Permission Rights, Part III
The culture of the oil and gas industry is as if it were a utility. The assumption is that you will be granted a return on anything that you spend. That you have to compete in a competitive marketplace is an unknown factor that the producers don’t seem to understand. It's not that “market rebalancing” is what they believe, it's what they are, everything that they do, the culture, the strategy etc is dependent on every producer producing everything always. The accounting is not detailed enough at the property level to determine which property is profitable. All the evidence that is needed to show that producers will not act on September 25, 2017 to make the changes to the Preliminary Specification, to turn oil and gas into a commercial, competitive environment are on display today. There are trillions of dollars being wasted each and every year. Not just in terms of the extrinsic value that is lost. But also the investors money that was taken over the past decades. Taking money from investors and then never accounting for it has past as an era. Now producers have to account for that money and none of them wants to do that. Selling commodities for ⅓ of their costs is a good plan in which to eliminate all of the players within the industry.
If we look at the current state of affairs and compare and contrast that with the work that needs to be done by this industry in the next 25 years. What conclusions do we come to. Are these producers the ones that are going to be able to carry us through this time period in the state that they’re in? When evaluating any producer I feel it necessary to take three quarters of their property, plant and equipment account and restate it as depletion. That way the producer is reflecting the real state of their operation, capturing their unrecognized costs in one lump sum. In almost all cases the complete equity of the producer is eliminated. Their cash and working capital continues to erode quarter after quarter. They have no support from bankers or investors. Their cash flow may be positive however they need to fund their capital expenditures, dividends and debt repayments from that, and it's not enough. With all of this happening the only thing that they’ve done is they’ve doubled down by pushing their depletion schedules out as far as they possibly can in order to remain “profitable.” Claiming this as an innovation that has reduced their costs!
The Preliminary Specification changes these producers into dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas companies. One where only profitable production is produced, ever. Why are we producing any oil or gas unprofitably? The bureaucrats don’t care. And that will never change without the development of the Preliminary Specification in the marketplace. I’ve always said that I’d be the last to know and the most surprised if they did fund our first years development by September 25. I don’t think I’ll be surprised however. This path that People, Ideas & Objects are taking after our deadline is being discussed now so that the oil and gas producers understand what’s in their future and can make an informed decision regarding our deadline. And yes, we’re stripping the value out of the oil and gas industry that no one cares about, because it's there and we can.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.