Our 12th Module, Part XIX
It is with this mindset that PriceWaterhouse is now offering software and services based on the blockchain that will aid in their audit processes of their client firms. Entirely consistent with People, Ideas & Objects thinking of what is required in terms of the Compliance & Governance module of the Preliminary Specification and the needs of the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas producer. It would be a simple decision to specify PwC’s software within the Preliminary Specifications Blockchain module. I would however make one suggestion that I think is important to People, Ideas & Objects. Our budget of $114 million was to be distributed to all of the participants in the public accounting industry. Having them pool their resources in order that all of the oil and gas producers that they represent are included in their work with us and our user community. I would also prefer to see all of the public accounting firms pool their blockchain software and services into one offering. There are too many conflicts when one firm chooses KPMG to conduct the audit of a firm that has implemented PwC’s Blockchain Validation Solution.
The reason that I see this pooling of these accounting firms resources as necessary is that the future is different. PwC rightly is approaching all industries and all companies with this blockchain software. Attempting to create a substantial competitive advantage for their firm. Which is not incorrect and should be commended. However they are also locking in those clients to their other services in order to get the full meal deal and the best of breed solution. If the blockchain software was pooled with the other accounting firms then their clients shareholders would be free to select any audit firm they want.
We had in the late 1990’s a difficulty with the audit firms owning the ERP software that were being used by the producers in the industry. It wasn’t working and the divestments of those assets came about. I think the reasoning for those divestments is stronger today than it ever has been. Conversely the type of software and service that PwC is offering in its Blockchain Validation Solution is an extension of their statutory requirements to the producer firms. This could be argued is the future of the public accounting firm and there is no way that I can see that we can put the genie back in the bottle now that the idea has been presented. Therefore the pooling of the public accounting firms in order to offer a generic solution in the audit capabilities of blockchain technologies is in my opinion a necessity. The software and services associated with these products are in there infancy and will develop to include more and more of the compliance frameworks. Creating a demand for the product to grow in terms of its function and process capabilities to the point where it becomes, I would suggest, too large for one of the large audit firms to undertake and manage on their own. Secondly it would be too much of a burden for the producer firms and firms in other industries to carry the costs of up to ten of these same software development initiatives being undertaken by public accounting firms.
People, Ideas & Objects have developed our pooling concept in a number of ways for the oil and gas industry. First in the sense that all of the producers are pooling their IT budgets into one ERP system development. Avoiding the demands of each producer developing the inhouse capabilities to build and support an ERP system that does not present them with any competitive advantage whatsoever. By pooling the producers budgets we are able to save substantial sums for each individual producer and focus on the needed developments of the industry with the larger aggregated budget to do so. The pooling of the earth science and engineering resources in the Joint Operating Committee is also provided as the solution to the expansion of the division of labor and specialization of those professions. An expansion that would soon move the scope and scale of those producers capabilities, and key competitive advantages, outside of what a commercial operations budget can sustain. And will provide a means in which to deal with the prospective shortfall in those technical resources as a result of the pending retirements and lack of new intakes.
By pooling the public accounting firms resources on one software solution they will be able to access the budget that will be necessary to build the kind of solution that this will eventually come to be. An ominous and comprehensive solution for the audit profession. To avoid lock-in, which is something that I would suggest is necessary. If an accounting firm used their blockchain and auditing software to lead their sales effort and lock-in their services then that would be contrary to everyone's best interest. However if they were able to share in the revenues of the blockchain and audit software and compete based on the quality of the audit services that they’re able to provide above and beyond their competitors, then that would be the best solution for everyone concerned. The choice for the shareholders will then be based on the best auditors available for the job and not the firms software that they implemented a decade ago.
People, Ideas & Objects Blockchain module is provided as a significant enhancement to the other eleven modules of the Preliminary Specification. Including this technology eases much of our needs to resolve some of the difficult technical questions we raise as a result of the complexity of our solutions. That is where I see the technology being most valuable to the oil and gas businesses and will continue to update and develop the Blockchain module, as with all of the modules in the Preliminary Specification, as the situations arise.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.