Your Ticket to Ride
American producers can also look to the fact that their production volumes during this time have, for lack of a better word, exploded. Moving from approximately 8.6 million barrels per day to what is believed to be 11 million barrels per day. A 28% increase in volumes. Give me any business that has experienced these types of increases in not only price but also volume and I’d be sure to be making money by the barrel. The fact is the oil and gas industry has experienced maybe the best period ever in its history. But this is where the wheels fall off the bus. Natural gas prices over the course of the OPEC production sharing agreement were down almost 4% since November 2016. Production volumes in that side of the business also “exploded” during this period from 87.67 bcf to 98.5 bcf in April 2018, an increase of 12.3%. Oil and gas bureaucrats seem to be maintaining their policy of not resuscitating the natural gas side of the business. Therefore any upside profitability, cash flow, working capital, cash balances and for the oil and gas investor, market capitalization would be mostly attributable to the oil side of the business.
Yet that is not what we’re seeing. Certainly the market capitalization of the producers have had a good quarter. However over the period of time when prices doubled and volumes were up 27% on oil and 12.3% on natural gas the average market capitalization of the sample of 23 producers that we follow was up 6.6%! My only question is why keep the bureaucrats around if they’re that expensive? After a resurgence of almost 100% in the price of oil, a 27% increase in oil production and a 12.3% in natural gas volumes investors get essentially nothing? Over the course of 20 months they are provided with 6.6% which is an annual return of 3.96%. About the same as if they put their money in a savings account. What I guess the investors can be assured of is the future will be filled with this magnitude of volumetric and price increases over the same short periods of time for the rest of time that consumers use oil and gas. The bureaucrats guarantee it.
Is there a problem in oil and gas? The effect of the financial crisis was detrimental to all businesses and the natural gas business does not appear to have recovered at all. Oil prices are up 38% since 2009 so it is arguable if that side of the business has recovered. The cash and working capital situation of the industry and the individual producers are abysmal. In our sample of 23 producers which represent all types of North American producers. Cash balances eroded from $31.6 billion as of October 2016 to $24.7 billion in the first quarter of 2018. Working capital was $20.4 billion as of October 2016 and $14.2 billion in the first quarter of 2018. It's been a decade since the instability brought about by the financial crisis was in full force. Every other industry has recovered and is moving forward with the issues from that era behind them. Therefore I think it is reasonable to state unequivocally that the issue that the oil and gas industry is suffering from are not associated with the financial crisis in any way. There must be something that is causing the difficulties that is unidentified in the producer firms that is endemic, chronic and unresolved.
For discussion of that issue, and most importantly the solution that is recommended by People, Ideas & Objects, our user community and service providers, please review our Preliminary Specification which addresses and resolves the issues and opportunities of the oil and gas industry. Issues that have been prevalent since at least 1986 and who’s origins lay in the accounting changes made by the SEC in the late 1970’s. Simply the accounting for capital permits producers to capitalize everything for decades. Never recognizing the costs in a capital intensive industry creates a number of issues. First it causes the over reporting of assets, profits and cash flow attracting investors to the industry. Then over investment in the industry leads to overproduction that collapses the price of the commodities. Creating a situation where no one is making any real money other than the false profits created as a result of not recognizing any of the capital costs of past production. The cash shortfall from these activities are tremendous and tragic, and have traditionally been backfilled by the annual shareholder fleecing, or as the bureaucrats call it, share issuance. Investors are now wise to this situation and have bowed out and cancelled their involvement in these fleecing’s and dilutions, and expect producers to live off their own cash resources. As we see the industries cash shortfall is critical and represents the fact that the investors had in essence been subsidizing the consumers for their energy consumption by financing a discount in the energy price. Even at $74 oil prices producers are not covering their costs. The second point is that oil and gas commodities are subject to the economic principles of price makers. Where small changes in the production volumes will have large impacts on the prices. This has been confirmed by OPEC’s activities in the marketplace these past few years. The chronic unprofitable overproduction by North American producers will continue until such time as these producers adopt some method of production allocation that is reasonable and fair. The Preliminary Specifications decentralized production model’s price maker strategy implements a production allocation methodology based on profitability at each individual property. If the property is capable of producing a profit based on a reasonable, standardized accounting then it produces. Otherwise it is shut-in where the reserves are saved for a time when they can be produced profitably, where those reserves will not have to carry the cost of successive years of unprofitable production, where unprofitable production will no longer dilute profitable production and the commodity markets will find the marginal costs when the unprofitable production is removed from the market. In other words run the oil and gas industry as a business.
Today is just the current point in the never ending cycle of up and down where the producers ramp up activity that will lead to future declines in commodity prices. Oil prices are “good enough” to not do anything about these issues we’ve been discussing here. Issues which will only lead to difficulties down the road. Over and over again. The shale phenomenon is underestimated in terms of its deliverability in both oil and gas in each and every quarter since its beginning. The unconstrained fashion in which the oil and gas producers approach their production profile will ensure that overproduction will continue until such time as the Preliminary Specification’s production allocation methodology is implemented industry wide. The current culture of the industry is that it will always perceive the future oil and gas prices opportunistically. Hope is the key to the future in the oil and gas industry. This is the circus that is the oil and gas industry. The ride has its ups and downs but the bureaucrats ask, isn’t that why you bought a ticket?
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.