Overhead in a Nutshell
In a world of decentralized production, most costs are variable costs; so, when variations or interruptions in product flow interfere with output, costs decline more or less in line with revenues. But when high-throughput production is accomplished by means of high-fixed-cost machinery and organization, variations and interruptions leave significant overheads uncovered. p.58
People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specifications replacement of the high throughput production model with the decentralized production model provides many benefits. The benefits that are gained in terms of overhead of the producer and industry are substantial. We are moving from the fixed producer based administrative and accounting capability to an industry based administrative and accounting capability that is variable, based on production. This is done through the implementation of service providers who replace the administrative and accounting resources of the producer firms themselves. And reallocate the work across the service providers based on individual processes using the entire industry as the service providers client base. Then when the producer shut-in’s unprofitable production, administrative and accounting overhead costs are not incurred, billed or charged to that specific Joint Operating Committee and the property incurs a null operation, no profit, but also no loss. All of that properties costs are variable based on production. Enabling the producer to enhance their profits by not diluting their profitable properties by producing their unprofitable properties.
Another advantage is that the use of the service providers standardizes the processes across the industry. Making these resources shared and shareable. Today each producer is having to replicate the administrative and accounting capabilities necessary to operate within the oil and gas industry. These are redundant silos that are unshared and unshareable between producers. Each producer is competing to build these capabilities that replicate the same capabilities found in each and every producer. These redundant overhead costs are one of the reasons that the industry is not profitable. The high throughput model is employed where full production is necessary to offset these high overheads. Some may argue that overhead is not high in oil and gas, however, that is not the case. It is very high at the current prices. Most of the overhead is capitalized and is therefore transparent to the average investor.
There has been no innovation that I am aware of in the administration and accounting in oil and gas since the time that I started working in 1977. The Preliminary Specifications changes to the methodology of administrative and accounting in the industry is revolutionary. Using the Joint Operating Committee as the key organizational construct of the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas producer which changes everything. Moving away from the corporate models primary concern of accounting, tax and regulation and in turn focusing on the property. Structuring the industry to enable the detailed accounting of each property so that determination of the actual profitability can be made. Preparing financial statements for each property with the direct overhead charges incurred by the service providers.
Lastly we will be providing a standardization of the accounting and administrative processes across the industry. The service providers will be using a number of tools to enhance their competitive advantages and continue to deliver quality and affordable services to their producer clients. These tools include specialization and the division of labor. Each service provider will be focused on one process and will be able to enhance it through their innovativeness and the software development capabilities of People, Ideas & Objects.
Many would argue that overhead in oil and gas is not the issue. I would beg to differ and the difference between the high throughput production and decentralized production models will enable enhanced profitability in oil and gas. The innovations brought about just in the overhead area from People, Ideas & Objects of variability, shared and shareability, division of labor and specialization and standardization are the beginning of what can be done through our development process. Setting a new vision of what and how the industry can be operated over the next 25 years. What is the alternative vision that is being presented by the status quo? What are they suggesting will be the case in 25 years? It really is a shame when these ideas are proposed to solve critical industry issues and the response from the industry is to violently oppose these changes that are capable of saving them from their ultimate demise.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.