These Are Not the Earnings We're Looking For, Part XXI
One could understand the simple process of dramatically increasing commodity prices by just shutting in unprofitable properties. There are four direct benefits of doing so. First is the removal of the marginal production from the commodity marketplace allowing it to find the price necessary to sustain profitable operations. Second the producers profitable operations are no longer diluted by their unprofitable operations which increases their profitability. Third the reserves are saved for a day when they can be produced profitably. And lastly those reserves will not have to carry the cost of prior losses that would need to be recovered in the future. Nothing could be easier to do and healthy for the bottom line of the producers and industry. Allowing them to recognize the hoarded capital costs of past production that have been collected on the producers bloated balance sheets as property, plant and equipment. I’ve been discussing these points on this blog for more than a decade. The final edited version of the Preliminary Specification will be five years old this Christmas. I prepared these on the basis that the producers are configured in a way that by slapping this veneer of simple business logic on their organizations is impossible to do. Shutting in unprofitable properties starts with the first question. Which ones are profitable? And not a sole on earth has any idea as to what the answer is.
The issue comes down to the producers accounting is focused on the corporate reporting of accounting, tax and regulatory requirements of the corporation. Reporting of the properties are done with the partners of course, and that is through the Joint Operating Committee, however some ERP systems don’t even recognize the concept of a partner without substantial workarounds. And today’s overhead is where the issues become unmanageable. Overhead at the properties is based on allowances whereas most of the actual corporate overhead is capitalized and although People, Ideas & Objects believes that total overhead would be around 20% of revenues, no one knows the answer to that question either. Without the ability to have the specific overheads allocated to the specific property, how will you know which property is profitable? Natural gas is far more complex to administer than oil. Properties that are core to the producers strategy will be administered more efficiently than others, but what is the difference in terms of the administrative costs per barrel of oil equivalent? There are too many disparities between properties, products, partners and their capabilities to determine what the overhead that is being incurred at a specific property, therefore the overhead allowances were established throughout North America as the best guess.
Without the Preliminary Specification the changes necessary to bring about profitable oil and gas production will never happen. The need for a production allocation methodology to deal with the overproduction that is systemic and chronic will always be the case. Alternatively the government could tell who should and who shouldn’t produce. The fact of the matter is that People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specifications decentralized production model and price maker strategy are the most fair, equitable and reasonable means of production allocation available. If the property can produce a profit considering all of the costs, based on a reasonable accounting, then it produces. Otherwise we’ll continue as we are and every producer will continue to produce every barrel of oil they possibly can as they’ve always done. To suggest that producers employ our price maker strategy, which is the shutting in of unprofitable production, invokes the shrill response from the bureaucrats that this would be collusion. It’s not collusion to establish the ability to “make prices” when oil and gas commodities reflect the economic characteristics of price makers. Producers would have to be involved in a conspiracy to commit a crime. Using a system of organization that allows them to maximize profits, which is what the Preliminary Specifications decentralized production models price maker strategy does, is not collusion, a crime or a conspiracy. If making fundamental business decisions to produce or not, based on actual, factual accounting data, done in the best interests of the owners of the property is collusion, a crime or conspiracy then every business for all of time would have been sentenced to serious prison time, except for oil and gas producers of course.
Maybe it needs to be said explicitly. Those producers that have destroyed all of the money that was ever given to them. Please hand the keys over to their investors and turn the lights out. One has to wonder if the industry got together, bought these dead weight producers and shut everything in if that wouldn’t be the best investment ever. Next to funding the Preliminary Specification that is. Of course some of these producers, like Pengrowth are doing so on their own. The company exited 2015 with a production profile of 71,459 boe / day and reported a second quarter 2018 exit rate of 22,600 boe / day. It’s either the manifestation of killing off the dead weight or bureaucratic progress, your choice.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.