauce, dough and pepperoni average $4.15 leaving $5.84 profit per pizza. Therefore if you sold 14,250 pizzas per year, which is the volume of sales in the past three years. Your profit would be $83,220 per year for the next seven years. Therefore you offer the present value of that stream of earnings, based on a 5% discount rate or $481,500 to the previous owner.
This is the extent of the analysis of the acquisitions that are made in oil and gas. What about the rent that has to be paid, what about the salaries of the cooks and waitresses or the lights and cleaning etc. It’s simple, if you’ve been paying attention those are all capitalized and will form part of the asset balances under property, plant and equipment. The fact that the oil and gas producers through the process of making an acquisition are buying a “business” is not understood. What they’re buying is the asset. In our example the pizza oven which is the real value and money maker, and I can’t refute that argument. If they were to look at the financial statements of the pizza restaurant they would find that it doesn’t make money at all but provides a subsistence living for the owner who’s family eats a lot of pizza.
Looking at the financial statements of the producers today and understanding the adjustment that People, Ideas & Objects recommend should be made to property, plant and equipment to account for the unrecognized capital costs of past production. This adjustment at 60% of property, plant and equipment wipes out all of the shareholders equity of our sample of 23 producers. What oil and gas property would you be interested in as an acquisition? Certainly there are reserves for sale in the industry. My argument is that no one understands that the entire point of the exercise, the exercise being a business, is to earn a profit on those reserves. And we can state unequivocally, based on the financial statements of our sample of 23 producers, that none of the reserves in North America are, have ever or will be profitable under the current management. Therefore why would anyone pay more than nothing for an asset that doesn’t perform?
That an oil and gas property or a pizza oven have a set number of units remaining in its assets useful life is irrelevant to the monetary value of that asset. Can that asset in a business environment provide for a real kind of profitability? This method of evaluating properties has been in effect in the oil and gas industry for decades now. And the amounts that were paid by purchasers were in most cases far in excess of what the book value was on the sellers financial statements. Understanding however that those book value numbers, were as we say here at People, Ideas & Objects bloated beyond all reason, then the amounts that were being paid were far in excess of what the real value of the property was on the basis of its business performance. However, just as with the pizza analogy the ability to capitalize overhead enhances the profitability and increasing the assets book value of the restaurant. So things have been able to be carried on for decades in the case of oil and gas.
As we’ve documented here before and the reason the Preliminary Specification is required in oil and gas is the accounting information that is prepared is unusable. The Statement of Expenditures and Statement of Operations are prepared on each property for the members of the Joint Operating Committee. These statements use estimates of the overhead incurred to operate the property and these are simple statements to communicate monthly billing information to support the working interest partners share. The accounting information that would be needed in the case of determining the value of a property from a business point of view is not available and can’t be created due to the operators overhead being mostly capitalized and not allocated to each property. Therefore no one knows which properties are producing a profit and which ones are losing money. When the quarterly report shows that the whole operation was profitable, in the sense that everything is capitalized and that capitals recognition is deferred for decades, all the bureaucrats get big bonuses.
With the Preliminary Specification detailed accounting reports for each property will be provided to the producers. With our service providers conducting the administrative and accounting process management on behalf of the industry. They will be billing each individual Joint Operating Committee for their fees for the overhead costs they incur. That way each property will be incurring its exact overhead amounts. These accounting reports will be based on the format of financial statements including balance sheet, income statement and statement of changes. That way each property will be known to be profitable or not and form the basis of the independently formed decisions to shut-in the property due to the lack of profitability. Which is not collusion but business.
The only problem that arose is the investors in these business, after decades of abuse, realized the situation was only being kept afloat by their constant involvement. Now that the writing is on the wall, what can be done to rectify the issue. Make a stand as the oil and gas bureaucrats have and insist that their businesses are healthy and prosperous with a bright future. Make the changes needed to implement People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification. Or just use the exit that has been planned for when this day would come and the bureaucrats could seek greener pastures in other industries. The first option looks truly delusional. The second is going to take a lot of work and effort. The third seems to be the optimal strategy for the oil and gas bureaucrat. Besides it’s raining, and it’s always best to get out of the rain.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.