What do Bureuacrats do?
The fact of the matter is you can’t buy a half litre of bottled water for the price of a litre of gasoline. Which of these two provide more economic value? If a barrel of oil offsets 5,000 man hours of labor what exists in terms of replacement for this. There is none. Try to lubricate your engine with solar power or use the hydraulic fluid derived from wind energy. Replace the thousands of chemicals that are derived from oil and gas production into the everyday items that we use with hydro or nuclear. There is no replacement for the oil and gas products that are produced. This is a key characteristic of a price maker. Another key characteristic is that small changes in the volumes of supply or demand will have dramatic effects on prices. This has been proven in the oil market over the past two years by OPEC’s production sharing agreement. They have taken a small percentage, probably averaging 2% of all the oil production off of the market during the past two years and as a result the prices have increased in excess of 50%. An attribute that would clearly place oil and gas commodities in the category of price makers.
The continued uncontrolled increases of oil and gas production by producers in North America have displayed two common characteristics in these past four decades. First that none of this production has been truly profitable. This can be stated unequivocally when the assets recorded in property, plant and equipment of the industry are as bloated as they are. These assets represent the unrecognized capital costs of past production, in a capital intensive industry. Secondly the overproduction that has occurred has been as a result of reporting profitability that was not “real” and therefore attracted too much investment leading to the chronic overproduction. This chronic overproduction has been systemic throughout these past four decades and is evident in both oil and gas. For quantitative and qualitative evidence of these facts we need to look only to the natural gas prices that are constrained within the North American region.
People, Ideas & Objects are not proponents of high energy prices. We believe a healthy, profitable industry is critical to the betterment of society. Today’s depressed oil and gas industry provides no one with any value. We owe it to our future to ensure that all oil and gas is produced profitably to ensure that none of this resource is wasted. As we proceed further into the future what we can be assured of is that the oil and gas commodities costs will increase. As the easy oil and gas is produced the more costly, geographically difficult and technically complex our energy supplies will become. Therefore the ability to evaluate the costs of oil and gas and ensure that we are producing only profitable production everywhere and always is a necessity for that healthy and profitable industry that we seek.
This is the message that should be explained to the consumers. That would be considered part of the producers business in my opinion. Running around stating that demand may drop if prices rise or investments in alternative energy will increase are attempts to control the uncontrollable which are not part of the producers business. Profitability needs to be the focus and how to ensure they remain profitable at all times. The industry from a natural gas point of view has been in a desperate situation for over a decade now. The oil side of the business will only continue to perform in the same manner that it has for the past four decades. Without any change, without any discussion from the producers we’re all just sitting here wasting our time. Action is what is needed and I am at a loss to determine what it is that they’re waiting for? Is muddling along so ingrained in the culture that they’re paralyzed to do anything? It’s an inherent part of the Preliminary Specification that the industry must change and that these changes are too dramatic to undertake in the normal course of business. We believe creative destruction will be the mechanism that will bring about the desired changes that are needed in oil and gas. We believe the status quo’s days are numbered.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.