Financial, Operational, Political, Part II
Organizational methods do begin to fail. Creative destruction is one of the key enablers to our advanced way of life. As the old organizational methodologies cease to build value, new business models have rushed in to replace them. Hierarchies have had a very substantial run. From the 1920’s, or even earlier, they were able to organize and conduct large operations of substantial scope and scale. Today for a variety of reasons these no longer function to provide the value that is necessary to support our way of life. What has happened in oil and gas is we’ve travelled a long distance beyond the point in time in which we’ve collectively built value. Through accounting shenanigans bureaucrats have been able to hold on to their perch without too much difficulty. While other industries have been disintermediated by the Internet and Information Technologies, oil and gas has appeared to be immune. In reality what has happened is that the financial foundation of the industry has eroded to the point where none of the value that was built up before has been maintained. Through chronic unreported losses producers financial foundations have become incapable of carrying themselves in the future. The collective value of the industry is worthless as it generates nothing of value and requires substantial financial support just to operate. This support now comes from the fact that the industry is a capital intensive industry. The investors money that was invested over the past decades is being returned by the business in the form of cash flow. These cash flows are being diverted to keep the bureaucrats happy and the doors open. The time for change was decades ago.
As a result of the financial deterioration the next element of creative destruction has come into play. The operational capabilities and capacities are clearly disintegrating as we speak. Certainly the production profile of North America is increasing in both oil and gas production. That can be attributed more to the power of shale than to the effectiveness of the industries operations. Take the 50 bcf / day of today’s U.S. shale production away from the 80 bcf / day of today’s U.S. natural gas production and ask yourself where would we be without shale? Abuse of the service industry, pipeline companies, and all those other businesses that are part of the secondary industries that survive based on the work they do for the producers is epic.
The services that the producers have depended on for all these decades is in decline. The collective wisdom of the service industry, the people who work in that industry and those that used to work in the industry is, “who cares.” Why break your brain or back in the hope that oil and gas will possibly have one of the good years as they’ve had 5 of the last 32. There are other industries of interest with real opportunities. The boom / bust cycle is something that should have been worked out of oil and gas many decades ago. Yet, bureaucrats hold it out as a feature of their business model. People don’t invest in their education and careers to find at forty years of age they have the seniority of a construction laborer with a high school diploma. They’ve seen that scenario play out too many times in their family and friends to concern themselves with anything but getting out of the industry. “If the industry can’t manage itself then I’m outta here.”
The long term consequences of the producers “muddle along” strategy and “do nothing” operating procedure have brought us to this point. Producers load themselves up with all the value of oil and gas reserves and oil and gas revenues. These fuels the bureaucrats existence in a way they just can’t believe they’re so intelligent. As long as they build value in the reserves and build revenues that is all that they need to concern themselves with. Well we see the end result of this thinking. Financially the industry is a disaster. Operationally it isn’t that bad at the moment. The Permian is having difficulties as are other areas. These are limiting the upside of the production profile. Soon they’ll begin to affect more and more of the industry. As we mentioned yesterday the Permian is having difficulties sourcing water, sand, trucks, truck drivers etc. “What I really want to do is go into the water business in the Permian. Invest a bunch of money from some naive investors and wait until 2020 to get paid for the hard work of the water hauling I did today. So that producers can sit on their big fat reserves of oil or gas and their big fat oil and gas revenues. I can always buy balony for $1.50 a lbs and sleep in the truck until I get paid. Such is the good life today in the oil and gas service industry.”
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.