The Era of Abundance
One does not have to look very far to find substantial oil and gas reserves these days. Having a TCF of gas or more was the domain of the large integrated producers in the prior era of scarcity. Now it's common to see many TCF and a billion barrels of oil booked by producers that were startups a few decades ago. This is the real value of the producer. Valuing the reserves at the current price is what that producer is worth. Whether they paid this amount or that for the reserves, and if they have that value listed on the balance sheet is totally irrelevant. Accounting has nothing to do with the value of the firm. Accounting has everything to do with the management's performance of the money that the producer received from investors and bankers. Attempting to match the producers accounting to the valuation of the reserves is a foolish game that has presented the oil and gas producer with bloated balance sheets that now reflect they’ve never performed. They have always overstated their assets and overstated their profits by not recognizing the costs of capital in a capital intensive industry. Now they’re living with the consequences of doing this for the past four decades and they’re unable to make the issue disappear overnight. The capital costs of past production have to be accounted for in order to recognize the misstatements that they were profitable operations in the past. That will take a substantial amount of time and reflect that the bureaucrats were not as handsome as they originally appeared. Investors and bankers have caught on to the bureaucrats game and it would be foolish to think that they’ll forget it now.
The second issue producers have to deal with is that every other producer, other than themselves, are racing to put all of their reserves onto the commodity markets today. The chronic overproduction has been on the basis of a profitability that never materialized because it never recognized the capital costs of that production. These two issues create an interesting dilemma. Any attempt to curtail their production to increase the commodity price to the level necessary to earn a profit only allows the producer to lose when the industry has no production discipline. Everyone knows they can increase the price if everyone has production discipline, it's just not going to happen at my firm, the bureaucrat will say. The aggravating factor is the amount of reserves that exist now as a result of the shale boom and other technologies. The oil reserves are noted here.
Another recent development is that the U.S. is now estimated to hold more oil reserves than any other nation. Estimates in 2016 by Rystad Energy indicate the U.S. tops Saudi Arabia and Russia. More than half of U.S. oil is in unconventional shales, which rely on fracking to produce. Although the cost to produce such oil can be higher than conventional wells, when the economics are right it will be tapped. Rystad Energy also estimated that total global recoverable oil reserves were about 2.1 trillion barrels, about 70 times the current production rate and far in excess of cumulative production up to 2015 of 1.3 trillion barrels.
The situation with natural gas reserves is even much more difficult.
The U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates that as of January 1, 2015, there were about 2,355 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of technically recoverable resources of dry natural gas in the United States. At the rate of U.S. dry natural gas consumption in 2015 of about 27.3 Tcf per year, the United States has enough natural gas to last about 86 years. The actual number of years will depend on the amount of natural gas consumed each year, natural gas imports and exports, and additions to natural gas reserves.
Technically recoverable reserves consist of proved reserves and unproved resources. Proved reserves of crude oil and natural gas are the estimated volumes expected to be produced, with reasonable certainty, under existing economic and operating conditions. Unproved resources of crude oil and natural gas are additional volumes estimated to be technically recoverable without consideration of economics or operating conditions, based on the application of current technology.
Having production discipline in an era of such abundance requires the current mismanagement to be replaced with the appropriate business model and organization of the producer and industry. We propose the Preliminary Specification which provides for the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Ensuring that all production produced everywhere in North America is always profitable. However, before that it would be appropriate for the bureaucrats to compensate themselves for the days 10% increase in natural gas prices. Based on these reserves, it may be a long time before they get another chance to compensate themselves for their inaction. They better make their take as good as they can.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.