These Are Not the Earnings We're Looking For, Part IX
The first priority of the oil and gas bureaucrat and the first thing for them to utter anywhere is their efforts to reduce their costs. Cost reduction is the holy grail of accountability and responsibility. This in an industry whose costs fit conveniently and profitably under a 1970 oil price of $1.72. A period in which the general economy has experienced 640% inflation, yet the price of oil is 3250% higher. And remember it’s People, Ideas & Objects claim that the producers have also been taking these annual shareholder proceeds as compensation for the discount that they’ve continued to provide the energy consumer in the form of lower oil and gas prices. At 3250% the current oil prices are understated in our opinion. We’ve calculated they need to be $135.67 / barrel which would be 7887% inflation. It has been much easier to provide the consumers discount at shareholder expense than to run a truly profitable operation. In an environment where costs are escalating rapidly it is a necessity for the producer to recognize their capital costs quickly. It is on the basis of the failure of their cost control that these bureaucrats should be summarily fired for incompetence. There I got that out of my system, we can finish the rest of this post. My other point would be that any attempt to control costs in an industry where the costs of oil and gas exploration and production will be higher as a result of the never ending increase in effort necessary to bring the commodities to market, is futile is it not? In an increasing cost environment it should be a concern to these producers that these ever increasing costs are recovered quickly and profitably. Pushing the recognition of your costs out beyond a decade would be a deception in an environment of rapidly escalating costs. Bureaucrats would be looking to inflation to reflect their performance over time as opposed to earning real profits.
Today producers have lost the point. Concerned that they don’t get more expensive than solar or wind energy. Concerned that the public will get angry if they are perceived to be raising prices to cover the costs of oil and gas production and exploration. They are stricken with brief attention spans that fluctuate with the daily changes in direction of the price of oil and gas. Change is too difficult for them to undertake, its unwanted as it conflicts directly with the bureaucrats best interests and as far as their concerned, not needed now. The ability of the existing producers to execute the necessary changes has now proven to be impossible. Oil and gas producers are not competitive, they’re stale, chronically overproducing into the marketplace. We’ve noted that only 5 of the last 32 years have been “good years” for the oil and gas industry. Bureaucrats have enjoyed 32 “great years.” For everyone else it hasn’t been so prosperous during any of that time. Come to think of it things weren’t that much better before 1986 either. When will the industry begin to be managed as a viable going concern?
This reporting season will be the same as it has been for 32 years. “Prices are low, oh whoa is me and please send cash.” It could be different however. People, Ideas & Objects enables producers to capture their capital costs quickly and profitably. Providing them with the capital to fund their capital expenditures, reduce their debt and issue dividends to investors. By only producing profitable production and recognizing all of their costs within a reasonable time frame producers would maintain a mature, yet profitable industry for the long term. One that investors, service industry representatives and the people who have invested their careers in oil and gas would be able to prosper in everywhere and always. Where these people who work in oil and gas would not have to be subject to the same kind of seniority that a common laborer out of high school experiences. There will be losers however. The Preliminary Specification disintermediates the bureaucracy, eliminating them from the scene, which is why they’ve chosen to run the industry into the ground instead.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.