Our 12th Module, Part VII
The key area that producers will suffer is that their perception is in their belief that these developments are a one way street. That the users absorb what it is the producers want and deliver that to them. That was the theory in 1989. Today the producers need to keep on top of the changes that are being made in the software and how those developments impact their organization. Implementation of the software will have to be done with significant consideration to its impact by the producer firm. Changes will need to have been made during our development and most definitely during implementation. To sit out the first round of software developments with the user community may preclude the producers organization from ever benefiting from the software. As the ability for a producer to assimilate the first round of changes alone while iterations are being made upon those in the second round of developments may render the producer unable to keep up with the industries new standard of profitable organizational performance.
People, Ideas & Objects use the cloud implementation of Oracle to host the software that will be derivative of the Preliminary Specification. In Oracle's Database version 12 we adopted their new feature called MultiTenant. Although each “tenant” or producer in our case have a unique database instance, that is its data is separate and distinct from all other instances (producers) data. Each instance of the database is using the same database for its functionality. From a software development and deployment point of view this significantly reduces our costs and difficulties in deploying the Preliminary Specification as conceived. Each producer will have their own, for all intents and purposes, database and applications that are distinct and unique onto each and every other producer. In prior databases, and in other vendors currently, the need for cloud implementations of those databases to be either separate containers each or we would have had to use a producer ID in order to identify the data belonged to one producer in a pooled database of all of the other producers in the industry. Either of these last two options would have been either wholly unacceptable or costly from a licensing and support point of view.
When we look at the decentralized nature of the blockchain we see a further separation of the data and information of the producer from each of the other producers in the industry. Although we are unaware of the implementation within Oracle technologies at this time, please review the IDC whitepaper, the addition of decentralized ledger technology that is the blockchain will have the effect of enhancing this MultiTenant effect of the Oracle database. It is difficult, in my opinion, to justify the use of hardware and software for ERP purposes within the producer firm itself. The decentralized nature of the blockchain can be achieved through the cloud implementation just as easily. The feature that we want to maintain by using the cloud is the overall feature of the Security & Access Control of “the right people having the right access to the right information with the right authority at the right time and at the right place.” For these purposes the “right place” is the cloud and whatever the location may be of the user. It is my understanding that there is a feature of blockchain that is called Blockchain Access Control. It consists of public / private key encryption technology enabling access to the blockchains individual blocks. Eliminating the use of passwords and providing the level of security and overall access control that not only the producers data and information needs but also for that of the Joint Operating Committee.
Resource Marketplace
“A marketplace to support contracting from A to Z.” Pretty simple really. The issue that People, Ideas & Objects takes to the manner in which the industry is operated is that producers appear unaware and uncaring that they are the benefactors of being a primary industry. They feel the secondary industries that they rely upon to complete the work they need done are “greedy and lazy” and are leeches off of their revenue stream. It is simplistic to view the world from this perspective when you collect 100% of the cash from oil and gas commodity sales. It is however difficult to understand that those revenues were not earned 100% by the efforts of just the producers. Cutting the service industries “costs” during times of difficulties, extending the time in which accounts payable are paid to 6 and 18 months are easy to do when everyone does it. And everyone does it when no one is paying attention to the fact that overproduction of oil and gas commodities are chronic and systemic, yet unaddressed by an uncaring bureaucracy. The Resource Marketplace changes this. It also identifies the source of the innovations that the producers are first to claim as theirs in the press are really those of individuals who have worked hard for decades in the service industry. Who have had their Intellectual Property disrespected by the producers and who’ve been generally ignored until the producers so badly need the innovation from the service provider they finally begin to approach the situation responsibly.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.