That's What You Said Two Years Ago
I’m seeing discussion regarding the phenomenal cost control being exercised in the industry. The overall innovation throughout the industry and specific application of Artificial Intelligence that’s leading the industry forward onto a new frontier! I didn’t believe it either. In addition to the chronic unprofitability that has plagued the industry for four decades. That until recently was backfilled by an investor and banker who now realize they were duped through highly questionable accounting. That situation triggering the investor and banker strike that has been ongoing for three years. Which has created the cash crisis that now exists in the industry. What you have now, as represented by our sample of 23 producers, are bloated balance sheets totalling $489 billion in property, plant and equipment and working capital consisting of $7 billion. It seems like one of those numbers is disproportionate to the other. But I checked they’re correct. Maybe the theory that a business needs cash is not valid anymore in the 21st century. When a company ran out of cash it was usually a disaster, but that won’t happen to the oil and gas producers, they’re special.
In terms of oil prices hope springs eternal. But the fly in the ointment has to be the Saudi’s again. Having rehabilitated the market as constructively as they did in the past few years. The purposes of which were twofold, to prepare for the IPO of Saudi Aramco which demanded higher prices and to educate North American producers regarding the economic principles of price makers. As we see with the critical low balance of working capital, obtained in an environment of $74 oil I might add. There is no educating these producers. Just check how long this blog has been consistently publishing. The key point here is that the Saudis have now somewhat permanently pulled the IPO of Saudi Aramco. What is it that they’ll do next? If you think that they will continue to support the price, you haven’t been paying attention, they’ve already cancelled their production sharing agreement and there are two ways to educate the North American producers. By increasing oil prices and decreasing oil prices. Maybe North American producers will learn their lessons through the bankruptcy process.
This not so rosy situation is in contrast to the potential good news in the natural gas side of the business. It's been a decade since the collapse of those prices. The opportunity is showing itself through the inability to refill the storage volumes. They have now broken through the five year average and are expected to be around 3.2 tcf as opposed to almost 4.0 tcf last year. Might I suggest that the natural gas inventories are now moot. When gas deliverability was constrained by conventional reserves, high levels of inventory were necessary to meet winter demand. The same situation exists today however the natural gas deliverability is constrained by pipelines that don’t currently exist. Not the reserves necessary to provide the market. A different and temporary situation. One I don’t think is going to make any difference in the natural gas market. Particularly when the natural gas producers were saying in late 2016 that shale gas was reaching its maximum deliverability at approximately 43 bcf / day. And indeed did decline over the next few months to as low as 41.5 bcf / day. Heralding a new market for natural gas prices. Except for the chronic drilling and overproduction that we all know and love from these bureaucrats who have now attained daily production of shale gas of just over 55 bcf.
The one fact that we can be certain of in natural gas is that none of the conventional or shale gas is produced profitably. And that’s based on the specious accounting that the bureaucrats have used for the past four decades to scam the investors. Using a constructive accounting methodology we also know that none of the oil that’s been produced has been profitable either. The fact is all oil and gas production in North America is consuming cash. I don’t see how that would qualify as profitable, but the bureaucrats have reported that our sample of 23 producers were profitable to the tune of $9.2 billion for the first half of 2018. I guess the good news for 2018 was those $9.2 billion in profits only consumed $11.5 billion in cash and $11.9 billion in working capital. With $7 billion in working capital as of June 30, 2018 how much time do you have?
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