User Community Developments, Part XXVIII
We have three general methods in which to organize the user community. The work will initially be highly collaborative between other users within the community. Then in addition to collaborating within the community it will also be collaborative with our software developers. Users will at times need to be physically in front of our developers to ensure that their needs are met. They will need to be speaking to producers to relate what they’re doing and what the producers needs are. And they will be collaborating amongst themselves all over the continent. Therefore do we establish office space in Houston and designate private offices for each user community participant? Or we could do the open area concept and crowd everyone into a third of the space. The final method that we could use is to have the user community participant do this critical work in distributed teams. In any one of these three methods the use of video conferencing and one to one video communications would be more than adequate for the majority of the work that needs to be done.
I read an interesting article the other day in TechCrunch regarding the use of distributed teams. The key finding was that in order to make up for the lack of face-to-face communications the demand falls to each participant having to use their writing skills to overcome the distance. Therefore reading and writing become the primary means and mode of communication. Alleviating the office politics and increasing the documentary value of the users contributions. What we need to do, as I stated earlier, is capture the ideas that have already formed in people's subconscious, verify it, codify it, collaborate with others to validate its authenticity and merge with the other ideas from other users. Doing this in text is more precise and thoughtful, is easily searched and reviewed. Capturing ideas and who specifically contributed the ideas within conversations in an open office area becomes much less efficient in contrast. To house people in individual offices in order to write these submissions seems contrary to efficiency and redundant when the Internet is at least 24 years of age. Therefore distributed teams is the method that we will be employing throughout the user community on a permanent basis.
In terms of how People, Ideas & Objects will determine the allocation of specific service provider licenses to which member of the user community. The contributions that are made during the development process will be the determining factor. No one is going to go through all the submissions and be able to allocate the appropriate license to the right individual. That would be a superhuman exercise and not possible. It is however well within the scope of what Artificial Intelligence is able to determine. The AI algorithm would review the Final Specification and determine the key attributes of the system. This may involve some help from us humanoids. It would then be able to go back and determine the first mention of these key ideas and the individual who originated it. It would then review the sum of all of the users contributions, compare those with the other users and their areas of specific idea generation. Then apply the known processes under management within the Final Specification and award the licenses for the management of those processes to the highest contributor of each individual process in terms of the ideas and contributions that were made. It sounds easy when I put it like this, however, we will have a budget set aside for the development of this algorithm the moment we are funded. That way by the time we have to apply the AI to the situation it will be tested and the bugs worked out. These AI recommendations would also be subject to the final approval of the user community.
We are capturing the user communities contributions in Google Docs and a Wiki based on Google Sites. We are using Google GSuite for our collaborative environment. It is by far the best in terms of determining who generated what idea when. All that users will have to do to secure their thoughts is to prepare their initial submission in a Google Doc (Word) document and then copy and paste that to the Wiki. The AI algorithm will be able to see the Google Doc was where the original thought came from, who wrote it and at what time. If we used Microsoft Office Word and Excel these applications are still unable to consolidate the contributions of many contributors to a document into one file. Usually someone has to babysit the consolidation to ensure everything is captured and hence losing the originators time stamp and contributions. In this sense Google is light years ahead of Microsoft. People, Ideas & Objects software code itself will be stored in GitLabs and be available for the user community member to review through an Integrated Development Environment (IDE). This will be read only access and will probably remain that way for the foreseeable future. Review of the code is something that will be expected of the user community member as a final verification that what they are expecting is what in fact being conducted.
Establishing the development environment in this manner provides significant value to the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas producer. The desire to get things down quickly will be the motivation of the user community member initially. Providing a base for discussion and collaboration within the community in a short period of time. It will also provide somewhat of a competitive spirit between user community participants that will keep the pace of contributions high. Competitive, yet each user community members license guarantees each user community member will be provided with a service provider organization, after all that is the grand prize in this process. Therefore collaborative, competitive and civil all at the same time. With AI providing the recommendations of which user community member to be assigned to which process the user community member knows that the work that they do, the area that they know the best will lead to their recognition in terms of the allocation of service providers. Enabling them to specialize on a process and work hard to earn it. The last point to make is that user community members may have an interest in one service provider or in many service providers. Their total interest in many service providers not exceeding, or falling below 100%. (For example if the user had an interest in three service providers they may have 40%, 40% and 20% interests.)
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.