Commodity Price Dynamics
What these differentials should reflect to each and every producer everywhere is the same lesson that the Saudi’s have been attempting to teach the producers over the past few years. This is also the manner in which the Preliminary Specification handles the oil and gas commodities. They are subject to the economic principles of price makers. If the market is overwhelmed with production then the price of a product that is subject to price maker characteristics will reflect that overproduction in price declines. Or in this case higher differentials due to Canada being somewhat of a constrained and unique market onto itself. (Maybe Canadians should think about building some pipelines!) The Preliminary Specification deals with the overproduction that is chronic in the industry through our decentralized production models price maker strategy. If the property based on the actual accounting did not attain a profit, as a result of high differentials in this case, then it would be shut-in to remove that marginal production from the commodity markets. Achieving a financial null operation, no profit but also no loss. Enabling the markets to find the marginal price within the industry. The properties reserves would be held for the time in which they would be produced profitably, and those reserves would not have to carry the incremental cost of each months loss as an additional cost to be recovered from those reserves. Lastly the producers would be more profitable as a result of removing their unprofitable production from their production profile which would no longer dilute their profitable production.
Once again my education gets in the way when the bureaucrats consider that the act of using reasonable and accurate accounting information from the Preliminary Specification in order to independently decide that a property is unprofitable and should therefore be shut-in, is clearly collusion as the bureaucrats consistently tell me. And I’ve now written these two oil and gas business attributes on my office wall in big letters. “Differentials are good, the bigger the better.” And “Making sound business decisions based on actual facts is collusion.” I’ll continue to work on these and one day I’m sure I’ll begin to see the light of how the industry operates.
It was about this time last year that I suggested that oil prices might begin to mimic what occurred in the natural gas marketplace. What happened there is that shale so completely overwhelmed the market that the commodity price collapsed. But then it continued in a significant way and since it was a continental based price overproduction further eroded the price until such time as it fundamentally broke down. Prices for gas in Japan and Europe remained robust which brought about the Liquified Natural Gas mini-boom of a few years ago. That mini-boom has now flooded the global market for natural gas and prices everywhere are depressed. It will take many years of deliberate rehabilitation of the natural gas market before anyone can profitably produce natural gas again. My suggestion was that a fundamental collapse of oil was not a given, but if it did happen it would be different due to the global nature of the commodity. We’ve now heard as of late last week that five year oil futures prices are beginning to be affected by the volume of producers selling, mostly shale, into that market. Might this be the beginning of the fundamental breakdown that we saw in natural gas prices? I suggest we keep overproducing and find out. Which is proof that I am trying as hard as I can to educate myself in the logic of the oil and gas industry.
It is believed that share prices are evaluated based on the three year outcome of the firm. If the five year oil price is breaking down, then that would also be good for the oil and gas industry? Bureaucrats may need to help educate me here on this one. I would see this as detrimental as the stock price of the producers having held up fairly well throughout the decline in oil prices. These share prices haven’t been stellar performers but they also haven’t been subject to the massive annual dilution that they were going through each and every year for the past few decades. I’m sure all of the bureaucrats would render a non opinion on this point. It maybe hits too close to home if they agree their performance may be lacking and also found to be dumping more of those options they’ve accumulated over the decades. It’s not that they’re conflicted, that requires emotion, it’s just that they want to keep their exits from the scene quiet for now. Bureaucrats may not like my discussion of their performance. What else is there that I could provide them that would reflect the job that they’ve done. I ran out of participation ribbons many decades ago.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.