The Party is Just Getting Started!
That is certainly one probable outcome of the current situation. I give it a 50/50 chance as to what the future holds. The other scenario is that a continuation of the overproduction and oversupply is established by the current producers. It would be regrettable to go down the path of lower commodity prices once again, however, I think that is what the bureaucrats current business model guarantees. Production of everything, everywhere and all the time will continue as always. There are allegedly 7,600 ducks that need to be completed. This may take some time to complete however, investments in horsepower at the fracing companies is frantic. Does anyone remember how this movie ends?
I am suggesting that this may be the last hurrah for the oil price for the foreseeable future. When natural gas prices collapsed there were a number of rallies that were precipitated by the belief in the oncoming cold winter. Eventually the story became lame and tiring and no one was listening to the natural gas producers anymore. What happened then, in my opinion, was a capitulation of that market by all concerned. Instead of trading at its long term historical 6 to 1 in comparison to oil, natural gas now trades at 19.96 to 1 to oil. A commodity market that has been fundamentally destroyed by overproduction and oversupply. Initially only in North America, however, now globally. Which is where we maybe heading in the oil market. Back when the natural gas prices did collapse “the real deal was the oil market,” didn’t everyone know. I wonder where the real deal is today? In January 2014 natural gas prices did spike to over $6.00 for a very brief period before collapsing once again into the high $1.00 range.
What parallels can we draw from the natural gas market that might be applicable to the oil market today? I think we’ll soon find out. What the Saudi’s strategy is in terms of their production portfolio is unknown and probably unknowable. The IPO of Saudi Aramco is a once in lifetime chance for them to realize some substantial cash inflow to the kingdom. Propping that up with higher oil prices seems logical to me and may be the motivation behind the current production sharing agreement within OPEC and Russia. That IPO is scheduled for some time in 2018. Was the Saudi strategy previous to that to eliminate the high cost shale production that precipitated the decline in oil prices? There are people who suggest that once the IPO is completed the Saudi’s, as the lowest cost producer, will once again resume that strategy and produce at their maximum deliverable to ensure they achieve some value from their resource. In a market where the highest cost producer continues to overproduce that is the only strategy available to them. Continuing to cede market share to the highest cost shale producers is the most illogical business strategy being employed on the planet. If the Saudi’s just focus on delivering product to their customers, the high cost producers will eventually blow themselves up.
Therefore the behaviors of the North American producers, the history of these producers in the natural gas side of the business and its commodity markets, and whatever strategy the Saudis are employing make the oil and gas industry a difficult sell. Alternatively if the bureaucrats are having all of their Christmas’ arrive at once and the price upswing continues and is permanent. Then the party will begin in earnest and should truly never stop. I personally don’t believe that there has ever been a better time for People, Ideas & Objects, our user community and the service providers. No one anywhere believes the bureaucrats have this under control. No one believes they’re making any money. No one believes the prices won’t revisit their lows, and to eliminate that belief may take many years of very high prices to prove otherwise. People, Ideas & Objects have convinced the market that we have the solution to low oil and gas prices. And now we have the added feature that if prices do go up, the only upside is for the bureaucrats who have always taken all of the money for themselves and done absolutely nothing for it. That is, they’ve done nothing for the oil and gas business.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.