The Right to Criticize
As it stands today cash has to be the most difficult problem for the producers. Since the investors have ceased their annual participation in funding the producers, the cash within the industry has continually eroded. Banks quickly followed the investors and stopped the flow of loans to producers, whereas today they’re actively seeking funds to pay those loans down. The lack of cash is wholly attributable to what we call the subsidy that producers have provided the energy consumer. The subsidy represented in the form of the unrecognized capital costs of past production. At $141 in costs, based on our determination, producers cash flows outwards when their production doesn’t receive even half that price. Investors were used in the past to backfill the cash shortfall and they now see the effect of their investment dollars and have suspended any further participation.
In order to return to a profitable industry the changes in the Preliminary Specification need to be implemented. These include a reorganization of the producer where the administrative and accounting resources are reallocated to service providers who focus on one process and use the entire industry as their client base. This turns the fixed overhead of the producer into the variable overhead of the industry. Variable based on production at the Joint Operating Committee. Where if the property, considering the capital being depleted on a reasonable basis, operating and overhead costs are able to produce a profit it will continue to produce. Otherwise it is shut-in where it will incur a null operation. No profit, but also no loss, all of the costs of the producer are variable under the Preliminary Specification. This allows the producer to move their production profile up and down based on the profitability of their properties. At any point on their production profile they will be profitable as the unprofitable properties will no longer be diluting the profitable properties, their reserves on their shut-in properties are being saved for a time when they can be produced profitably, those reserves are also not having to carry the incremental costs of subsequent losses from unprofitable operations and the commodity markets find the marginal costs when the unprofitable production is removed from the market. North American producers are now the global swing producers and their role is to accommodate the changes in energy demand of the consumers. This demands that the production profile of North American producers be variable and they be profitable at any level of that production profile. The Preliminary Specification provides the means for this.
I mentioned that there needed to be a determination of profitability based on a reasonable accounting. Today the determination of the capital cost of each barrel of oil produced is unreasonable in the 21st century. A time when capital is turned over at a far more rapid rate in other industries. Oil and gas being a capital intensive industry demands that it turn over its capital at a far more rapid pace than today’s producers in order to compete for those investment dollars. Today depletion of a producers capital assets has extended for up to 27 years in some instances. There are quarterly reports that show producers recording negative depletion. From a capital point of view this is inconsistent with a competitive oil and gas industry. People, Ideas & Objects suggest that producers seek to retire their capital within a period no longer than two and one half years. In order to do this however it will require that the decentralized production models price maker strategy enable the producer to produce only profitable production. Which will bring the commodity prices in line with the actual costs of oil and gas exploration and production.
The primary effect of this change will be the amount of property, plant and equipment that is stored on producers balance sheets. An amount that we believe to be approximately $1.6 trillion would be cycled into cash for further reinvestment, payment of bank loans and the issuance of dividends. This is the source of cash that the producers desire and quite desperately need. The added benefit of this process is that their investors are not diluted any further by subsequent share issuances.
The current policy of allocating the properties capital costs equally to each barrel of oil or gas that is booked as a reserve assumes that the costs of those reserves will be consistent. That, I believe is inconsistent with the reality of the situation. The phenomenon of flush production needs to be considered and the actions of the producer once flush production has been achieved. Either the property will be left with a much lower production profile demanding that the capital be returned over centuries and not decades, which is an unreasonable expectation in the 21st century capital markets. Or, that there will be no further capital expenditures to rehabilitate the property to maintain the higher production profile. Accounting is concerned with performance based on the cost associated with the business. This also has to be taken into consideration in the competitive environment and capital markets that the firm operates in. Extending the recognition of capital costs beyond 2.5 years is unreasonable and is an attempt for the accounting to emulate the valuation of the firm. This is contrary to the purpose of accounting and this misperception has led to the disastrous difficulties the industry is in today. These include the chronic, systemic and lavish overstatement of assets, earnings and cash flow over the past four decades and the implications of those overstatements. Leading to a cultural belief that this is the way it is done.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.