Energy Independence in North America
The Preliminary Specification reorganizes the producer and industry to accommodate variable production volumes. This is done so that producers can ensure that they only ever produce from profitable properties. Unprofitable properties are shut-in until such time as innovations can be found to reduce costs, increase production or enhance the reserves. This is enabled through our decentralized production model and its price maker strategy. Which seeks to match costs more accurately with the revenues that are generated. Under the Preliminary Specification any shut-in properties will incur a null operation, no profit but also no loss. This is done as all of the costs of the producers are converted into variable costs based on production.
This conversion of all of the producers costs into variable costs is through the reorganization of the producer and industry. By moving the administrative and accounting resources of the producers to individual service providers that are focused and specialized on one individual process. Where each service provider has the entire industry as their client base. Then processing of their administrative or accounting process is completed and the associated overhead fees of the service provider are charged directly to the Joint Operating Committee. If there is no production for the month then nothing will be processed for that property through our task and transfer network and the service provider will not be conducting any work or charging the Joint Operating Committee any of the fees for their service. This has moved the burden of cost control in the area of administration and accounting from the producer firm to the service providers themselves. In which they will be able to budget and plan on an annual basis for the contingency that they may have upwards of 15% of their revenues decline due to the volume of industry wide shut-in production.
Establishing all of the industries production on the basis of earning a profit will substantially enhance the profitability of each producer. No longer will they be diluted by the unprofitable properties that continue to be produced in today’s current environment. The reserves that would otherwise have been produced unprofitably can therefore be saved for a time when they can be produced profitably. Reducing the cost of the remaining reserves by not adding each year's incremental losses to the costs of the reserves. Forcing the property to recover the chronic losses in subsequent years. And most importantly, the commodity markets will be able to find the marginal cost of those commodities and enhance the profitability of the industry through higher commodity prices.
By establishing the industry on the basis of profitable operations oil and gas can be managed as a mature industry. The belief that growth in the industry is the objective may have been an appropriate posture in the 1940’s. Today it is time that the industry began to perform from a financial perspective. It has used the investors money in the past four decades to subsidize the consumers of energy. The amount of the consumer subsidy being equal to the outsized property, plant and equipment accounts that the bureaucrats cherish so much. These account balances are nothing more than the unrecognized capital costs associated with past production. These capital balances should have been repeatedly turned over to generate the cash to operate the business. Instead the investment remains dormant for up to 27 years in property, plant and equipment while the producers continually issue new stock offerings to spend and build their capital asset balances ever higher. Oil and gas hasn’t been a business, it’s an engineering and geological science experiment.
Once the Preliminary Specification has established the industry on a profitable footing then the deliverability can be increased profitably in order to attain the objective of energy independence in North America. Producers today are just waiting for the investors to return. The Investors that went on strike when they finally learned what their role in the industry was. Just as soon as producers can begin issuing more stock the quicker energy independence will be achieved. That investors maybe on the hook for many trillions of further investment, which would glow radioactive in the property, plant and equipment accounts for the next few decades, has to be encouraging. After oil and gas experienced an existential threat over the last decade. And the only actions of the bureaucrats during this time appears to have been a recent “striking up of the band” for another round of the same. What investor doesn’t want to be part of that energy independence in North America shindig!
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.