That Vision Thing
We’ll begin in the next quarter to redefine the vision of what the oil and gas industry will be. What Information Technologies will be used and how they’ll be used to deal with the issue and opportunities that will exist in the next 25 years. What will happen if we leave things to chance? What will happen if we choose to do nothing? Will the future turn out as we expect or hoped it too? Are we here just for the ride or is someone actually driving the bus? I think leaving things to chance from this point forward is too dangerous and leaves society in jeopardy and at risk unnecessarily. I believe we need to take control of the situation within the oil and gas industry and ensure that it provides us with our needs and that Information Technology fulfills its promise. Two things that are being left to chance in the current bureaucratic administration.
Leaving the producers to cobble together their ERP system from the disparate offerings of the software vendor marketplace isn’t working. Producers are having to spend their budgets on putting these systems together in a coherent manner to have them operational in their organizations. Stitching them together with their own software code to deal with the gaps. None of these skills or activities are shared or shareable between producers leading to further industry overhead costs. It is this extensive scope and scale of a producer's operation that People, Ideas & Objects are accused of being unable to undertake on behalf of the industry. Yet producers are able to do so with their comparatively limited budgets. It is these standard, generic administrative, accounting and Information Technology processes that are consuming the producers profits in today’s industry. Using People, Ideas & Objects, our user community and service providers makes all of these tasks shared and shareable, reducing the overall industry overhead burden.
It is also what makes us able to approach the bigger picture and solve the issues of the day. In today’s instance the price maker strategy is able to resolve the low commodity prices by ensuring that only profitable production is produced. In today’s hodgepodge of ERP vendors these larger issues are lost and are unresolvable. Who can you go to today to ensure that only profitable production is produced? With People, Ideas & Objects producers will know which properties are truly profitable and will be motivated to shut-in unprofitable properties in order to enhance their overall profitability. Losses will no longer dilute their profitable properties with our price maker strategy. And what will tomorrow’s issues be. How will they be resolved? With the defined software development capability that is being developed by People, Ideas & Objects, our user community and the service providers the industry will have the permanent software development capability to make the changes to the software enabling the industry to deal with those future issues and opportunities. That is the vision that we’re delivering to the oil and gas industry. We expect that new producers will be developed to take the producing assets away from the existing, non performing, financially constrained producers. It will be these new producers that will prosper with the use of our software and the opportunities that will be forthcoming from the demise of the existing producers.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.