These Are Not the Earnings We're Looking For, Part III
Earnings of our 23 producer firms stand at $15.25 billion for the year. An increase of $7.85 billion over the $7.4 billion that was earned up to the third quarter. Or have they? Oil prices were certainly the highest they’ve been for years and producers were claiming to be profitable at as little as $12 / barrel. Is this what was expected from an investment of $460 billion? If we take a more reasonable allocation of capital from property, plant and equipment, what would the earnings have been? People, Ideas & Objects suggest that the industry needs to retire these excessive balances of previously unrecognized capital costs from past production on a timely 30 month schedule. If producers were to do that then losses would be ridiculous and not representative of a commercial industry. Which has been what we’ve asserted on many occasions. As fast as the $460 billion in property, plant and equipment was depleted, and that is only for the 23 producers in our sample, additional capital would be spent that would replace at least $153 billion in the property, plant and equipment account. Would this balance be a more representative balance for our sample producers to reflect their property, plant and equipment assets? The point here is that no matter what producers do, these excessive balances that have been built up over the past decades will be their legacy.
Assuming, once again, that the industry was a viable going concern with commercial operations and the producers were generating adequate revenue to cover all of their costs. These incremental charges for depletion would be reflected in higher working capital of approximately the same amount of the increased depletion being recorded. If we look at the working capital of our sample producers at the end of 2017 it’s $648 million less than what it was at the end of 2016. The cash crisis continues as a result of the shareholders and bankers lack of participation in the continued farce that is the oil and gas industry.
I guess we can mark down the fact that the producers were able to generate some luck once again when it came to generating their financial statements. Although they report $15.25 billion in earnings, which is an improvement over the third quarter, it has been a disaster these past three months. The luck they seemed to have earned comes in the form of President Donald Trump’s tax cuts that generated $9.7 billion of those $15.25 billion in earnings. Therefore in the fourth quarter our sample producers actually lost $2.3 billion and for the 2017 year our sample producers only produced $5.5 billion in earnings. The bureaucrats would believe that this is a good performance that entitles them to continue for as long as they want. I don’t believe they have the time. And I think others have lost their patience too.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.