User Community Developments, Part X
The key concept is the transition from the high throughput production model that is in use today. To the decentralized production model that is used by the Preliminary Specification. In the high throughput production model producers seek to produce as much oil or gas as possible in order to offset the overheads that are incurred. With the decentralized production model the objective is; from Professor Richard Langlois.
In a world of decentralized production, most costs are variable costs; so, when variations or interruptions in product flow interfere with output, costs decline more or less in line with revenues. But when high-throughput production is accomplished by means of high-fixed-cost machinery and organization, variations and interruptions leave significant overheads uncovered. p.58
The nature and abundance of shale eliminates the concern for the scarcity of the commodities. In the past any production that was brought on was welcomed by the marketplace with immediate demand. In today’s market inventories swell and prices collapse quickly as a result of the ability to bring on high deliverability shale based reservoirs. These shale basins are well known and are able to be explored with little to no geological effort in comparison to the past. Everyone knows where the shale is and not much effort is being made to determine what new basins are available. Shale is also expensive. Although producers in the Permian state they can produce for as little as $12 / barrel this is after an allocation of the drilling and completion costs across the massive shale reserves they’ve exposed. Costs to drill and complete are orders of magnitude higher than conventional drilling and completion costs. These new shale based realities need to be dealt with. Investors can’t be waiting for decades to have their investments perform and commodity markets are quickly overwhelmed by the smallest volumes of overproduction. These issues demand a different business model than what has been used in the era of energy scarcity also known as the high throughput production model.
The Preliminary Specification is the result of what and how the industry and producers need to operate when we adopt the Joint Operating Committee as the key organizational construct of the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas producer. It is our belief that in the 1960’s when computers were introduced to the oil and gas industry. The first question is what could be done with them. In accounting and administration the uses became obvious with the development of software for corporate accounting, tax, royalty and compliance needs. Over the past decades this has led to what I believe to be a cultural perspective of the oil and gas producers corporate model that exists today. Some systems in use today are unaware of the Joint Operating Committees existence and role within the operations of the producer firm and the partnership it represents. By adopting the Joint Operating Committee we are moving to the culture of the industry and accommodating that unique need.
Therefore each partnership or Joint Operating Committee will replace the reporting emphasis from the corporate to the Joint Operating Committee. Each property will have actual, detailed and full financial statements provided with the corporation being a consolidation of those operations interests. The Information Technologies used will bring the partners in the Joint Operating Committee much closer together and enable faster decisions and management processes through the Preliminary Specification. These render the use of the concept of “operator” to be redundant. With each producer having an interest in 100’s of Joint Operating Committees for a small producer to tens of thousands for an intermediate this becomes logistically difficult if not for the People, Ideas & Objects Information Technologies.
Accounting and administration in oil and gas is generic, regulated to a large extent and hopefully not a key competitive advantage for any producer. Each producer is challenged with their constant need to develop administrative and accounting capabilities that are unshareable with other producers. These generic processes as structured today are unshared and unshareable with each producer building the same capabilities within their own organizations as their partners, neighbours and the rest of the industry. Unshareable overhead processes are costing each producer their profitability. The Preliminary Specification seeks to change the dynamic of overhead in the producer firm from this static fixed overhead cost to a variable industry cost, through implementation of the user communities service provider organizations providing the unique process management on behalf of their clients, the oil and gas producers. Enabling these producers to determine the profitability of a property with the detailed overhead that is charged by each of the service providers for their process management to each individual Joint Operating Committee. Then if a property becomes unprofitable they can shut-in that property and generate a null operation, no profit, but also no loss. No overhead costs of the service providers would be incurred on the shut-in property through the Preliminary Specification. The producer could then invest their time, energy and money to return the property to profitable production through their earth science and engineering capabilities and innovations.
It is through these changes the producer is able to produce only profitable production at any level of their production profile. Unprofitable properties will no longer dilute profitable properties. Maximizing the producers profitability. The excess unprofitable production will be removed from the commodity markets ensuring that these find their marginal cost. The reserves will be saved for a time when they can be produced profitably and those reserves will not have to carry the incremental cost of additional yearly losses to be recovered with the capital costs. These benefits are facilitated by the user community and their service provider organizations. We are not executing change for the sake of change but to deal with the issues of today, the opportunities that shale reservoirs bring and the business and culture of the oil and gas business. These can only be achieved through the implementation of the service providers.
Although it is radical surgery to implement the Preliminary Specification, the user community and service providers. It is needed for these reasons. Oil and gas is facing an existential threat to its financial health. Oil prices may be higher today, but not high enough to cover the costs. Overproduction as a result of shale is the reality that needs to be dealt with. Natural gas prices are woefully inadequate and no one even talks about that side of the business anymore. The producers have fundamentally destroyed the natural gas business. Oil is different in that it has not been destroyed, yet. Given time however it will certainly follow the natural gas business. It is through these business changes, the difficulties the industry and producers face and the opportunities that are presented to them that the user community and service providers are enabled.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.