Monday, September 03, 2018

Labor Day

Friday, August 31, 2018

Third Friday

Thursday, August 30, 2018

User Community Developments, Part XXVIII

When we understand the power of Intellectual Property (IP) and the means in which to deploy it competitively we begin to see new opportunities in the marketplace. Publishing the Preliminary Specification has been an effective competitive weapon for People, Ideas & Objects. It has helped to recruit and establish the user community, and through our user community vision, secure their foundation with the power and control to make the needed changes in the oil and gas industry. These competitive advantages will soon be in the hands of the user community. IP is the only means of competitive value that I feel is worth having in the 21st century. You either own IP, you have a license to IP or you will work for a firm that has access to IP. These will be the only manner in which people will be able to work in the future. Software, which is one of the strongest forms of IP is in my opinion the only business that will exist in 2050. No other industry will still be around. Such as it’s not enough to own the oil and gas asset any longer, it's also necessary to have access to the software that makes the oil and gas asset profitable. Therefore as a potential user community participant with a license to this IP you have a choice to invest in the user community or you could buy a producing oil well. Where’s the value? It’s your choice to determine how you’ll operate in this century. Our user community will need to learn and understand how to effectively use this new tool they will soon have.

We have three general methods in which to organize the user community. The work will initially be highly collaborative between other users within the community. Then in addition to collaborating within the community it will also be collaborative with our software developers. Users will at times need to be physically in front of our developers to ensure that their needs are met. They will need to be speaking to producers to relate what they’re doing and what the producers needs are. And they will be collaborating amongst themselves all over the continent. Therefore do we establish office space in Houston and designate private offices for each user community participant? Or we could do the open area concept and crowd everyone into a third of the space. The final method that we could use is to have the user community participant do this critical work in distributed teams. In any one of these three methods the use of video conferencing and one to one video communications would be more than adequate for the majority of the work that needs to be done.

I read an interesting article the other day in TechCrunch regarding the use of distributed teams. The key finding was that in order to make up for the lack of face-to-face communications the demand falls to each participant having to use their writing skills to overcome the distance. Therefore reading and writing become the primary means and mode of communication. Alleviating the office politics and increasing the documentary value of the users contributions. What we need to do, as I stated earlier, is capture the ideas that have already formed in people's subconscious, verify it, codify it, collaborate with others to validate its authenticity and merge with the other ideas from other users. Doing this in text is more precise and thoughtful, is easily searched and reviewed. Capturing ideas and who specifically contributed the ideas within conversations in an open office area becomes much less efficient in contrast. To house people in individual offices in order to write these submissions seems contrary to efficiency and redundant when the Internet is at least 24 years of age. Therefore distributed teams is the method that we will be employing throughout the user community on a permanent basis.

In terms of how People, Ideas & Objects will determine the allocation of specific service provider licenses to which member of the user community. The contributions that are made during the development process will be the determining factor. No one is going to go through all the submissions and be able to allocate the appropriate license to the right individual. That would be a superhuman exercise and not possible. It is however well within the scope of what Artificial Intelligence is able to determine. The AI algorithm would review the Final Specification and determine the key attributes of the system. This may involve some help from us humanoids. It would then be able to go back and determine the first mention of these key ideas and the individual who originated it. It would then review the sum of all of the users contributions, compare those with the other users and their areas of specific idea generation. Then apply the known processes under management within the Final Specification and award the licenses for the management of those processes to the highest contributor of each individual process in terms of the ideas and contributions that were made. It sounds easy when I put it like this, however, we will have a budget set aside for the development of this algorithm the moment we are funded. That way by the time we have to apply the AI to the situation it will be tested and the bugs worked out. These AI recommendations would also be subject to the final approval of the user community.

We are capturing the user communities contributions in Google Docs and a Wiki based on Google Sites. We are using Google GSuite for our collaborative environment. It is by far the best in terms of determining who generated what idea when. All that users will have to do to secure their thoughts is to prepare their initial submission in a Google Doc (Word) document and then copy and paste that to the Wiki. The AI algorithm will be able to see the Google Doc was where the original thought came from, who wrote it and at what time. If we used Microsoft Office Word and Excel these applications are still unable to consolidate the contributions of many contributors to a document into one file. Usually someone has to babysit the consolidation to ensure everything is captured and hence losing the originators time stamp and contributions. In this sense Google is light years ahead of Microsoft. People, Ideas & Objects software code itself will be stored in GitLabs and be available for the user community member to review through an Integrated Development Environment (IDE). This will be read only access and will probably remain that way for the foreseeable future. Review of the code is something that will be expected of the user community member as a final verification that what they are expecting is what in fact being conducted.

Establishing the development environment in this manner provides significant value to the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas producer. The desire to get things down quickly will be the motivation of the user community member initially. Providing a base for discussion and collaboration within the community in a short period of time. It will also provide somewhat of a competitive spirit between user community participants that will keep the pace of contributions high. Competitive, yet each user community members license guarantees each user community member will be provided with a service provider organization, after all that is the grand prize in this process. Therefore collaborative, competitive and civil all at the same time. With AI providing the recommendations of which user community member to be assigned to which process the user community member knows that the work that they do, the area that they know the best will lead to their recognition in terms of the allocation of service providers. Enabling them to specialize on a process and work hard to earn it. The last point to make is that user community members may have an interest in one service provider or in many service providers. Their total interest in many service providers not exceeding, or falling below 100%. (For example if the user had an interest in three service providers they may have 40%, 40% and 20% interests.)

The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

User Community Developments, Part XXVII

We touched on some of the detailed work that needed to be done by the user community during our software developments. This of course could only occur once the user community had fully formed. Which would be difficult when we don’t have any office space in which to house them. Bringing up the issue of our budget, which needs to be fully in place before the user community participants are going to fully commit to this project. They can’t risk their careers by having the bureaucrats cut the funding half way through leaving those individuals without the opportunity of user community participation and establishing a service provider. Restarting the project after a budget cut and pause would be impossible. Which is why we need the full funding in place. Otherwise the bureaucrats will only create a failure to prove the Preliminary Specification is unworkable and establish themselves as the only solution for oil and gas management. Casting the user community participant to the catacombs as punishment for participation.

Nonetheless the time travelled in the first paragraph of this post is seemingly years and we still haven’t hired one developer. It appears that the time that we deliver commercial software to the marketplace will be at least a decade from here. This post will dispel this timeline with the facts of how we we’ll be approaching these developments within a far more reasonable time frame and deliver software on a much more timely basis. What delays our commercial release date at this point is the formation of the user community. We have been undertaking this task for five years and are continuing with that work. Therefore, in my opinion, our date for commercial release has been fixed in time for these past five years and will remain fixed as we continue to work on developing the user community. One of the primary reasons that user community developments in oil and gas ERP systems have never been successful is that the budget and time commitment to them are inadequate for the users to consider them. User community commitment is not something that people will review and in the following week commit too. They’d like to see the details of the plan. How will it work, what’s their role and how do they fit in. These are detailed in the user community vision. A vision that endows them with the power and control to effectively deal with the changes that need to be made. Users also need to see the budget and commitment of the producers, in this case, in order that they can rely on more than just empty promises. Right now they don’t see the commitment from industry only the need for action. These take substantial amounts of time for people to consider. They have to consider the opportunity and what it will cost them if they make the change and what will it cost if they don’t make the change.

Three thousand individuals, the size of the user community we believe we need for the Preliminary Specification, which is a substantial amount of people. Identifying the scope and scale of the community helps people to realize their role is probable and possible to be contributing to a successful venture. If we’re looking for a hundred people to undertake the scope and scale of the Preliminary Specification people would know intuitively that that’s not enough people to do the job and failure would be the outcome. I believe generally in my discussions with potential members of the user community that we’ve struck the right balance in terms of scope and scale of the tasks ahead of us. As the issue of oil and gas profitability becomes more evident to more people each day there is a greater realization of the need. Overall a large number of people within oil and gas have read the Preliminary Specification in its entirety. I know, I’ve been told a million times only put your ideas down in a half dozen points on a presentation because no one reads anything. What I’ve found since my first publication in 1996 is that people read.

People, Ideas & Objects competitive strategy at this point in time is the cognitive dissonance created in the potential user community participant who has read the Preliminary Specification. They know of a different and, I’ll state for marketing purposes, a better way. They can see the logic and integrated nature of how the Preliminary Specification functions. And they also need to function in the day-to-day of the existing environment that is not functioning profitably, which is being gracious, and are forced to use systems that are inadequate. This cognitive dissonance is the motivation that the user community participant will likely use to act when the budget is secured. The motivation being their own sanity. To continue without the hope of the change is too difficult for them to even contemplate. Therefore they may have already made the conscious decision with their families and are making tactical changes to their situation to accommodate the pending change. This is how you develop a user community.

So in terms of time I don’t see a decade passing before the user community is formed and we release commercial software. We’ll discuss tomorrow the “how” aspect of the user communities method of operation. Then we’ll be able to know the time necessary to do this work that has already passed. That is, the work has already been done in the subconscious minds of the people who are the potential user community participants. Now we only have to capture it in textual form.

The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

User Community Developments, Part XXVI

Since we’re on the topic of the user community and service providers we should discuss their role during our software developments. Understanding the reorganization of the industry and producers conducted by the implementation of the Preliminary Specifications decentralized production model. When it comes time for the user community to prepare the processes that are under management by the service providers we are presented with a complete blank slate. The only thing that is settled is that there will be many service providers conducting the accounting and administrative tasks for the industry as a cloud based service. The how, what and why is more detailed than that and is gained as a result of reading the entire Preliminary Specification. The objective here is to prepare the most efficient way to organize the industry and producer in order to obtain the full scope and scale of the opportunities that these configurations provide. Understanding too that this blank slate is the reason that we’re unable to commit to any prescribed, specific process that will be managed by any specific user in a service provider organization at this time. That will be the last task we conduct in terms of who is assigned what process to manage. The criteria we will use to make those determinations will be based on the significance of the contributions made by each user community participant during the software development process.

So let’s look at a task that will be conducted within the industry nonetheless. I want to set out in the beginning of this post that this is only a discussion to stimulate some thought and will not be incumbent upon the user community for them to follow along with these as directions. The Preliminary Specification is a requirement, however it is the larger picture reorganization and reconfiguration of the industry, producers, departments, service industry and other organizations. With major processes defined and how they’ll operate. These are implemented as defined in the Preliminary Specification. The following is just a discussion in this one post around one individuals thoughts.

Let’s assume that the task the user community are developing are the processes needed to be established in order to pay vendors? What we also know is that there will be an approval process that will continue to be required by the producer. There is also a Purchase Order system within the Preliminary Specification. This process is complicated by the removal of the operator designation approving costs on behalf of the Joint Operating Committee. In the future, do the working interest owners approval of the AFE’s budget include the specific program with the vendors named and their winning bids as part of the AFE that is approved by the members of the Joint Operating Committee? Is this how the costs are then subsequently approved for payment for capital projects when submitted by the vendor? And what about operations, how are these costs approved, or are they analyzed for reasonableness and consistency from prior periods? With the mass of data how can Artificial Intelligence, a competitive advantage of the user community, be applied here? Where any exceptions that are identified are highlighted for subsequent review by a specific service provider(s).

How do we organize the process of paying the vendors? What are the needs, expectations and ideas that the service industry representatives have in this process? Will there be service providers who are dedicated to the service industry representatives processes? And as we state in the Preliminary Specification “who are we building systems for?” if not for everyone in society that is affected by the oil and gas industry. Only then can we begin to define the real efficiencies and effectiveness of what we’re doing.

Paying the vendors is not going to be handled by only one service provider. A further specialization within this area is going to be required. Maybe we have many service providers that are involved in the process of coding accounts and paying bills. Are these processes organized based on the specific producers that the service provider will support. Or will the service provider support the vendor with the A named vendors assigned here, the B’s assigned there etc. Or will there be the need for service providers on both sides of the transaction? And what about automation. You can buy an App that scans the receipt of your recent purchase and code it into the accounting system that you use personally. How much automation can be implemented in terms of these entire process and where do the service providers fit in terms of how and what they do to ensure the oil and gas producers achieve the most profitable means of oil and gas operations?

This work by the user community needs to be defined in order to commence software developments. They are therefore our current primary impediment to our release date and hence the reason that People, Ideas & Objects have focused on the development of our user community as our priority over the past five years. They are our customers as they are the ones who do the most critical work in terms of ensuring that producers are producing profitably and the users service provider organizations are constantly iterating and improving the software and service that they provide the industry. There won’t be any software developed prior to the formation of the user community and the development of the necessary level of detail for the developers to begin developments. I am not imputing that our software developers will only begin developing after the user community puts a bright red bow on their work. Developers will have their own initial work loads to do before they interact with the user community and they will have many phases where their output will need to be, let's be kind, amended by the user community. One of the competitive advantages of the user community is quality, they will need to learn how to attain that from our developers.

The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.

Monday, August 27, 2018

User Community Developments, Part XXV

There are two more points to make today, the first is that it seems that we’ve always focused on the process management software that the user community will be involved in designing and using within their service provider organization. I just want to make note to ensure that everyone understands that the producers staff themselves will also have access to the People, Ideas & Objects software for the use of their needs for reports, data and information. Just as the use of a Bloomberg terminal provides the user with all kinds of tools and useful applications to analyze the data that is prepared by others, producers will be accessing the People, Ideas & Objects software in a similar manner. People, Ideas & Objects software will have the data and process management results provided to the producers from the service providers in their reports. However there will also be some roles for the user community and service providers to be involved in providing the software and services to the producers themselves. For example integration. Outside of the process management areas that we’ve consistently discussed. This other aspect of how our software will be used will be highlighted in subsequent posts from now on as well.

The second point to finish off this series is that People, Ideas & Objects sees the user community that we’re developing here as our customers. As a service based operation we are focused on ensuring that our customers provide their oil and gas clients with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Together we will search for ways in which to ensure that the producers attain real profitability and maintain that in each and every year. We owe it to our future to ensure, based on a reasonable accounting, that oil and gas is produced profitably from this point forward. How are we to explain to those of us in the future the reckless and unprofitable production that has occurred in these past four decades. I don’t think we could, it’s selfish and irresponsible to use a resource that’s non-renewable in such regard. We also need to look at the larger societal benefit of the oil and gas industries profitability. Without profitability no one has benefited as a result of the industries activities. No one other than the consumer who has had the capital costs of their consumption provided as a discount due to the bad accounting conducted throughout the industry. Without profits we now see the results of what profitability provides which is a healthy overall impact towards society in general. The oil and gas economy is in desperate condition when you subject it to a critical review. The lack of appropriate commodity prices, for over a decade in natural gas and four years in oil, has destroyed any and all value that was ever built before.

This is the state of affairs the bureaucrats have left things in. Their ability to identify the issue and accept the situation doesn’t exist. Recognition of the problem should be the first point on the journey to its resolution. Instead the bureaucrats will come up with ever more creative excuses of “another cold winter” or “market rebalancing” among many others to justify their “muddle along” and “do nothing” strategy and operating procedure. The investors gave these bureaucrats their chance to rectify the situation during the past four years. The investors strike cut off any further participation in funding the producers demands for capital. It now seems that 2018 is the year that the investors concluded that the situation will not rectify itself and as a result are actively collecting the majority share of cash from the producers for the foreseeable future.

It is therefore back to the producer. It’s in their court to conduct themselves in some manner to convince the world they mean business. We’ll talk more about that in tomorrow’s post but they don’t have much time as the drain on cash is such that these producers will need to be begin downsizing into cannibalizing mode in order to continue. Or shut the doors. That maybe a decision these bureaucrats have already made. After all what do they have to lose. They’ll still be making the big bucks. This outlook stands in direct contrast to what is said by these producers and the press that covers oil and gas. The issue they should maybe address is that generally I’ve been more correct in determining the outcome of the situation then they have.

On the brighter side of life we are not allowing anyone who is interested in the user community to risk any part of their careers or current financial position. The risk associated with joining the user community is very high and until we have our budget funded we will only be accepting applications through our process that is defined here. None of these applications are known by anyone other than myself as there are probable, highly detrimental consequences to anyone who is seen to be affiliated with this project. The bureaucrats are vindictive and they apparently spend a lot of time talking amongst themselves. I guess that’s what you do when you have nothing productive to do.

It is therefore necessary for people to assess the oil and gas industries future for themselves. What will it be like in 5, 10 and 25 years? How will it escape from this rut that it’s in? Is the user community something that appeals to you? These are the questions that should be answered and if you desire to stay in oil and gas, I would suggest a decision would need to be made as to which side of the fence you would prefer to be on.

The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.

Friday, August 24, 2018

User Community Developments, Part XXIV

The process that will be under management by the service providers may be relatively simple in the larger scheme of things. Consider the service provider who will provide lease rental payments and only lease rental payments. There’s not a significant amount of detail in order to complete the process, just that it’s done in a guaranteed way and on a timely basis. The volume of data associated with most service providers will be quite significant and will bring in other areas of the service providers capabilities and competitive advantages. Areas that are incapable of being applied today. Capabilities and competitive advantages such as specialization and the division of labor which alone will provide the service provider with the capability to do more with less. Having the user community member heading up the service provider organization, changes in the process and the software can be made through the user community members access to the Intellectual Property and software development team of People, Ideas & Objects. It is within that small domain of the service providers process where the ability to focus on a constant iteration of continuous improvements can be undertaken. With the cornerstones and competitive advantages we’ve discussed, these can all be applied to provide that one competitive advantage that is missing today, in my opinion, that being the quality of the software and services necessary to ensure we provide the most profitable means of oil and gas operations.

Reading this series on the User Community Developments reflects the importance and difficult nature of the user community members role. They will need to be quite diverse in their skill set and capabilities. The two characteristics that we’ll be looking for which will determine who it is that are awarded the user community positions are their leadership and entrepreneurial skills. When we look at the undertaking of resolving the profitability issue in oil and gas by implementing the Preliminary Specification we are taking on a very difficult task. One that is as difficult as the issues in oil and gas itself. Big issues are not solved easily and this issue is moving the industry towards very difficult times. The benefits of moving to the Preliminary Specification are substantial and worthwhile to make the changes. Critical to these changes functioning in the marketplace are the user community member and their service provider operation. The ability to undertake this change is far easier when we’ve deployed three thousand leaders / entrepreneurs who are endowed with the capabilities and competitive advantages defined in this series. If we tried to do this from a top down approach it’s easy to understand how it would be bogged down in the bureaucracy of a large organization and unable to complete its task in anywhere close to the time frames that are necessary or predictable.

The use of Information Technologies at very high levels is also how we resolve these issues in the short, mid and long terms. Demanding that the user community member bring those skills and capabilities to their organizations. We have talked about the competitive advantages of automation, application of Artificial Intelligence, 5G / the Internet of things and the integration of these technologies in the process that they manage. And then to add just that extra bit of difficulty make them highly innovative in all that they do. Our budget has determined that the standard rate we pay for all of the work done by the user community members interactions with our developers is set at $190 u.s. / hour. We have no influence in the pricing of the service provider offerings. We have however stated unequivocally that they will not be competing on price as the domains of the service providers that will be licensed by People, Ideas & Objects will not overlap and the service provider will never have another service provider appear in the marketplace undercutting the price of that service providers offering. The competitive advantages that are detailed in this User Community Development series are not the kind of competitive advantages that can be prepared and offered if the service provider organizations are also competing on price. In addition, the situation as it is today, in the hands of our competitors, compete based on price and the profitability of the oil and gas industry in the past four decades has been non-existent. If the producers want they can stay with what they have. However if they want to achieve the most profitable means of oil and gas operations they will need to make some changes. It’s not enough to own the oil and gas asset, you’ll also have to have access to the software that makes the oil and gas asset profitable.

Yet at the same time I would think that the overall community of users and the larger group of service providers would be highly competitive in the areas that we’ve detailed as their competitive advantages in this series. Learning from each other the tricks and nuances of how and what are necessary in order to maximize the value of specialization and the division of labor, or iterating on the automation that they see in other service providers processes. These are how our quality offering and value proposition will continue to expand each and every year that People, Ideas & Objects, our user community and service providers are operational in the oil and gas producer marketplace.

The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

User Community Developments, Part XXIII

Members of the user community have full control of the Intellectual Property that makes up the Preliminary Specification, this blog and its derivative works. This being one of the four cornerstones of their offering that enables them to be oriented to the changes that need to be made in the oil and gas industry. How that Intellectual Property is managed has been discussed on this blog before and is included in the user community vision. We will be condensing the discussion of IP down to this one post here in order that it may become clearer in terms of what we’re setting out. When we’re discussing Intellectual Property (IP) with regard to what the user community will be able to control and amend, it includes all of the detailed specifications, the software code that is written to those specifications and the binary that is compiled from that code. In a nutshell, everything and anything that we develop to provide the oil and gas producers with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. It is this IP that the user community member will be able to access and prepare derivative works from.

Discussion of IP can not be made without consideration of the flow of money. The costs of these developments are high and it is expected that maintaining and ensuring our subsequent software development and user community members efforts will continue to demand a large budget. These financial resources will come from the oil and gas producers in one form or another and paid directly into People, Ideas & Objects. The one alternative that we’re looking into, our ICO, will be very costly in the long run if the producers continue to do nothing about the issues they face. Nonetheless we can limit the discussion in this blog post to the fact that it is the Intellectual Property that is what is used to raise the budget from the producers and we will assume for the purposes of this blog post that this is the case. People, Ideas & Objects will be the only organization that will be licensed to generate revenues for the purposes of software development. Included in our costs of software development are the entire budget for the user community. This is as a result of the fact that we in turn pay the user community members the part-time hourly fees that they charge for the time they spend working on this project. The user community members will be provided with a license in order to earn these part-time revenues. It is also that license which will be used to limit the participation in our developments to user community members only. Producers, or others who have their needs met, will engage with the user community members on their own dime, we only pay for the time of the user community members.

It is the process of paying the user community member that I am earning the Intellectual Property rights that are generated by that individual. And all of the individuals in the user community. These rights flow back to me personally through a license granted by me to People, Ideas & Objects. I am the owner of the copyright and Intellectual Property that has been developed in the Preliminary Specification and this blog. In turn the user community members license provides unconstrained access to all of the Intellectual Property that is generated throughout the user community. We have done this in this fashion in order to ensure that certain individuals are not establishing their own IP within these developments which would require that other users have a license and possibly pay fees or royalties to these other users if they used that information. That process would be untenable and quickly become a legal disaster. By People, Ideas & Objects paying the user community member they are being compensated for their time and effort in developing the systems where the focus needs to ensure the producers are provided with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations.

The value in this licensing process is the exclusive right that is granted to each of the individual user community members to establish a service provider operation based on their efforts in the development of the software. There will be 3,000 user community members, any 600 of which will be engaged with our developers at any one specific time and there will be approximately 3,000 processes under management by the software. Users may own one or many interests in service provider organizations. This will also provide the user community member and the service providers staff with an End User License Agreement in which they will have the exclusive right to use the People, Ideas & Objects software for the purposes of resale, with their services, to the oil and gas industry. Although there is an EULA attached to the use of the People, Ideas & Objects software at the service provider organization. It is not contemplated, and we have not budgeted, nor ever expect to budget any of People, Ideas & Objects revenues will be generated as a result of a fee or royalty that is attached to this EULA. These are not contemplated as revenues in our business model. It would be essentially a double charge of the producers. Whereas the service providers are offering software and a service, we are offering software developments and both organization types generate revenues based on our unique and mutually exclusive activities. The collective annual revenues of the service providers may range in the tens of billions of dollars, or equal the amount that is paid to the administrative and accounting resources in all of the companies that are currently operational. Consider that the total G&A recorded for the first half of 2018 by our sample of 23 producers was $4.33 billion. These producers produce 9.5 million boe / day or approximately ⅓ of North American production. And the amount of G&A capitalized is estimated from 0% to 95%. Therefore the value of G&A may range for the North American producers at approximately $55.5 billion. How much of that is accounting and administrative is unknown.

This is how we’ve designed the process of how our software developments are conducted. How the IP is generated, who it belongs to and who can use it. How it is used and by whom and the value that each member of the user community can generate as a result. All with an eye to ensure that the oil and gas producers are provided with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. All the time and everywhere. It is a workable model and one that is demanded as a result of the implementation of the decentralized production model that sees the administrative and accounting resources of the producers reallocated to the service providers.

The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

User Community Developments, Part XXII

People, Ideas & Objects user community is unlike any other user community that I’ve encountered before. To have user based systems at this time is the only method to build quality software. Everyone knows and understands the difference in terms of why the users involvement is critical. Therefore the establishment of our user community, its founding and the manner in which it operates will either enable or constrain the users ability to use the software that they want and need. Our user community has been established with the power and control that they require to ensure that they are the ones that can affect the development of the software they want and need. Establishing the user community in this manner enables them to provide the industry with leadership in terms of the administrative and accounting issues and opportunities on behalf of the oil and gas producers. Undertaking a critical role in the development of the industry over the next 25 years. Possibly the most challenging period in the industries history.

The first cornerstone if you will of our user communities foundation is that they are in control of the Intellectual Property that makes up the Preliminary Specification and its derivative works. Under a license that I provide for the Intellectual Property (IP) that I have developed here and represented in the Preliminary Specification. They will have the full rights to make the changes to that IP as required. The world has changed in the past twenty years. It is an IP driven world and it will be much more so in the future. You will either have developed your own IP, have been granted or earned a license to others IP, or work for someone who has a license themselves. The user community member will fall into the second category having been granted a license upon acceptance into the user community. Once they’re part of the user community they will be able to make the changes and manage the IP under their license as required. It's not enough to own the oil and gas asset anymore, it’s also necessary to have access to the software that makes the oil and gas asset profitable. The user community member will be the one on the front lines of providing the most profitable means of oil and gas operations through their control of this Intellectual Property.

Whether it’s technical, regulatory or user based changes that need to be addressed it will only be the user community member that has the authority, capability and responsibility to make the appropriate changes to the People, Ideas & Objects software systems that will be used in the industry. In the current market environment, if there is a change needed in the software that you use today, who do you call? In People, Ideas & Objects the user community will be the one and only place in which anyone will have their concerns addressed. The second cornerstone of the foundation of the user community is the People, Ideas & Objects software developers only see the user community as the source for their input for their development efforts. Our developers are deaf, dumb and blind to all others. Those from the industry and specifically the producers must deal with the user community in order to have their wants and needs met. Talking to us will not provide them with anything but frustration. Even more so than what they feel today. People, Ideas & Objects are dedicated to the development of oil and gas ERP styled systems and will only see the user community in terms of who they need to deal with.

Under the license provided to the user community member, there will be another provision in which they establish a service provider organization. The service providers are the reorganization of the administrative and accounting resources from the producer firms to these new organizations. Service providers will focus on one process and manage that process on behalf of the entire oil and gas industry. The license will grant them the exclusive right to manage that process. Service providers will not be competing based on price. Once a user community member earns a domain for their service provider organization, then it is their asset. As the principle in the service provider organization, the user community member knows intuitively the issues and opportunities that the process they manage will provide the oil and gas producers. They will have the capacity to act and access to the developers in order to do so. The establishment of the service providers is a key element of how the oil and gas industry obtains their profitability in the decentralized production models price maker strategy. It is also the third cornerstone of the user community that makes it unique. The service providers are significant organizations ranging in size from $2 to $20 million in annual turnover. They are the primary source of revenues for the user community member as the user community has always been considered and budgeted by People, Ideas & Objects as a part time source of revenue.

Our fourth cornerstone is that we are change based software developments. User community members have the service providers as their primary source of revenues and these will be consistent from month to month as a result of the software and services they provide the oil and gas producers. The part time user community revenues we mentioned will be as a result of the work they do to make the changes to the software they’ve developed for the process they manage. People, Ideas & Objects revenues, once the Preliminary Specification is released as commercial software, will depend on the changes being made by the user community to generate the software development revenues that we generate. These are done to ensure that we are oriented to the changes needed in the oil and gas marketplace. If a new business model is necessary, the decentralized production model can be removed and a new model installed to ensure that the oil and gas industry is not constrained for years by their software’s inability to change. Often what we see with ERP system providers is that they are heavily constrained by the code that they develop and the customers that they acquire. As both of these grow the ability to accommodate change becomes progressively more difficult which conversely is not a direct revenue generating activity in those software developers. A situation we will avoid.

These four cornerstones make for a far different user community than has been experienced in oil and gas. It is a permanent fixture and a critical leadership capability to the oil and gas industry and producers. A business opportunity for the approximately 3,000 user community members we estimate will be necessary to provide the quality of service that the oil and gas producers need. Our commitment to user community based developments is I think reflected in how we’ve established this overall framework. And as soon as the Preliminary Specification was published in its final edited version in December 2013, we began development of the user community. We will soon have completed five years towards our development and posted our user community vision and 319 blog posts. I like to think that much of the difficult, time consuming work has been completed. Now just the difficult work remains.

The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

These Are Not the Earnings We're Looking For, Part XXIV

We can be assured that certain principles that have been learned along the way remain in place. The one that I am thinking about is “don’t ask those who created the problem to solve the problem.” Clearly the producers have no problems in which they could resolve. If they can’t see the issue, even assuming they don’t want to address their own skeletons in the closet, can you trust them to put the effort in to make the necessary changes successful? Or will they just fake an implementation failure to further entrench their own method of bureaucratic entitlement for another generation? What’s to say that some political crisis flares the price of oil and natural gas for a period where the justification for the reorganization to ensure profitability wanes long enough for them to justify the cancelation of the project? How do all the King's men and all the King’s horses… when the inevitable overproduction returns and produces the same old results? With the scope and scale of what we’re discussing, with the monetary value that our value proposition provides, this decision to proceed with the development of the Preliminary Specification needs to be made. That of course can be done by funding our budget.

We are offering the oil and gas industry our solution in the form of the Preliminary Specification. Its focus is to provide the most profitable means of oil and gas operations everywhere and always. The question is what if the producers assets can only produce 25% of their deliverability profitably? Do People, Ideas & Objects believe that the producer will shut-in 75% of their production? And the answer is an unequivocal yes. The method that we are using provides the producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations by producing only profitable properties. If this producer does shut-in the other 75% of unprofitable properties their profitability would be the highest that can be attained by their organization with that configuration of assets. Any level of deliverability above the 25% level will only dilute their profitability that those 25% of assets earn with the unprofitable properties operations. With the Preliminary Specifications decentralized production models price maker strategy all of the producers costs become variable based on production. If the property produces then the costs are incurred, including the overheads that are incurred and billed from the service providers. If the property is shut-in then the service providers have no data generated to trigger their work, no work is done and no billing for any of the overhead is charged on any of the shut-in properties.

The benefits of this are simple and straightforward. In addition to maximizing profit by producing only profitable properties. The marginal production is removed from the commodity markets allowing for the commodities prices to find the price necessary to sustain a profitable supply and demand balance. It will be a true market. The reserves of the properties that are shut-in will be saved for a time when they can be produced profitability and those reserves will not have to carry the incremental costs of the cumulative losses that would be incurred if the Preliminary Specification were not implemented in the industry.

As can be seen today the changes that are prescribed in the Preliminary Specification are needed in the marketplace. The damage that has been done by overproduction is comprehensive and I think it is now time to call it complete. The profitability that was reported by producers never really existed and indeed was a myth. Any and all value has eroded out of the industry to the point where there is none anywhere. The investors and bankers are gone. The service industry is well beyond the point where it will have to be purposefully remediated by the oil and gas producers. They have been damaged as much and even more than the producers. People have had their careers in oil and gas terminated, and as far as many of them are concerned, after so many down cycles, that’s a positive. There’s nothing like the sense of betrayal when you’ve educated yourself for the oil and gas industry, worked hard for a decade or more, bought a home and started a family to then find that you have the job security of a high school dropout that works as a common laborer. So yes, tell me all the wonderful things you’ll be doing for me in the future with your financial foundation as it is today. The industry will reap what it has sown. This approach is unacceptable in the 21st century.

Our Revenue Model purposely disconnects us from the bureaucratic control in the industry. Our task is not something that can be done with the hovering bureaucracy. We can not be, and will not be blind sleepwalking agents of whomever will feed us. Our user communities vision details how this is ensured but nothing can be done regarding our progress until the budget that we’ve published is fully funded. That way we will not be held to the whims and wishes of the bureaucrats. And yes, People, Ideas & Objects is expensive and the question from the bureaucrats is why can’t we do this for $5. Which is their commitment, understanding and resolution of the issue. Our fee is high because of the cost of making the necessary changes to industry and the producers. The monetary value provided to the industry through our value proposition is not something that will be made available from any half hearted attempt. And there is of course my take of the fee. I am relying heavily on the value of the Intellectual Property that has been and being developed here. That IP sets the foundation of the user community to drive the producers and industry forward. It precludes anyone from undercutting the value of our user community based solely on price. And lastly it establishes the value that I earn based on the establishment of the value it provides industry.

In September of 2017 and the many months prior to that we had presented industry with not only the Preliminary Specification but also our understanding of what we believed to be the best business opportunity, our argument and our plan. Which was to commence software developments in September of 2017. This was rejected by the bureaucrats and we have not and will not be making any such initiatives or offers again. Whomever is going to fund the Preliminary Specification can be accomodated in a variety of ways. For example the one alternative mode of financing that we’re looking into is our Initial Coin Offering however we are not expecting, and this assumes everything will go well, that we will be able to do so in September of 2019. I wonder how the producers will be doing then? Otherwise, people can tell by People, Ideas & Objects maintenance of the ugliest websites on the Internet, we are a very low cost operation. Therefore we can hold out for many more years of this highly enjoyable situation. I wonder how the producers will be doing then?

The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.