Doing Nothing is Working Well
Representing that their balance sheets are the real value of the enterprise is a distortion of where we are and how we got here. These bloated asset balances were derived from the chronic overspending in every category of the business. Even overhead such as the receptionists time, phone service and Post-It-Notes are represented in the capital asset balances of the producers “balance sheets.” Usually balance sheets represent the assets of the firm and are derived from shareholder investments, bank loans and the cumulative profitability of the firm. Oil and gas producers have never been profitable because they never accurately recognize the cost of capital in their calculations of earnings. Balance sheets only grow through chronic spending of all types. Therefore we can be assured that no profits will be available to build their balance sheets, and the investors and bankers have been on strike for the better part of three years. So ask them, where will the money come from? Bureaucrats will argue that these are historical accounting arguments that don’t consider the producers oil and gas reserves. To which I say if the oil and gas reserves are unable to be produced profitably, considering all of the costs on the basis of a reasonable and accurate accounting, then they’re truly worthless to anyone and everyone. To face this fact and admit that they’ve been involved in just an activity that has occupied their time these past four decades, just as they were occupied by their activities in daycare, is too much reality for them to process.
What is clearly not evident to the producers is no one is believing a word that they’re saying. The financial statements that they prepare are fairy tales that show profitability and the ever continuing demand for cash in order to produce. Just as all the financial statements have been for the past four decades. Show me a period of 20 months where the business of the oil and gas business performed better than it did in the past 20 months and I would be very surprised. Yet investors were rewarded with nothing, on average, as a result of no upward movement in the price of the stocks during that period. If bureaucrats think my tone has been harsh these past few years, if there is a downturn in the oil prices and further deterioration in the financial health of the business my “harshness” will be comparatively nothing. Walking around with their heads in the clouds mouthing words like building balance sheets in the face of the financial disaster that is the oil and gas industry, with so many vested interests sending them glaring messages of deep concern and demanding that action be taken. If this is the bureaucrats game plan then they’re riding the industry towards its destruction. That is the perception that I’m reading from outside of the industry. This perception has become the reality and has destroyed any faith the investment community had in the industry.
When tens of trillions of dollars have been invested in an industry and the sum total of that investment over the past decade has been a substantial drainage of cash then something has seriously gone wrong. Bureaucrats have managed to destroy the value that was given to them. The sum total of those tens of trillions of dollars that were invested are worthless when these “assets” demand cash to function. Which brings us to the logic behind the “muddle along” strategy and “do nothing” operating producer.” If they’ve messed up this bad the best thing for them to do is to do nothing, fill their pockets with what they can before they’re forced out or leave when things become untenable.
If we take the bureaucrats argument that ours is just historical accounting then I would ask what future do they propose? Where do we go from here, and more importantly, how do we get there? Sketching out their vision of industries capital demands for the globe are in the range of $20 to $40 trillion over the next 25 years excites the spendaholic in everyone in the industry. Then having representatives of the industry showing, as a result of that investment, the decline of societies use of oil and gas tailing off as a result of alternative energy sources in 2050 is highly motivating too. As we stated yesterday no one has made a penny on shale. It appears no one ever will either. Now it’s suggested that investors pony up an additional $20 to $40 trillion to wean society off of oil and gas in the next generation. Exciting. I think the problem might be that they forgot to say please.
There never has been a commitment to profitability in the industry. To be honest I don’t know what the game plan is. Growth through the further building of balance sheets doesn’t inspire me and I would suggest it doesn’t inspire anyone else. If the industry wants to move forward I would suggest that they gain that commitment to profitability. Make it that old time religion. The only way that I’m aware that they’d be able to do that would be for them to fund the development of the Preliminary Specification which provides the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Always and everywhere. That as far as I’m concerned is my recommendation as there is no doubt in my mind that it’s also the least expensive and most credible alternative that the oil and gas industry has to choose from.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.