These Are Not the Earnings We're Looking For, Part VII
Now that we’re seeing the “harvesting” of the investment that was made in oil and gas being undertaken by the shareholders and bankers. For all of the screaming and yelling I’ve done about this issue, with respect to the existing producers, it’s probably a moot point now. What they do in recording their performance is irrelevant to the shareholders and bankers, and nothing is going to change their minds in terms of their strategy of “harvesting” their oil and gas investment. Once these types of decisions have been made they’re not revisited or reversed. Therefore it’s time to turn towards the future and start building the new oil and gas industry.
In terms of the establishment of the new oil and gas industry, based on the new producer firms there is much to do. In reading the Preliminary Specification we find that there are two business models in the way these new producers generate revenues and deal with their costs. We have discussed the decentralized production model here many times and will only note that this is the manner in which the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas producers ensure that only profitable production is produced. The second business model deals with generating revenues from two of the four competitive advantages of an oil and gas producer, those being the earth science and engineering capabilities. The producers other competitive advantages are its land and asset base.
In terms of the earth science and engineering capabilities of the producer, these become revenue generating activities within this new industry we’re creating. First recall that overhead of the administrative and accounting resources won’t exist within the new producers because these resources have been reallocated to the service providers who are charging for their services directly to each individual Joint Operating Committee. Any overhead of this type will be as a result of profitable oil and gas production and charged to the Joint Operating Committee. The revenues from the earth science and engineering capabilities are generated as a result of the time of these resources being charged directly to the Joint Operating Committee as well. Whether that is a property that the producer has an ownership interest in, or is conducted on a consulting basis to other producers who are in need of the specific competitive offering of the producers earth science and engineering capabilities.
With the potential shortage of earth science and engineering resources in the future. The industry needs a method in which to deal with how they’ll be able to profitably expand the throughput of the industry. With the retirements and the lack of new graduates this may become a protracted issue for many decades. To expand the deliverability of the industry we can rely on an expanded division of labor and specialization both in terms of the professions and the activities of the producer firms. Expanding the division of labor and specialization of geology and engineering are never ending demands due to the complexity of the science basis of oil and gas. The difficulty here is that the ability and capability of each producer to cover off the full scope and scale of these professions diverse offerings will ensure the new oil and gas producers remain unprofitable attempting to support an ever expanding specialized resource. Therefore specialization within each producer firm will be necessary with a pooling of capabilities of the producers involved in the Joint Operating Committee becoming a necessity. Those Joint Operating Committees that are not fully represented by its ownership producers capabilities will need to invite other producers with the requisite specialization into the Joint Operating Committee on a consulting basis to ensure full coverage of what is required. Note that the concept of operatorship has never been a part of the Preliminary Specification.
It is the understanding and expectation that the charging of the geological and engineering resources of the producer firms directly to the Joint Operating Committees is the other business model of the producer. The charging to the Joint Operating Committee will be generating the revenues necessary to support the specialization and capability as if it were a stand alone enterprise. It is within the modules of the Preliminary Specification that this business model is included with the Work Order system capturing and invoicing the time of these resources to the Joint Operating Committee.
The ownership understanding and development of these producers specialization needs to be a deliberate act when these new producers are formed. We believe the specializations will be such that the building of the firm around specific capabilities in terms of facilities and resources will have to be done. Formation of these organizations are the beginnings of the new oil and gas industry.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.